@ColinUK its been really good for me with no adverse side effect, other than I just can’t eat a big mealHow are you finding the mounjaro?
Ha ha... the fete had lots of stalls full of rubbish. We bought raffle tickets hoping to god we do not win anything as the prizes including infant clothing and car cleaning stuff + a drone are not needed. I got a jar of chutney to show willing. Friends came back here and had cheese and wine... left in a taxi at 6.30 and we are now all cleared up!@PattiEvans Don’t forget to put out a big bowl for everyone’s car keys! We know what really happens at village fetes!
GM everyone 4.7 for me. Early start. Happy 1 September.Morning mes ami. Le numero sur mon BG meter pour moi cette matin est an autre Len Special.
In other news, I accepted the CICA offer last night. Signed the documents and emailed them back. It’s not the offer I was hoping for, or even figure I’m actually entitled to, but it’s the one that’s in play. I took the legal advice into consideration and it’s better to just draw a line under this as there are still other things related to the SA that are rumbling on.
Woah!!!Or I could maybe be more disciplined! 😛
Morning a 5.7 for me after a huge chippy tea like I had last week and caused me a few high BG issues ( but no bread) but managed it much better with correction doses.Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits.... not keen on rabbits actually.
Good morning everyone
BG 4.6
BP 112/77
Pulse a respectable 54
Today: church (I'm looking after the sound system today), a walk this afternoon, fish (M&S beer battered cod) for tea, rest.
I will be playing at the church next week. In fact I will be the first person to play along with the new pastor (scary stuff).
The new Pastor was talking to me yesterday evening about changing the sound system to a new digital beast, adding foldback monitors (very needed), getting a new snake, rearranging the main speakers, ditching the computer (for showing the song words)!. Basically, all change and lots of money needed. No mention of where the money will come from tho and no mention of sensitivity to peoples thoughts and feelings. I wonder why he wants to change things so dramatically if they work well now and he has stated that he really likes the praise and worship and the sound. Maybe he can see something that I, with my limited experience, cannot. It will be interesting to see how everyone reacts to any implemented changes.
have a great day today whatever you are doing
I must try to book my diabetic blood test on Monday. It's due in September