• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 7.1 here. Need to get a move on and shift the car out on to the road, once I’ve moved the wheelybins, which have just been emptied and arranged artistically over the end of the drive. We are expecting the man who comes to cut our hedges, and his mate, and his shredder, AND the plumber, shortly, and I need to make sure our car isn’t hemmed in at the wrong end of our long but narrow drive, as I need to go out in it later.
Morning all. 7.4

Sorry was AWOL yesterday, I was, still am a bit, so ill. Zara wasn’t well on Friday and ended up being sick through the night. We had to change her and the bed and everything else. She’d perked up a bit on Saturday but didn’t eat much. She went home mid afternoon along with the others. I woke at 5 am yesterday with terrible stomach cramps, you can guess the rest. I spent all day in bed. I have never felt so ill, except after my two major ops. I was aching all over and just felt rotten and slept on and off all day. My legs felt like lead but also like jelly! I feel better today, still not 100% and I’m going to try and eat something. I feel quite weak and wobbly though. The other girls who stayed too, started with it yesterday too, they are back at school tomorrow, one of them is starting secondary school! Then message this morning from Zara’s mummy, she and her hubby have it now and Zara has been sick again! Oh dear. So far Mr Eggy seems ok, fingers crossed. We had a few things happening this week which have now been cancelled, except the car is in for a service and her MOT today, but that’s just drop off and pick up. I t wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Mr Eggy has made me a cuppa and a slice of toast, I’m going in. Hope it stays down.

Have a good day.
Good morning no hypos last night and woke to a HS
congrats to @Barrowman & @Eternal422 on the HS yesterday

I messaged my surgery yesterday, having had those lows Sunday night / yesterday morning
plus I’ve recently had some messages regarding my history of when I was first confirmed as Diabetic and with what Hba1c i was at that time, I requested this as I’m trying to better understand a few things, however what they have supplied is totally inaccurate - so need to see where that is coming from ? (Without moaning to much I think)

Anyway GP is going to call me at some point today (hope I will be available when he calls)
so we can talk about a few things, including my medication which I’m sure needs changing, plus the refusal by ICB to fund CGM (ok I’m T2 but have been on insulin twice daily for about 15 years) so some people are saying I should qualify, I take a mixed insulin but something is telling me maybe they should change that, we will see how it goes.

Yesterday’s Eye Appointment @DMO clinic went well
Ok a further treatment was needed, but Im happy and consider it went well
a further injection into my right eve of vabysmo (that is the 10th injection of vabysmo) to that eye
I’ve had 4 in my left after which the swelling is virtually gone 😉
the constant was happy and showed me in detail the scans, TBH they look like a scan of the moon and I don’t understand really how to read them :confused:
the good news is the swelling in my right eye is considerably smaller than my last treatment which was 6 weeks ago,
Regarding my eyes, as man6 of you know I just didn’t take care or properly manage my levels
and obviously as we all know Retinopathy is real and we need to ensure we have regular check ups
for me prior to them injecting my eyes with vabysmo, for about 5 years they were using lucentis then eyelea but now vabysmo.

I really didn’t used to take propper care I know, but I’m ok and thankful of the treatment I’ve received.
anyway looking forward to hearing from GP at some point today

TC & have a terrific Tuesday everybody


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7.2 today, got out with the running group yesterday first time in about 4 months, more walking was done than running, but I had been making excuses not to go. Visit to mums today and of course work.
well done for getting out for the run
4.9 currently, was 6.4 when I first woke so have missed the Magic number somewhere :rofl: will compare to fingerprick in a few minutes when I have had shower. Looks like it did gently go down overnight then started rising again just after 5, before I woke for the first time (didn't check BG that time, just my temperature)
A 5.9 for me today. 🙂

Morning everyone
And it’s a 5.6 for me this morning, looks like it’s been raining overnight.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Morning all. 7.4

