• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

How are you finding the mounjaro?
@ColinUK its been really good for me with no adverse side effect, other than I just can’t eat a big meal
at the moment :rofl: which is what it does, I’m not on the full dose I stayed on 5mg

Mounjaro is a once a week injection, one of those where for the first four weeks you take just take a small dose think it was 2.5mg initially, then the second month that goes up to 5 mg (usually just for a month)
then the following month the Dr can move you up to the full dose, however once I was on the 5mg dose I just felt that was all I needed, because I had at the same time increased my activity levels and also I wasn’t really eating properly anyway (due to work related anxiety & stress)

I think I will probably stay on the current 5mg dose although I suppose if needed I could always ask to have it increased to the full dose
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@PattiEvans Don’t forget to put out a big bowl for everyone’s car keys! We know what really happens at village fetes!
Ha ha... the fete had lots of stalls full of rubbish. We bought raffle tickets hoping to god we do not win anything as the prizes including infant clothing and car cleaning stuff + a drone are not needed. I got a jar of chutney to show willing. Friends came back here and had cheese and wine... left in a taxi at 6.30 and we are now all cleared up!
Good morning/moaning! Nearly 36 hours aftger being triggered my new Libte sensor is getting closer to the finger prick result. An 8.7 with 10.0 on the meter. PhantomPain is not helping. After virtually a week with minimal pain it was bad at 4:00am Friday (what I did not need on a physio day), 1:00am yesterday and 2:00am today. Just waiting for pain killers to kick in. When I got ip neuropathic pain joined in on the other foot!

Italian GP today. Might watch the Paralympics but TBH in my current state-of-mind it just makes me more depressed about my personal situation! :(

Kitchen window has a few rain drops trickling slowly down it!

I thought I had missed something? Here comes Bobtail with Rag and |Tag trailing. Its' that time of the month! :rofl:
Morning mes ami. Le numero sur mon BG meter pour moi cette matin est an autre Len Special.

In other news, I accepted the CICA offer last night. Signed the documents and emailed them back. It’s not the offer I was hoping for, or even figure I’m actually entitled to, but it’s the one that’s in play. I took the legal advice into consideration and it’s better to just draw a line under this as there are still other things related to the SA that are rumbling on.
GM everyone 4.7 for me. Early start. Happy 1 September.
Pinch punch etc.
Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits.... not keen on rabbits actually.

Good morning everyone

BG 4.6
BP 112/77
Pulse a respectable 54

Today: church (I'm looking after the sound system today), a walk this afternoon, fish (M&S beer battered cod) for tea, rest.

I will be playing at the church next week. In fact I will be the first person to play along with the new pastor (scary stuff).

The new Pastor was talking to me yesterday evening about changing the sound system to a new digital beast, adding foldback monitors (very needed), getting a new snake, rearranging the main speakers, ditching the computer (for showing the song words)!. Basically, all change and lots of money needed. No mention of where the money will come from tho and no mention of sensitivity to peoples thoughts and feelings. I wonder why he wants to change things so dramatically if they work well now and he has stated that he really likes the praise and worship and the sound. Maybe he can see something that I, with my limited experience, cannot. It will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to any implemented changes.

have a great day today whatever you are doing

I must try to book my diabetic blood test on Monday. It's due in September
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Good morning! A 6.5 for me also heading for church like @Gwynn although not the same one... Car show in the town later? Have a lovely sunny Sunday with white wabbits!
@Gwynn Could it be a case of new “management” wanting to make their presence felt perhaps?
I’m sure that the committee/board will disavow the new pastor of his faith in change for change’s sake if necessary. Meanwhile I hope you continue to enjoy the work you do for the church and the music and prayer etc.

And how’s your wife doing?
Good morning all. 7.1. My diet this last few days has been terrible, I’ve eaten out twice, I baked brownies for the hordes and of course I have had to taste it, once or twice. It’s been a total carb fest! Back to the low carb today, I’m going to freeze the remaining cake now the kids have gone home. Oh, just remembered, eldest grandson coming tomorrow to stay for a couple of days, he’s off work this week and coming to help his Gags with the garden. I’ll leave it, and try not to taste it again! 😉

A nice quiet day without daughters/grandchildren today. Bliss!

