• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 fo me just had the starter motor delivered so hubby is having a cuppa and then off to fit t on the car apparently its not a big job and the old one is already out so fingers crossed this time that hopefully the last issue
not so good at 7.9 this morning, starting back on the Empagliflozin
hi @Jodee, sorry to read you've not been not doing so good
when you say they’ve put you back on Empagliflozin, I just wondered have you been on it before ?

I wasn’t aware of this type of medication until it was introduced to me as a substitute for another med (something I used to inject called Trulicity)
was was taking that until it became no longer available (due to supply shortages)

anyway your post caught my eye as obviously you refer to it, only today I’ve had a long and detailed chat today with my GP regarding my meds including said Empagliflozin
whilst I fully appreciate we are all different and will react differently to all meds,
hope it does the trick and helps you
GoodMorning 4.0 today from me
sorry to read you didn’t sleep well either @MikeyBikey very different reasons for not sleeping to mine

Spoke to both my GP and a DSN in depth yesterday (so kind of feel privileged)
then half the night didn’t sleep
OK I’ve got something to help me sleep (on prescription but don’t like taking them every night)

last night thinking things so many things through,
once my brain got going (even though my body wanted to sleep) my brain was going into overdrive - all the things I didn’t mention,
will see the outcome in a few days regarding CGM
and see if the second request for funded CGM comes off (following both her and my GP speaking) so fingers crossed.

anyway regarding my meds on Empagliflozin Ive had my dose reduced
and also agreed to reduce insulin again
DSN even spoke about a actual appointment being available (like face to face in person) with Diabetic Consultant at the General.

TC everyone
10.7. I was 8.7 When I briefly opened eyes at 5.56am.

Have a good day.
Good morning all. 6.4 at 6am.

Feeling starving today, that’s a good sign. Legs feel not so jelly/lead like. Just ate beige food yesterday, crackers, toast, crisps. Hope this is the turning point.

It’s a very important day today, firstly it’s our youngest’s 32nd birthday. Usually we’d be going out for a meal, coming here for tea, or just popping round for cake, but not this year, we’re all keeping out of each other’s way until we’re all rid of this damn bug. Mr Eggy will pop round and post her card through the door, she’s already had her present. He might knock on the window, yesterday was a terrible day for her and her husband, they could barely move without being sick. Luckily her in-laws collected the girls and they’ve stayed overnight too, daughter said there was absolutely no way they could have looked after them as they felt so ill. I don’t know how she is today as I’m letting her have a sleep in before I message her. Hope there’s at least some improvement.

Secondly, our 11 year old granddaughter starts secondary school today. I hope she’s feeling better! 🙄 I’ve sent her a WhatsApp wishing her well but their WiFi is terrible, they live in the middle of no where, so not heard back. She’s really looking forward to it, hopefully all is well. When she walks to the top of the lonning to catch the school bus she’ll have a signal so I may get my answer then.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. It’s very autumnal here, I like it.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6 fine
Pulse 53 normal for me

Keyboard practice is going well thankfully.

Today more, lots more practice, one walk, rest (are you serious?)


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning! 5.4 for me this morning. Had a naughty late night snack including 3 dark chocolate TimTams (I was only going to have one but forgot that they aren't individually wrapped...) but surprisingly it didn't push my BG up that much and then it settled again into pretty much a straight line
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I ate better yesterday and was rewarded with an 8.7 today. Going to go out with the running group this evening, probably be more walking but getting out is the important bit. Gone back to celebrating the small wins to lift my low mood. Anyway only 3 days of work before holidays, so count down is on. Only 2 days for hubby as his rota day off is tomorrow.

Also have a granddaughter starting secondary school today, she is nervous as she didn’t get into the school of her choice, although she is familiar with the school as her older sister went to it.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS, and congratulations to anyone I have missed in the last few days.
Good morning, 6.5 today.
Poor sleep, don't know why!
The positive is... I was formally discharged by the Cardiology nurse yesterday! 5 years in the waiting... :thankyou::star:
Not sunk in yet...
Woke just after 6 and after 15 minutes decided I wasn't going to drop off again, so I got up and tested while the kettle boiled - 5.6 this morning. Bit on the cool side when I went down to Morrisons but we have lots of blue sky and sunshine. Lull before the storm, though - we're in for a soaking tonight, yellow weather warning and all that.

Pool was still in school-holidays-busy mode yesterday but I managed to complete my 20 lengths, though not as comfortably as usual. One swimmer was ploughing up and down in the slow lane and overtaking everyone, so he should have been in the medium or fast lane. When a Lifeguard came and had a word I heard the swimmer complain that people weren't using the lanes properly. Yeah, like you mate?

Glad you're feeling better @eggyg - reminds me of when my wife and I and our youngest got hit with norovirus a few years back. I was rushing to the bathroom so frequently that I decided to stay there, lying down on a bath towel on the floor.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
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Also have a granddaughter starting secondary school today,
I believe our granddaughters share a birthday Lorraine. 22nd October.
I’m sure she’ll be fine once she’s there. My granddaughter is going from a very small village school ( about 40 pupils) to one of the largest secondary schools in Cumbria! 1400 pupils! My girls did the same thing and they all settled in well as did eldest grandson. She’s really excited, I think they start getting a bit bored in a small school towards the end. I’ll still be on pins until she gets home tonight! We never stop worrying about them do we?
Rather high for me today. I don't weather it went down overnight once I did correction I found myself finger pricking for a bit as I haven't managed to get more dexcom 1+ sensors to go with the receiver I was given. I do I'm going to have to finger prick until that can be sorted out. If only hadn't managed to do flush the normal dexcom one reciver down the toilet a couple of weeks ago.

Anyway it's 3 years ago today I was rushed into hospital and this all started