Hello goodybags, I was originally put on Empag because blood glucose got out of control, far too high. 10mg daily + 3 x metformin daily. I noticed after 4 days of being on it my short site became very blurred (it was not prior to this), mentioned to doc who told me to stop and leave for 7 days to see (kind folk on here thought it was when the blood glucose comes down quickly) any way after 7 days my short site is still fuzzy so I started back on it. The diabetic nurse said bloods will be recked in 6 months. I would be interested to know what you experienced and what you doc mentioned to you, I understand we are all different though. How long were you on it? R u still on it?
Thanks for making contact 🙂
I don’t mind posting to share my experience of Empagliflozin
I was ok on the low dose..
but once they upped my dose to the full dose which was then incorporated into a single tablet as a combination of Metformin and Empagliflozin
within a few days it bought on excessive visits to the bathroom
I was previously taking a minimal dose introduced to my meds probably about 2 years ago,
not sure it really did much good, or not but initially I had had no noticeable side effects
until after about a year ago when I woke up one day and I was busting to use the bathroom
but once I had been I was was ok
I kept taking it at the same small dose
then a few months ago another med I was taking Trulicity was no longer available (due to supply shortages) my GP decided as my HbA1c at that time had gone up to about 75 and trulicity wasn’t available to up the Empagliflozin to the maximum dose,
safer a few days I found I was just needing the bathroom to excess
I was just taking some time off work (sick that wasnt anything Diabetes related) at the time
so it wasn’t a major issue and after all I though Empagliflozin works by encouraging your kidneys to get rid of excessive glucose anyway and
moving on back to work a few weeks ago
and noticed I’ve been constantly looking for the nearest toilet
One day I kept a count 22 visits
😳 and my sugars weren’t high
I knew as I was at the time usING CGM (still using CGM at the moment)
that’s when I got in touch with the GP,
had to speak to him anyway as had some bad hypos a few days before,
plus am currently fighting to get CGM funded by NHS, anyway he feels I should stay on Empagliflozin but just the minimum dose that I was on before, yesterday I collected a prescription for the 10 mg Empagliflozin
TBH not 100% sure if will take it (haven’t today)
a few of my customers who are also diabetic were telling me they hadn’t got on with it,
but like you say we are all different, and meds effect us all in different way,
Metformin for example I've been on that now for over 30 years and it’s never given me any problems (as far as I can recall)