Back in more familiar territory with a 5.7 this morning. Nice day here so far and forecast to stay that way. Yesterday's forecast was right, too - got 5 machine loads of washing dry on the line. Of course, a chunk of it goes into the ironing basket

so my wife had a crack at some yesterday evening and I'll pick off the rest today.
Glad you enjoy crossing the Welsh border
@Wendal as that used to be the butt of some rather unkind jokes doing the rounds some years ago, eg "What's the best thing that's ever come out of Wales? The M4" and joking about the toll bridges by stealing that line from a well-known horror movie poster (can't remember which one) "Pay to get in, pray to get out". At least now that the tolls have gone that one's history.
Quiet day ahead so might start looking at what I need to pack for our holiday.
@goodybags congrats on the HS.
Whatever your plans, enjoy the day.