• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Blimey - you have had a stint of it! Has it occurred to you that you need to contact Victim Support? Surely there must be some agency working on the protection of Grandparents? If not shall we start one? I suspect, however, that you love it and would go on supporting them all even if the Union Rules forbad it. I shall just be grateful that distance makes it impossible (Yippee) for me to provide weekly child care. I don't mind providing advice/extra loot/holday accomodation, etc. Inded I am glad to see tham all, but weekly? You are, as I have already noted a ruddy Saint.
Afternoon all - sunny here but a cold wind. Yesterday disappeared without trace as all I could do was sit as still as possible in a cocoon of cushions on a comfy chair in the garden under a brolly. Came in a bit later, sat in cushion nest on the sofa and watched Harry Potter. If I moved an excuciating pain shot through me from mid back. Couldn't even stand up without J lifting me. Had a miserable night. Then woke this morning, took a couple of paracetamol and lo and behold I could move with only minimal pain. Anyway, went to the chiropractor this afternoon and he poked at the area where the pain radiated from (with me squeaking loudly as he hit nodes of painful muscle) and I am now sitting with an ice pack on my back but I can move normally at last! No idea whatsoever what it's been all about except that he confirmed it was muscular. Muscles were tight and going into spasms when I moved.

Hey hum.... all the same I had a nice flat line overnight and 6.3 this morning.

On returning from the chiro J was an absolute star as I guided him verbally through how to make Moussaka, which is now ready to go in the oven and he's stripped the bed, made it and done all the washing. Hopefully tomorrow I can be of some use!

Meantime my Kindle has died and I've had to pick up a real book!

Congrats to Gwynn on the HS. Sorry if I've missed anyone out.
Afternoon all - sunny here but a cold wind. Yesterday disappeared without trace as all I could do was sit as still as possible in a cocoon of cushions on a comfy chair in the garden under a brolly. Came in a bit later, sat in cushion nest on the sofa and watched Harry Potter. If I moved an excuciating pain shot through me from mid back. Couldn't even stand up without J lifting me. Had a miserable night. Then woke this morning, took a couple of paracetamol and lo and behold I could move with only minimal pain. Anyway, went to the chiropractor this afternoon and he poked at the area where the pain radiated from (with me squeaking loudly as he hit nodes of painful muscle) and I am now sitting with an ice pack on my back but I can move normally at last! No idea whatsoever what it's been all about except that he confirmed it was muscular. Muscles were tight and going into spasms when I moved.

Hey hum.... all the same I had a nice flat line overnight and 6.3 this morning.

On returning from the chiro J was an absolute star as I guided him verbally through how to make Moussaka, which is now ready to go in the oven and he's stripped the bed, made it and done all the washing. Hopefully tomorrow I can be of some use!

Meantime my Kindle has died and I've had to pick up a real book!

Congrats to Gwynn on the HS. Sorry if I've missed anyone out.
Oh no Patti, I do sympathise especially about having to guide them through the cooking. Bri made a wonderful steak pie last week, homemade pastry and everything, all under my instruction. Today I actually allowed him to do some ironing, carefully chosen by me, I watched him pick up a tee shirt and start it. OMG I had to leave and go in another room! I haven’t looked at the results as he’s even put it away! I am grateful really I am it’s the frustration and pain making me grumpy! He’s also fixed the verandas on the sheds and giving them both a new coat of paint. I’m very lucky. I made the tea though.
Hope you feel better soon. Xx
Morning a 5.1 for me on first waking and a 5.7 on getting up but had half a slice of toast so that will mess that up lol.
Eggy I sympathise with you and Brian as it would probably be the same for me and mine in that I am truly “useless and also unwilling” in many ways to do certain tasks and this would cause issues if my wife was unable to due to illness etc.
Nothing in my view about lack of willingness or effort to do it but an acceptance that I am unlikely to do a very good job or do it to the required standard.
I am the same with DIY as I have no interest in doing it or any particular skills.This may appear an old fashioned attitude and is not meant to be as I am very open minded but I would rather pay someone to do a proper job and have nothing but admiration for those that can do skills I can’t.
Yes if I tried to do certain things I probably would manage them but most efforts are subject to a “ could do better” so we tend just to “ allocate” certain jobs to each other and it works fine but if my wife was ill I would manage but she would never be happy with my ironing for instance.
I do hope some of this makes sense and we seem to rub along OK
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Good morning a 6.0 today

