• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.5 and 5.8 here. I’ve got a trial of the Dexcom One+ to see if I could cope with it, and generally using my phone and not a reader, so I overlapped it with my Libre for a day so I could get confidence in it before I fly solo.
So far so good, I managed the set up, which was a good start, and the readings are very close to the Libre in the mid range area, but higher st the top and lower at the bottom, and the algorithm seems more laggy, maybe it’ll improve.
One thing I need help with, though, There are warnings on all the alarms, 'You will not hear the alarms if your phone is set to silent'. So I set my phone to silent, because I wasn’t up for a disturbed night to start with, and was surprised to be rudely awakened by the signal loss alarm at 1am. unfortunately I’d got it set to one of the more strident tones, on the grounds that I’d need to hear it if I’d gone too far from my phone. So it blasted me out of bed, and woke OH as well! So what have I done wrong, to be getting alarms when my phone is on silent? (and I checked the setting, I had actually done it, and I didn’t get notifications from anything else). I can see that it’s very useful for it to override the silent setting, but why is it telling me it won’t?
I unset the signal loss alarm and went back to sleep. But later on i the night I got the low glucose alert, fair enough, I had hit 4.5, which is what I'd set it to, although my Libre was showing 5 and I didn’t feel hypo. I had a precautionary jellybaby, but the lag on the Dexcom meant that the low alarm went off twice more, just as I was going back to sleep. This is different from the Libre, on that, once the low alert has gone off, it doesn’t go off again until you’ve got above the target, which can be annoying on a walk, so I can see why the Dec does that, but it’s annoying at night, when you’re confident you’ve warded off a hypo, and you want to get back to sleep.
OK, rant over, So far, I prefer the Libre, it’s what I’m used to, and the reader is more convenient than having to lug my phone everywhere (I’m not a person who is welded to my smartphone) but so far, I think I could live with the Dexcom if I had to.
A 5.9 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 4.2 on the last weekend before going back to work. Today i plan to clean and iron this morning and get the washing on the line so that this afternoon i can sit in the garden with my book. Then tomorrow...nothing but relaxing before the madness of rushing around trying to fit everything in starts all over again.
6.1 again on a rather cool Cornish morning. Forgot to test when I got up (again) and had already been up an hour, and had a cuppa and a handful of peanuts, when I got round to it. On that basis I guess 6.1 is pretty good.

Off on the long trek home today, with a stop for lunch at one of the NT places on our route. Our two boys are travelling separately, so they'll be home well before us.

Have a good Saturday.
Good morning. 6.7

Lovely morning here after a poor night. Inevitably fell asleep once it was time to get up. So I shall not be popping down to the auction at the village hall as I have missed the viewing. Ah well all the better for my bank balance. I'll have a run out to the coast later instead - much better for health than a venue full of everyone's germs..

Pleased to report nausea gone at last. Not so good on house sale front: no viewings and many properties being reduced on my rightmove alerter. Market seems as dead as the proverbial tasty birdy.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
Good morning 6.0 today

I’m so glad it’s the weekend now can switch off from work, apart from needing to claiming some expenses, apart from that I will be mostly relaxing.

I just weighed myself looks like I’m still loosing weight at approximately one kilo a week, and only one more KG to get my BMI under 30, so somethings is going well.

TC everyone 😎
Good morning 6.0 today

I’m so glad it’s the weekend now can switch off from work, apart from needing to claiming some expenses, apart from that I will be mostly relaxing.

I just weighed myself looks like I’m still loosing weight at approximately one kilo a week, and only one more KG to get my BMI under 30, so somethings is going well.

TC everyone 😎
How are you finding the mounjaro?
Morning everyone, grey and breezy here today just for a change, I think it’s been like this every morning this week.

I’m joining @MeeTooTeeTo on the 5.9 step, which is higher than what I’m used to. Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Good morning everyone! 5'3 today.

I meant to complete an online fire training session yesterday, when I didn't have work until 6pm. Didn't get round to it, I did some reading instead and called my brother, which was nice. Then this morning at 6 am I decided to do the training while I had breakfast, and so I did. I swear I don't understand my own time management 🙄
Morning all - bit grey and dull, just hoping the forecast rain stays off until after the village fete finishes.

7.1 this morning - still, it only wavered a tiny bit all night and was mostly in the 6s.

Friends are coming over at 1pm to go to the fete (just the ladies, whilst the blokes go to the pub). Then all back here for cheese and wine.

Have a good day all...
@PattiEvans Don’t forget to put out a big bowl for everyone’s car keys! We know what really happens at village fetes!
Good morning I finally made it home yesterday bot i am completely exhausted and slept for 15 hours was 7.8 this morning.
Having terrible trouble with sensors, in the last 2 days 4 were applied and each one dropped off in 6 to 8 hours. Does Abbott UK have an email address? If so can someone give it to me. or their telephone number? Thank you