Have a good day.
@eggyg could you incorporate more lower carb bakes into what you do for the hoards?
My BG for the week: 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 6.2, 5.7, 6.5 and 5.6 hopefully I can sustain positive changes when back to work stress starts ‍
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Safely back home after our week in Cornwall and a surprisingly clear run back via the A303, although our SatNav did divert us around the stretch past Stonehenge. Our two boys got home around 2 hours before us. Stopped off at a reclamation yard just outside Exeter that my wife had seen on a TV show recently and she bought a few things to upcycle. Ended up stopping in Honiton for lunch before pushing on home, as heading for an NT place, as originally planned, would have meant lunch at 3 o'clock or thereabouts.

5.8 this morning after an unbroken night's sleep. That doesn't happen very often. Weekly BP check 124/75.

Still just me up as I type, though our eldest will be up before long as he has a pre-season futsal match in London. The new season's not far away and he's signed up for a month's fitness work at a local gym in preparation. It's run by the partner of one of my wife's friends, so not Personal Trainer stuff but might as well be. No more Sunday hours shifts at Sainsbury's for our youngest now that he's left, so not sure what time we'll be seeing him.

Got a mountain of post-holiday laundry to get through and it looks like we'll be able to get it out on the line, as the thunderstorms forecast for today aren't due here until this evening. Best get on with it, then - 2 loads done already and the sun's out.

Have a good Sunday.
Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits.... not keen on rabbits actually.

Good morning everyone

BG 4.6
BP 112/77
Pulse a respectable 54

Today: church (I'm looking after the sound system today), a walk this afternoon, fish (M&S beer battered cod) for tea, rest.

I will be playing at the church next week. In fact I will be the first person to play along with the new pastor (scary stuff).

The new Pastor was talking to me yesterday evening about changing the sound system to a new digital beast, adding foldback monitors (very needed), getting a new snake, rearranging the main speakers, ditching the computer (for showing the song words)!. Basically, all change and lots of money needed. No mention of where the money will come from tho and no mention of sensitivity to peoples thoughts and feelings. I wonder why he wants to change things so dramatically if they work well now and he has stated that he really likes the praise and worship and the sound. Maybe he can see something that I, with my limited experience, cannot. It will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to any implemented changes.

have a great day today whatever you are doing

I must try to book my diabetic blood test on Monday. It's due in September
Morning a 5.7 for me after a huge chippy tea like I had last week and caused me a few high BG issues ( but no bread) but managed it much better with correction doses.
Did not really want it but my wife was so keen and she did not want me to go for just her and it is delicious.
Lovely day yesterday as dropped wife off to Charity Shop visits in Footballers Wives country whilst I visited a new but small garden centre for a very nice lunch.
Gwynn we are not church goers but would have thought they must love you for what you are able to do to support them as can’t believe there are many churches fortunate enough to have someone like yourself to provide such “ expert and wiling” support.
I appreciate you probably enjoy it but hope the pastor reflects on not just taking your help for granted and remembers how valuable it is and that you do it out of kindness and that it should nit become a chore or outside your comfort zone ( if you don’t want to go there).
Anyway I think you and others do a fantastic support and they are lucky to have you do what you do for the church and community.
PS Gwynn.Agree with Colin that often a new broom wants to sweep away some of old things and to make their own mark.
Whilst change can be a very positive think I am firmly in the camp of take your time in getting a better understanding of the impact any changes may have and be sure they need making before even floating the idea of them and capturing the feedback,an open debate and then decide and move forward
6 this morning for me. Finally managed to build youngest's new bed on Friday (bought in January last year but it took them a while to get around to clearing enough room for it to be done, they finally did recently and Friday I managed to find time to put it together) so today we have a trip to IKEA to get a new mattress for it (and look at beds for oldest as we are moving rooms around a bit again, and they want a mid height cabin bed rather than a high cabin bed now)