• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good mornng. 6.6 - No justice all I ate yesterday was one meal of chicken casserole. Slept well too. Think the tum upset must have been a virus as food poisoning doesn't usually take so long. Tum still a little uncomfortable.
It depends what type of food poisoning it is. I got Salmonella in Cairo from eating a salad. It went on for weeks despite being treated. I've also had Giardiasis for a while before realising and getting the appropriate treatment. Ditto shigella dysentry. Mind you, I contracted all of those whilst travelling to some pretty backward countries. If it persists see the GP and ask for stool samples to be taken.

Hugs to you - and to your daughter too!
I didn't know you could use your 'phone. I did receive a reply asking to go into settings and altering the sound to high, I have now done that. I'll see what difference it makes. Thank you @Robin and @PattiEvans
Hi Michael - if you want to use your phone you first need to download the Freestyle Libre app and install it. The phone alarms are really loud.
Morning all - forecast says wall to wall sunshine, but there are definitely some big black clouds around. On the other hand yesterday's dull start dissipated by lunchtime and it was a lovely day.

6.3 this morning with a nice flat line. HCL seems to have got the hang of overnight, but not post prandial spikes! Or the rise I get starting about 10 am. I keep having to get it to do corrections.

Today I am having a chat with a potential cleaner. I have it on good authority that she's a lovely lady. Fingers crossed it works out. Then I have an appointment with the surgery to remove the heart monitor. Though I was told yesterday to take it off myself and just drop it into the surgery. Much to my relief it's a very small round thing about 2.5" diameter with three sticky pads attached. They kept coming loose yesterday afternoon so I stuck them down with some Opsite that I used to use over Libre sensors. It's not the humongous thing with umpteen sensors I was expecting thank goodness.

Also got to cook the curries I was supposed to cook yesterday and didn't. We had burgers instead since we'd had a big lunch of Corned beef hash and eggs.

@goodybags congrats on ther HS

@ColinUK good luck if you decide on another review.

Have a terrific Thursday all...
Morning everyone, the sun is shining with a gentle breeze just right for a gentle bike ride I think.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe. Oh, and the BG today is a happy 4.9
late posting again 5 this morning we borrowed daughters car to get some food shopping, the mechanic came over last night sorted out the car they hadn't got the clutch sitting properly he spent a good 2 hours sorting it out, hubby is out there now putting the exhaust and plates back then were good to go fingers crossed nothing else goes wrong lovely guy he refused to take any money said he was happy to help and any other problems to let him know, he did say it was a lovely car and a real bargain so that's nice to know anyway have a good day everyone
Morning a 6.1 for me and another nice line.
Long drive yesterday so 300 miles but lovely scenery and pleased I can be local today.
So pleased my wife and daughter have booked to go away to Spain in a weeks time as Daughter ( who gets vertigo after flights) just came back from a holiday and is happy to go away again.
They really love it together and my wife so deserves it and am so happy she is getting a break.
Anyway hope you are all enjoying your week.
Morning all. 7.1
Lawyers responded yesterday. Basically they said take the offer.
Good morning. Scores on the door, 5.4.

Lovely, but cool morning, I think we’re all in for a decent day.

Family Friday, the day when the hordes descend. We’re up one today, eldest grandchild is popping in for a couple of hours before she starts work at 2pm, next week we’ll be two down as kids back to school next Wednesday, so for today ( counting on fingers), “only” eight for lunch, one baby whose mummy provides his lunch, and a toddler who will arrive after nursery at 3pm! Three will remain and stay overnight! I’ll miss the “big” girls next week, they’re an absolute delight, and a good help. But my food bill will be down 50%! 😛 They have hollow legs I’m sure, because there’s not an ounce of fat on them, it’s all the hard work they do on the farm!

Have a fab, sunny, Friday. It’s the weekend, again!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7
BP no idea as I've been rushing around this morning so it needs to settle down again
Pulse 50


Yesterday, at the church, went well.


Today, walk, keyboard practice, recording, all great fun (if that is the right word). I must remember to pick up my meds today...


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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@eggyg One Friday I’m gonna pop by!
Morning all. 8.6 after a 2u correction before bed. I've found if i'm heading into the 9s before i go to bed i'm needing a correction to stop me spiking overnight. Having said that, if i'm in the 6s i sometimes get a spike but rarely seem to stay awake long enough to treat it after the warning.

Basal wil need adjusting again next week as activity levels will change again being back at work.

I'm meeting a friend today for coffee after she finishes work. Other than that today i need to go shopping this morning, pick up a prescription and change the bedding.

Have a good day everyone.
A 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
