• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Woke just after 6 and after 15 minutes decided I wasn't going to drop off again, so I got up and tested while the kettle boiled - 5.6 this morning. Bit on the cool side when I went down to Morrisons but we have lots of blue sky and sunshine. Lull before the storm, though - we're in for a soaking tonight, yellow weather warning and all that.

Pool was still in school-holidays-busy mode yesterday but I managed to complete my 20 lengths, though not as comfortably as usual. One swimmer was ploughing up and down in the slow lane and overtaking everyone, so he should have been in the medium or fast lane. When a Lifeguard came and had a word I heard him complain that people weren't using the lanes properly. Yeah, like you mate?

Glad you're feeling better @eggyg - reminds me of when my wife and I and our youngest got hit with norovirus a few years back. I was rushing to the bathroom so frequently that I decided to stay there, lying down on a bath towel on the floor.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
I’m convinced we’ve had norovirus, as well as the S&D I had a terrible headache and I was aching all over, still am in my rib area. I still feel a bit washed out.
A 6.2 for me today. 🙂

That is exactly what I wish to avoid!
What about no turn mattresses? John Lewis do quite a few in their own branded range that are quite light.
6.2 this morning

Gym done already.
Housework to do. And ironing.
Maybe theatre today (tickets booked but dunno if I really fancy them - one play afternoon and a ballet this evening).

Hope everyone ill or blue is feeling better as the day goes on.
6.6 this morning, I do think that Empagniflozin works really well in bringing down the glucose levels, 2nd dose today.

Hope you are feeling better soon @eggyg
Good morning. 5.00 No idea where that lovely score came from although I did put in some hard exercise yesterday. Cut 3ft off the path side hedge...just need to tidy it up today. It is a lot lighter in the study as a result.

Mixed sky of blue and cloud, forecast sun and showers. Just right for pottering with secateurs.

Have a good day all.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.6 for me today.

It was a nice sunny morning when I woke but it has now turned overcast with just a hint of sunshine so I better get out on the bike before it rains.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
I believe our granddaughters share a birthday Lorraine. 22nd October.
I’m sure she’ll be fine once she’s there. My granddaughter is going from a very small village school ( about 40 pupils) to one of the largest secondary schools in Cumbria! 1400 pupils! My girls did the same thing and they all settled in well as did eldest grandson. She’s really excited, I think they start getting a bit bored in a small school towards the end. I’ll still be on pins until she gets home tonight! We never stop worrying about them do we?
Yes, they are. We are granddaughter twins.
morning to all of you hope you all had a nice holiday I'm back now went to India and and didnt have a second time to look on my phone and to post (was a lot of fun )
so today was a nice 4.6
hope you nall have a good day 😉😉
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Haematology consultant eventually rang at 16:30. Good news is I still don't need any chemo for my manky bone marrow but I'm a bit anaemic so being referred for that.

Band looks like it's found a new rehearsal space. More expensive than the old place but it has heating, natural light, 24/7 access and a ceiling.

Have a good day everyone.
I've been looking into CGMs as a way of getting into remission (currently diet and exercise only and HbA1c of 53). Can anyone let me know how they have found the FreeStyle Libre? And do you have any tips? And where to purchase if not eligible on prescription?
I've been looking into CGMs as a way of getting into remission (currently diet and exercise only and HbA1c of 53). Can anyone let me know how they have found the FreeStyle Libre? And do you have any tips? And where to purchase if not eligible on prescription?
There’s been a lot of discussion, on various threads on the forum, about the pros and cons of Libre v Dexcom. Have a look at this one for starters.You may be able to get a free trial .
(sorry, I only seem to be able to link to the last post on that thread.
There’s been a lot of discussion, on various threads on the forum, about the pros and cons of Libre v Dexcom. Have a look at this one for starters.You may be able to get a free trial .
Thanks, this is really helpful! I'll have a look around at the other threads 🙂
Afternoon all - looks like a nice day.

6.3 at 8 am. 7.6 when I finally woke again at 11:30.

Yesterday the pain was so bad in my lower right back that Julian took me to A&E in case I had broken or cracked my pelvic bone when I fell down the stairs. Had an Xray and there are no breaks, but a lot of deep tissue damage according to the Doctor. I was given Co-codamol and went home after 3 hours. The pills are huge and stick in my throat. Also make me very woozy and sleepy. Went to bed at 10:30 after a very late dinner and woke at 8am when the alarm went off.