Quite appropriate to record a straight 6 as today I turn 60 (no big celebrations planned)
🙄I’m thinking, good job I didn’t test at 6 am (it was 06:09)

currently I'm still signed still off work, I hope to RTW next week, will need to speak to HR
last week I should’ve been on annual leave (will see how understanding they are regarding that) on my RTW.

Congrats on yesterday’s HS @Gwynn
Yesterday certainly was scorchio wasn’t it

Have a Terrific Tuesday 😎
Morning all. A surprising 4.9, the meter agrees. I’ve had four unicorn days in a row, and I know why. I’ve cut out chocolate! I eat far too much of it and it’s becoming a bad habit. I’ve replaced chocolate bars with one dark chocolate digestive, I can’t go cold turkey I’m afraid. So far so good. Maybe help me shed a few pounds, I’ve been around the same weight for about 15 years but I’d noticed my clothes were feeling a bit tight a few weeks ago, stepped on the scales, I’d put on about 5 pounds or so! Think a lot of it’s lack of activity. My back has been playing up since last November on and off so we haven’t been doing as many long walks or climbs. So, no chocolate, reducing portions and more walking, once this bad back stage is over. It’s actually feeling quite good today after yesterday’s bad start.

I need to go shopping today, think I’ll have to drag Mr E along, that’ll put a smile on his face, NOT! I’ve put it off for days but it’s big shop time, I do it monthly then just top up with quick trips. My freezers are looking bare.

@Wendal we have designated “jobs” that we’ve just fell into over the years. I cook, clean, wash, iron, shopping, birthday/ Christmas presents etc, he does the garden, DIY, car stuff. He can do my jobs, but as you said not to my standards, I can’t do his jobs! I’m the worst DIYer, believe me I’ve tried, I’m not allowed to do any painting whatsoever and that’s how I feel when he does the ironing or the washing! We’ve rubbed along ok too, it may seem old fashioned to some but if it works for you it’s fine.

Have a good day folks.
Morning all. A surprising 4.9, the meter agrees. I’ve had four unicorn days in a row, and I know why. I’ve cut out chocolate! I eat far too much of it and it’s becoming a bad habit. I’ve replaced chocolate bars with one dark chocolate digestive, I can’t go cold turkey I’m afraid. So far so good. Maybe help me shed a few pounds, I’ve been around the same weight for about 15 years but I’d noticed my clothes were feeling a bit tight a few weeks ago, stepped on the scales, I’d put on about 5 pounds or so! Think a lot of it’s lack of activity. My back has been playing up since last November on and off so we haven’t been doing as many long walks or climbs. So, no chocolate, reducing portions and more walking, once this bad back stage is over. It’s actually feeling quite good today after yesterday’s bad start.

I need to go shopping today, think I’ll have to drag Mr E along, that’ll put a smile on his face, NOT! I’ve put it off for days but it’s big shop time, I do it monthly then just top up with quick trips. My freezers are looking bare.

@Wendal we have designated “jobs” that we’ve just fell into over the years. I cook, clean, wash, iron, shopping, birthday/ Christmas presents etc, he does the garden, DIY, car stuff. He can do my jobs, but as you said not to my standards, I can’t do his jobs! I’m the worst DIYer, believe me I’ve tried, I’m not allowed to do any painting whatsoever and that’s how I feel when he does the ironing or the washing! We’ve rubbed along ok too, it may seem old fashioned to some but if it works for you it’s fine.

