Morning all - weather can't make it's mind up. Goes from blue sky to cloudy seemingly every few minutes. So far though it's dry and the nasty wind has dropped.
6.4 this morning. More or less flat line and 99% TIR.
My eye check up went well until I got to the stage where I had chosen some frames.... and then the quotes! Bottom end £378 and it was implied I'd be much happier with some at £628. It was quite a hard sell. Seems to me Bradley's/Scrivens must have their employees on commission. I shall be taking my prescription to ASDA where top of the range spectacles cost £130. I've had specs from them for years and been very happy with them.
As an aside, the chap who did the quotes was a nice enough chap and during the conversation prior to me seeing the actual Optician it came out that his 10 year old daughter is T1 and on the same HCL as I am. The only downside, and this was mentioned in another thread, is that they can't see her numbers except on her PDM which is, of course, in school with her. Before they could have the app on their phones.
So.. my life seems to consist only of medical appointments these days. Off to the County Hospital this afternoon for a bone density scan.
@goodybags on your HS. Hope you can talk some sense into the ICB regarding prescribing sensors.
@eggyg and
@TinaD I envy you your produce... all our garden produces is grapes and it looks unlikely we'll get much of a crop this year.
Have a good day all...