• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

I always had a little clock in our study which wasn't digital. Last year it stopped working. Not long after I was passing a watch/clock stall in a market and I asked about a nice little clock, similarly not digital. The seller said he'd let me have it for a fiver as "It ticks and people don't like ticking". I didn't care, it was for the study not the bedside. I'm very pleased with my ticking clock with a proper face!
Oh, the shop assistant did warn me one of the two models I was thinking to get ticks and the other doesn't. I went for the second as I thought the ticking could bother me when I try to sleep, and also it took less space. I did like the touches of colour in the other one: mind you, it was meant for children and had the "quarter past", "half past", etc written in the face :rofl:
Morning a 6.1 for me and a flat line so increased walking after meals clearly helping and just been out.
Up early as have to drive to Manchester for wife’s early appointment and then back again.
She is a better driver than me but does not like motorways and busy traffic which I am very happy with so prefers me to take her there so no worries.
Speak later as need to leave soon
Morning all. 4.9 at 6am. I got up, used bath room and walked downstairs and it was 6.1! But it’s dropped down to 5 now! Early breakfast it is then.

Wet and mild today. It’s almost 16 degrees. Forecast rain, for a change.
Got a visitor at 10, a Camera Club colleague of Mr Eggy’s, it’s the handing over of the red petty cash tin! 😉Plus the cheque book! Who uses cheques these days? Camera Clubs of course. How quaint! He’s glad to see the back of it! So will I!
Otherwise nothing planned, waiting for a parcel, and a cottage pie to make. It’s autumn now and nothing will change my mind!

Have a good day.
morning all 5 for me this morning with a flat fish over night, another boring day stuck in the house car repair day 2 in progress, hubby and daughters boyfriend started about an hour ago daughter at work until 3, wake up call for hubby its been over 3 years since he has worked on a car, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer we had a mobility car, but they stopped his PIP 2 months ago as in there opinion having terminal cancer does not qualify him any longer because everything is stable and he is able to live a normal life, he has appealed, but we won't know the outcome for up to 15 weeks, I won't hold my breathe even though he has support from his Oncologist and GP. so we bought the new car which in less than a week has cost almost £1000 in parts to repair sorry rant over hope everyone has a lovely day
What an awful situation. I thought PIP was meant to be easier off you had a terminal diagnosis but apparently not.
My understanding was that pretty much all you needed was an SR1 form from the GP or consultant.

I don’t know if you’ve looked at https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/ for PIP guidance but it really is an amazingly comprehensive resource.
Goodmorning 5.4 today
a nice flattish line overnight following a decent day of readings yesterday

have a terrific Tuesday 😎

Credit card DD didn’t update even though I cleared be balance last week so they took the payment again this morning. So now I’m in credit on the card which means free money! Yay!

Getting overwhelmed by looking at cruises so docking the search for a day or two. Also can’t quite believe the awfulness of some of the cruise company websites. Scant information about onboard activities, dress code, what’s actually included and what isn’t etc. It’s a minefield. Which bearing in mind this is for ships isn’t that good as mines and ships don’t mix.
6.4 for me. I thought my fasting BG was starting to stabilise below 6, but not today!
I didn't sleep well and I think stress is a factor. It's my first day back after 9 days off. We were very short staffed and very stretched before I left. I'm very much expecting to not feel like I had a holiday by ten past 9! Fingers crossed that I'm wrong.
Hope everyone else has a positive day whatever you have planned.
Morning all. 5.1 and a flat line overnight after a bedtime correction.

Today i'm taking mum out this morning but that is all that is planned. Its the last week of the holidays and being off has confirmed to me that i need to retire. We need to look at the finances though, i'm not sure we could afford it yet. I'm not looking forward to going back.
Good morning everyone.

Up unbelievably at at 7am!!! I must have been exhausted by Sundays activities.

BG 4.6

I'm still very tired. My wife was overly tired yesterday too. I can tell because she becomes very negative and grumpy! Let's hope she is better when she gets up this morning.

Perhaps another day of rest then?


Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Update: my wife is much better today (she having just got up).
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5.8 on a rather grey and windy Cornish morning. No sign of the sun yet but no rain forecast, which is something. Enjoyed our walk yesterday, especially the Rum & Raisin ice cream at the end. My right hip started niggling a week or so back, especially on stairs, but it still only niggled despite some steep climbs and descents and it's not affecting my mobility. Nevertheless I will try and get an appointment with my GP next week. Maybe the years are finally starting to catch up.

Our friends from Surrey are holidaying here this week and our eldest and their eldest were planning on paddle boarding today, but no - too windy says the hire place, so it's kayaking instead. My wife and I will browse the shops and maybe have lunch in our favourite Fowey cafe while they're doing that.

Whatever your plans, have a great day.
Another 5.8 🙂
Have a good day !
Good morning. 6.7

Nasty cold windy day with rain expected. Spent Sunday feeling ill with bloated tum and all night throwing up. A bit better yesterday although insides feel raw. No idea what caused it - food poisoning or a virus? Can't do much about a virus but i shall be cleaning the fridge with bleach having jettisoned all the food as a precaution despite it all being in date. I am suspicious of the Co-op lamb-burgers, the only factory made food in the place, but I did cook them through thoroughly. Serves me right for abandoning my principles which require all food to be cooked from scratch!

Have a good day folks.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.7 for me on this another overcast day.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Morning all. 4.9 at 6am. I got up, used bath room and walked downstairs and it was 6.1! But it’s dropped down to 5 now! Early breakfast it is then.

Wet and mild today. It’s almost 16 degrees. Forecast rain, for a change.
Got a visitor at 10, a Camera Club colleague of Mr Eggy’s, it’s the handing over of the red petty cash tin! 😉Plus the cheque book! Who uses cheques these days? Camera Clubs of course. How quaint! He’s glad to see the back of it! So will I!
Otherwise nothing planned, waiting for a parcel, and a cottage pie to make. It’s autumn now and nothing will change my mind!

Have a good day.
It was odd that when we had to pay the deposit to the British Gas chap who did the quote for the new boiler he could only take a cheque, he didn't have a card machine or accept a direct transfer. Then we got a e-mail saying we still owed that amount as he hadn't passed it through. We told them that was their problem not ours.
Anyway it was sorted but no apology just excuses.
Good morning - 7.5 at 8:30

Have a great day everyone!