Sorry was AWOL yesterday, I was, still am a bit, so ill. Zara wasn’t well on Friday and ended up being sick through the night. We had to change her and the bed and everything else. She’d perked up a bit on Saturday but didn’t eat much. She went home mid afternoon along with the others. I woke at 5 am yesterday with terrible stomach cramps, you can guess the rest. I spent all day in bed. I have never felt so ill, except after my two major ops. I was aching all over and just felt rotten and slept on and off all day. My legs felt like lead but also like jelly! I feel better today, still not 100% and I’m going to try and eat something. I feel quite weak and wobbly though. The other girls who stayed too, started with it yesterday too, they are back at school tomorrow, one of them is starting secondary school! Then message this morning from Zara’s mummy, she and her hubby have it now and Zara has been sick again! Oh dear. So far Mr Eggy seems ok, fingers crossed. We had a few things happening this week which have now been cancelled, except the car is in for a service and her MOT today, but that’s just drop off and pick up. I t wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Mr Eggy has made me a cuppa and a slice of toast, I’m going in. Hope it stays down.

Have a good day.
I hope you feel better soon.
5.7 for me on a rather damp Berkshire morning, although it has started to brighten up. Back in the pool today after our week in Cornwall so looking forward to that. Other than that it's a bit of grocery shopping and a crack at some of the post-holiday ironing.

Congratulations @Eternal422 and @Barrowman on your HSs yesterday.

Whatever your plans, have a great day.
Another 5.2 today ! I expect normal service will be resumed shortly, but nice to get a couple of HS in a row!


My call with my DSN went well yesterday. She said that although they are treating me as T1 there isn’t anything in my notes to actually state that diagnosis. She reiterated that with the amount of insulin I need it is obvious I am not producing any insulin and don’t have high insulin resistance, so it is T1. To make everything totally official in case of future inclusion on a pump or HCL she is referring me to the consultant for an appointment. She said that the GAD antibody tests wouldn’t be any good now, some 15 years after initial presentation of symptoms and diagnosis, also c-peptide wouldn’t reveal anything they don’t already know, I.e. I’m not producing any insulin. However the consultant could officially record a diagnosis of T1 in my medical record which could be useful in future.

Wouldn’t it be good if the human body could give a fault code if scanned that clearly gave details of any problems?

On a positive note she said that as my TIR was 84%, I am at very low risk of any complications - phew! That’s a relief and also encourages me to continue keeping in control as much as I can.

@eggyg - hope you get better soon!

@goodybags - congratulations on your HS today and thank you for sharing about your eyes and the importance of taking care of yourself. So pleased that you are ok now!

Take care everyone!
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

New SSD cloned and installed without any problems yesterday. Now I can install the new software I want.

Today's excitement will be waiting for a call from the haematology consultant this afternoon.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! 4'9 for me.

Full day of work with Creative Writing in the middle. I'll try to squeeze a small trip to Tesco as well, so I can take one thing off my list for tomorrow.

I'm trying to be creative in other ways too so yesterday, after having it in mind for a while, I bought myself a pack of colouring pencils. Is the right time, I think, with the "back to school" season. Shopping for her inner child, who? 😉
Morning all on a glorious day.

6.7 first thing.

Despite the attentions of the Chiropractor I am still very sore. He said the bruising goes very deep. It's painful to raise my left arm and my back protests every time I rise from a seated position. Still, it will improve day by day no doubt! Could have been worse.

Not sure what I am doing today. Not a lot... maybe start sorting clothes for holiday.

Congratulations to @Eternal422 and @goodybags on your HSs.

@eggyg really hope you feel much better very soon.

Have a good day all...
The Memory Foam ones are lighter but still not that light but fitted sheets with elastic corners always make it easier.
We have a heavy mattress so I lift up a corner, stick my knee under it with my foot on the divan base, fit the sheet and then take my knee away and let the mattress drop back into place.
:party: I just saw that we have new emojis! Now we can show that we are :confused: etc. Though only in messages not as reactions at present
not so good at 7.9 this morning, starting back on the Empagliflozin
Breakfast stayed down. Had a shower and feel semi human now. Had a walk to the greenhouse to see how the one and only aubergine is doing and the chilli and sweet peppers, and now I’m exhausted. The greenhouse is about 3/4 meters from the back door! We now know where the bug has come from, Zara was at a birthday party last Wednesday, daughter messaged her friends, out of about 20 ( kids and adults) 11 have gone down with it, mostly adults! Very odd. Other two granddaughters are feeling much better kept their breakfasts down and asking for lunch. I’m going to try some Carrs water biscuits with cheese on, just a slither. Feel I need some sustenance to pep me up.