Have a good day folks.
I like chocolate too but lucky not to have any weight issues.
Sounds very much like us.I used to jointly run a Landscape Gardening Company which they would now call a side hustle but in those days was just a job on the side.
We employed a few folk and my partner did all the skilled stuff but could not read or write so I did all the paperwork and the accounts etc.
He was brilliant at telling how much the quote should be and I just wrote it up and I loved the graft at w/ ends not doing anything of skill but if he said move that 4 tonne of soil/ gravel/muck or whatever from there to there I loved it.
I did not need to think about the job and it was such a contrast to what I did in the week and again we never argued though he argued with everyone else as he could do what I could not and I could do what he could not so a perfect partnership a bit like me and Janette lol.
Good morning a 6.0 today

Quite appropriate to record a straight 6 as today I turn 60 (no big celebrations planned)
🙄I’m thinking, good job I didn’t test at 6 am (it was 06:09)

currently I'm still signed still off work, I hope to RTW next week, will need to speak to HR
last week I should’ve been on annual leave (will see how understanding they are regarding that) on my RTW.

Congrats on yesterday’s HS @Gwynn
Yesterday certainly was scorchio wasn’t it

Have a Terrific Tuesday 😎
Happy 60th birthday. Mine was in April 2020! No celebrations at all big or little! My daughters stood at the garden gate and threw my presents at me! I definitely won’t forget that birthday.

Have a good day anyways whatever you decide to do. And welcome to the 60s club, it’s not too bad.😉
Morning all, 5.9 here. Perils of the hot weather and sleeping with all the windows open, the dustcart sounded very loud at 6.30am. Not only glass being dropped from a great height, but a loud squealing noise, I wish they’d grease the hydraulics!
Morning all. 6.2 for me.

Happy Birthday @goodybags. Welcome to the 60s club and i hope you have a lovely day.

@MikeyBikey congrats on the HS.

@Wendal my hubby and i have set jobs too. I do all the jobs like @eggyg and he does the garden, cars, DIY etc. As we both still work (though we would like to retire) we work together to get things done, its what makes a good partnership. It must work anyway, we've been married 35 years.
Good morning this bright sunny morning

BG another 5.2 yesss hoping for a triple by tomorrow

I walked for over 3 hours yesterday but somehow, even with a restricted, carefully planned diet, put weight on !!! I blame my useless, nasty minded weighing scales. I'll have a few sharp words with it.

Today walk, rest, and ... a most important phone call from one of the church leaders who met the new Pastor yestersay and will tell me what the future holds... I wait wil baited breat (what is baited breath I wonder. I may look it up)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Well done to @Gwynn & @MikeyBikey on those HSs. I was 5.6 this morning, same as yesterday which I think I forgot to post. 😳🙄
Happy Birthday @goodybags!

Morning all. 6.2 for me.

Happy Birthday @goodybags. Welcome to the 60s club and i hope you have a lovely day.

@MikeyBikey congrats on the HS.

@Wendal my hubby and i have set jobs too. I do all the jobs like @eggyg and he does the garden, cars, DIY etc. As we both still work (though we would like to retire) we work together to get things done, its what makes a good partnership. It must work anyway, we've been married 35 years.
Hi Freesia.Ours is a good partnership probably as I still work though I am increasing WFH just to see if we can live together 24/7 lol.
Not far behind you as we have our 35th next year.
Morning, a 6.7 this morning. Congratulations on the 60th @goodybags mine was a looong time ago. Also congrats on the HS brigade!

8 today, but I had been up to the bathroom so maybe foot on the floor syndrome. Follow up at the hospital for my second cataract op, so hoping to be signed off to be able to drive again.

@MikeyBikey and @Gwynn congratulations on your HS today

@goodybags happy 60th birthday.

@PattiEvans and @eggyg sorry to hear you are both suffering with your backs again