• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 this morning for me.

Been a bit absent on here for the past week as we have been busy with my wife’s sister staying, then grandchildren for their last week of the summer holidays with the week being rounded off with a day volunteering at Hatton Locks. Having a nice relaxing weekend though, visiting friends yesterday and just chilling at home today.

Congratulations to @goodybags and @Barrowman on your HS.

Got my regular phone call appointment with my DSN tomorrow afternoon, not been as good at entering insulin doses and carbs into the LibreLink app, but I feel I’m at the point where I sort of know what I’m doing and my TIR is 68% and an estimated HbA1c of 46, I know I could be better so I probably need to refocus.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning! 6'7 today.

Tired but in a good mood this morning. Having an early start at work means less sleep, but also means I arrive when it is quiet and have a chance to have a cup of tea and a chat with colleagues before the rush starts. My only task for today, besides work, was to pay rent and that is done, so I should have time for a long nap and a bit of reading between shifts.

I have been lucky to get next Saturday off, as I wanted, but I don't get any other complete days off until then and it looks a bit far away!
well last time I posted it was Friday and hubby was putting the last few bits back on the car, then everything went wrong, first I had a very upsetting phone call from my daughter in floods of tears, she had been suspended by her manager, who said he could not elaborate on why, other then there were accusations of serious inapproate behaviour, she has worked for this company for 6 years and is a manager herself, she is beside herself she cannot for the life of her understand what's happened, all she know is one of the other manager who is back from holiday tomorrow will be phoning her at some point and she is suspended for 2 weeks with full pay. she was told she is not allowed to speak to anyone in the store, her delivery staff have all tried to speak to her, as they are worried that she isn't at work, one of them even came to our house to see her, as you can imagine she is really upset and confused, she did try to speak to HR on Friday but the person who she needed to speak to was not available, but the person she did speak to seams shocked that she hadn't been told any reason for this, she is phoning ACAS in the morning for advice.

As for the car eventually got it up and running, Friday evening between hubby and daughters boyfriend they got the car finished, so yesterday went shopping the car kept throwing an error message saying starter/ignition error car won't start but it did, so off we went.
Everything was fine then just about a mile from home at traffic lights, it had to be a 4 way junction the car stopped, couldn’t get the stop start to work, error message the same, long story short daughter and boyfriend came down I there car tried to jump it, nothing, decided it might be the battery they managed to push it off the junction to the near by petrol station some passes by helped, they went to get a battery from euro car part just 5 mins before closing, didn’t work, had to buy a tow rope to get it home, this all took 3 hours, now the assumption is its the starter motor

Which we can’t get one until middle of next week. So apart from the Battery which cost £200 now we have to buy a new starter motor another £200 and to be fair we still don’t know if that will fix it, but pretty confident, hubby is taking the starter motor out now to test it , its drizzling and damp I an worried because of his condition so stressed

Right now, oh forgot with all the agro and worried about daughter mu BS were 4,8 yesterday and 5 today
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Good morning
@goodybags thank you so much
My second and stressed day at home and I am so exhausted and stressed out, I tried getting my house back to how i wanted it but even the sumplest jobs left me exhausied and I had to sit down every 10 minutes. I am not the crying type but yesterday I felt like it.
I went to bed at 9pm and was still awake at 3am. it was so hot. I woke to a 22, Stress must have had something to do with it. My physiotherapist told me that I had lost 60% of the use of my right shoulder arm and hand and it isn;t going to get any better. I am right handed. This isn't any sort of life.
I've had problems with lack of energy, it affected all parts of my life. I've slowly gained some endurance back, but I still have to be careful not to do too much.
Just take your time over things. Do a it, rest a bit. Make sure you include days off where the only thing you need to do is look after yourself.
Changing from right to left handed will take some time, but I'm sure any lack of coordination in your left arm will improve, and it's likely that over time your stamina could improve.
For now just focus on looking after yourself and the bare essentials around the house. And try not to stress over it.
I have visions of you clearing hoards of slugs from your garden before hanging the washing out (I’m sure they missed you)
Fortunately it's far too hot and dry for however many of them are left. I expect I might find some if I went and had a root around the flower beds.
Fortunately it's far too hot and dry for however many of them are left. I expect I might find some if I went and had a root around the flower beds.
I was surprised that slug pellets are no longer available. What do you recommend? This year they've ruined my troughs and tubs.
I was surprised that slug pellets are no longer available. What do you recommend? This year they've ruined my troughs and tubs.
We bought some from B&Q. Don’t like using them but they were coming into the kitchen through the night. Yuk! Horrible things.
I was surprised that slug pellets are no longer available. What do you recommend? This year they've ruined my troughs and tubs.
My wife's the gardener. I only cut the grass and do a little weeding. She's started using copper tape around her pots and copper rings around plants growing in the ground. Details here:-

All the slugs I've removed from our garden have been from the grassed areas.
My wife's the gardener. I only cut the grass and do a little weeding. She's started using copper tape around her pots and copper rings around plants growing in the ground. Details here:-

All the slugs I've removed from our garden have been from the grassed areas.
Where do you put them?
###Where do you put them?
apparently if you have a compost heap slugs will quite happily live in there, so I’m told - if you re-locate them into it, that might be a good idea.
but I’m going to admit we put the ones we found in out vegetables a plastic bag, then they went in the dustbin, probably not the most eco friendly way to get rid, but after they ate both our mint and my first crop of Kale I was totally pi####d off
after 2 nights o n slug,patrol after dark we actually never had a problem again

oops … I misunderstood
I thought you meant where to put the dam slugs, not the copper tape 🙄
oops … I misunderstood
I thought you meant where to put the dam slugs, not the copper tape 🙄
Maybe I misunderstood, too? Maybe the question was actually about slugs?
No slugs here, just a 6.4 instead.
Good moaning! Woke with Phantom Pain and a BG of 12.0 after less than four hours sleep. As I took painkillers before bed it is another hour before I can take more! :( Had a week virtually free from it but started again early hours Friday and every day since.

Have a tele[hone medication review later. They have given me a three-hour window. I personally think this unacceptable. They have been growing these windows for the last few years. It started a half-an-hour either side but now may be an hour wither side plus another half-hour!

Partly cloudy.