The alarm was set because Julian has been up all night with toothache and wanted to ring the dentist as soon as they opened. He got an appointment and the long and short of it is that a nerve in a back tooth is dying, so he has an appointment tomorrow for a root canal. I couldn't stay awake, so after more co-codamol fell asleep again. At least they take the pain away, but I need to find something that doesn't make me so woozy as I have to get ready for our hols on Sunday. Fingers crossed we will both be in a fit state to go!

Congratulations to @harbottle on your HS.

Have a good day all!
last night thinking things so many things through,
once my brain got going (even though my body wanted to sleep) my brain was going into overdrive - all the things I didn’t mention,
will see the outcome in a few days regarding CGM
and see if the second request for funded CGM comes off (following both her and my GP speaking) so fingers crossed.

anyway regarding my meds on Empagliflozin Ive had my dose reduced
and also agreed to reduce insulin again
DSN even spoke about a actual appointment being available (like face to face in person) with Diabetic Consultant at the General.
Have a think about going onto a proper basal/bolus regime before you see the Diabetic Consultant. Mixed insulin is a difficult regime to manage (I was put on it when I was first diagnosed). It's so much easier to manage as you can vary your doses according to current BG and what you intend to eat. It could mean you could drop the other meds and also it would make you more eligible for a CGM.
Afternoon all - looks like a nice day.

6.3 at 8 am. 7.6 when I finally woke again at 11:30.

Yesterday the pain was so bad in my lower right back that Julian took me to A&E in case I had broken or cracked my pelvic bone when I fell down the stairs. Had an Xray and there are no breaks, but a lot of deep tissue damage according to the Doctor. I was given Co-codamol and went home after 3 hours. The pills are huge and stick in my throat. Also make me very woozy and sleepy. Went to bed at 10:30 after a very late dinner and woke at 8am when the alarm went off.

The alarm was set because Julian has been up all night with toothache and wanted to ring the dentist as soon as they opened. He got an appointment and the long and short of it is that a nerve in a back tooth is dying, so he has an appointment tomorrow for a root canal. I couldn't stay awake, so after more co-codamol fell asleep again. At least they take the pain away, but I need to find something that doesn't make me so woozy as I have to get ready for our hols on Sunday. Fingers crossed we will both be in a fit state to go!

Congratulations to @harbottle on your HS.

Have a good day all!
Oh no Patti. When I fell backwards onto a stone ledge a few years ago I went to A&E ( blue lighted no less) the paramedics thought I’d broken my pelvis. I had an X Ray and they said I hadn’t. How they could see anything for the huge haematona caused by extensive soft tissue damaged I’ll never know. I’m not convinced I didn’t break anything but there’s nothing they can do about a broken pelvis anyways. But five years later it still gives me jip. They gave me codeine too, it does make you very woozy. My daughter got married just three weeks later and I was like a zombie all day, not really the day I wanted. Try icing and heating or a TENS machine, I hope it doesn’t spoil your holiday too much. Big hugs. Xx
Thank you @eggyg. Your fall sounds horrendous. I wanted the Xray because in 2006 tripped on a long skirt, fell down a wooden spiral staircase and fractured a vertebra (also split my head open on a beam on the way down) and it was not Xrayed until years later and is still giving me jip and also has caused my back to hunch.

I hope you feel better from your current ailment soon.
Thank you @eggyg. Your fall sounds horrendous. I wanted the Xray because in 2006 tripped on a long skirt, fell down a wooden spiral staircase and fractured a vertebra (also split my head open on a beam on the way down) and it was not Xrayed until years later and is still giving me jip and also has caused my back to hunch.

I hope you feel better from your current ailment soon.
I’m feeling great now thanks. Pushed myself to get dressed, put a bit laundry away, had a wander up the garden and did some harvesting. It’s amazing what a bit of fresh air does for you. And true to form I’m cooking up a storm! I’ve made a huge pot of ratatouille to use up my glut of courgettes. Then later I’m making spicy vegetable rice to go with grilled salmon fillets for tea. And to think just 48 hours ago I really thought I’d never eat again never mind cook anything!