Group 7-day waking average?

Another cool & grey start, no sign of the sun and 10/10ths cloud all day according to our forecast. Billy No Mates for most of the day with our eldest in Germany, my wife out for the day with a friend and our youngest on a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. Plenty of things to keep me busy though, especially in the garden.

5.8 when I tested this morning, although I almost forgot (again) after not bothering to test post-meal last night (Smoked Salmon & Spinach Omelette and salad, for which my food diary says I average 5.5). Consequently my test kit was still in the cupboard instead of being on the kitchen worktop. Will I never learn?

Whatever your plans, have a good start to the weekend.
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Good morning 6.3

Drs visit went well - was able to tease him a bit about the weight he had regained on his recent holiday in Ireland, overwhelmed by the generous invitations to partake of Guiness I gathered. OK the fight is on - next time we meet I plan on having a better BMI than he does. Once the kids go home I shall be on cupboard sanitising and leave not a carb in sight.

Settled that I would pay for a scan next flare to see what is going on and the NHS would pay for the blood tests. Won't do my budget much good but may resolve the confusion created by a rather incompetent Registrar imposing his diagnosis over his senior, but absent, consultant. Oh well, no pockets in a shroud.

Rather grey here and chilly, looks to have rained in the night, glad I mowed the lawns yesterday evening. Looks as if it may clear up in mid afternoon.

Have a good weekend all.
Well done @Robin on the "HS". My reading was 5.8 this morning. 🙂

Morning everyone, it’s a 5.4 for me on this very grey and windy day.

Have a nice weekend everyone and stay safe.
Morning all and it was 8.6 for me. Looks like BG wasn't dropping as much as I thought it was.

Despite that usual breakfast and hypo land 30 mins later.

Sometimes you can see the logic and sometimes stuff just happens.

Have a good day everyone.
Hello weekend
I’m joining @ColinUK on our famous Len step today

football season kicks off today so later will be following on radio / TV,

I keep saying I’m going but never do it but it’s my intention to swim
then relax in the spa at some point today.

Have a lovely day &TC everybody 😎
Morning all - very dull and grey. Predicted to be like this all day

6.3 this morning with a flat line all night more or less. HCL working well.

Have a problem today with a pain in my left kidney area, but I think it's muscular as it only hurts when I move and the muscles in that area tense up. Will rub the area with Voltarol and see what transpires. Apart from that, nothing much planned except a supermarket shop. Will probably make Moussaka for dinner.

Have a good day all.
5.2 this morning and a nice flat line, I did have 2 JBs before going to sleep as I was 4.8 and dint want to risk a hypo off to the marine aquarium to buy a new fish, were getting a Goby they sift the sand and are funny to watch, off to see the new Deadpool film tonight looking forward to that its ages since we have been to the cinema, also got the letter from hubby's last scan at the end of June nice to see the result in writing have a good day everyone
Afternoon all. We're currently on our way back from holiday in Looe. We had a lovely, restful, relaxing time with little or no internet connection or phone line.

I've skipped through the weeks posts but can't remember who had HS. So congratulations if you've had a HS this last week, big hugs if you've been feeling rough or struggling with levels. One thing i did notice....congratulations to @eggyg on your newest grandchild. Lovely photo.

Woke to a 6.5 this morning after a hypo at bedtime followed by a rise (probably the fish goujons and chips i ate last night, very nice).

Hope everyone has had a good day.
Good morning everyone. Looks like today will be a scorcher...

First up?

BG 4.9 excellent.

Weight down another 0.1Kg
BP normal 118/75
Pulse 53 normal for me
Oxy 97
up late at 6am!!!

Today: Church, walk, sweet and sour fish for tea, completing my new Rota app (called the WRAP), rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all,

A much more respectable 6.3 today, did eat better although still some bread, didn’t have any of the doughnuts or birthday cake, so a small step forward. Out or a walk with my friend this morning we haven’t met up since before she went on holiday in June, either one of us has been ill or I had had my ops, been on holiday, so lots to catch up on. Still have this cold but it won’t affect walking, hopefully after Tuesday I can start running and yoga again. Will have to start slowly with running again.
Good morning. A nice round 6 that satisfies my OCD.

Caught a lovely sunrise at 5.30, and I can see Skiddaw this morning. It’s going to be a lovely day. Not as hot as forecast for down south but a nice 23c. We’re off to see our new grandson later this afternoon. Looking forward to that. I had big plans to walk there and back, it’s about eight miles, but yesterday’s walk has put paid to that idea, I struggled with two miles. Back started pulling almost straight away and I could feel it getting tighter and tighter. It was a slow walk back! Initially, I thought I’d set myself back but I feel fine today, I rested when I got back and used the hot water bottle. Not completely out of the woods yet, back at osteopath on Wednesday. It’s very frustrating that I can’t do what I want to. I’m not very patient am I?🙄

We found out yesterday that a cousin of Mr Eggy’s is currently in the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle after having his pancreas removed. Another cousin reached out to me for info and help for him and his wife when he comes home. He had a benign tumour ( like me) and they didn’t intend to remove the whole pancreas but when they got in there it was full of yucky stuff ( don’t think that’s the techinical term) and they took the lot and he’s currently getting the yucky stuff drained out. They didn’t take his spleen which is something I suppose. He’s 62 and not terribly healthy and already had Type 2. I do feel for him and it’s triggered awful memories for me but as I told the other cousin I’m still here 17 years later. Surely that must give them hope. His wife, who I do know quite well, is going to contact me. I hope I can reassure her.

Have a smashing Sunday, and don’t forget the sunscreen.
Morning all. 6.8

Had my dermatology appointment yesterday morning that was booked back in January when my scalp was covered in cysts. Obviously they’ve all gone now. Still kept the appointment and showed the dermatologist photos of what was.
He suggested that as I’m now on their books directly, next time anything comes up just call and book an appointment with them instead of with the GP. I’m now classified as having Open Direct Self Referral access so that’s a good thing.

Family tea this afternoon at the folks. It’ll be us, brother, s-i-l, nephew (maybe his gf), her mum, dad’s brother, wife, two kids, partner of one and their two kids.
As much as I enjoy it, it’s always a little stressful as well.

@Grannylorraine Have you had any more thoughts about what’s suitable for lunches?

@eggyg Enjoy cuddling the wee man!