Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.8

Had a busy time yesterday chasing a naughty and essentially sticky 3 year old round the house with a damp cloth in an endeavour to avoid the house looking squalid. Fortunately the sun came out and they all set off for the beach at 1300hrs which allowed me time to drag out the Henry, wash down the breakfast bar where small feet had been kicking the wall, and pack the dishwasher yet again. It made me think of @eggyg and her busy grandmothering - she must have the patience of several saints! Buyers came early and stayed an hour. Seem genuinely in search of a property and not tyre kickers altho' whether they will chose my place I do not know - they asked all the right questions.

The kids had a great time at the beach, taking my large inflatable boat, invariably known in all its iterations as "the Good Ship Village Shop", and getting thoroughly wet and brown. They were all up late so peace reigns this morning. Daughter obviously highly stressed and concerned about sticking to nutritionists dietic advice whilst avoiding weight loss. This seems to entail eating millions of different vegetables, which is fine, but difficult to get enough calories. At 175cm 67kg seems pretty light to me, not a lot of lee way. And the chemo is making it difficult to eat a lot.

Meanwhile I have started back on the diet - the GP has no chance in this competition unless he has discovered a means of negating the result of any intake...

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
@ColinUK - decided to keep it simple this week, by cooking extra meat or salmon with evening meals, then having it with either salad or cold roasted veg, also maybe make some individual baked omelets/muffins and I am making an air-fryer meat loaf so thinking that will do me a couple of days lunches with salad. Maybe depending how hot it is some stuffer peppers also in the air-fryer.

Also need to find some recipes for the electric pressure cooker function of the multi cooker I bought a few months ago, only used it in air-fryer mode, which seems a waste as I already had an air-fryer which I gave to my mum.
🙂Morning! A 6.3 for me. Off to church later then to my annual running club bbq. I shall have to watch the carb intake but Mrs Snowwy will be on hand to guide me! Must take hat and sunscreen!
Have a blessed Sunday everyone
Morning all. 8.4 after another spike overnight caused by a very stubborn hypo. TIR this past week hasn't been very good, despite my best efforts.

I'm off to see mum this morning. The carers have stopped going in again so thats good for mum's independence. Hopefully she keeps it up and has no more falls.

Its going to be hot today, 27° feeling like 30° so i doubt i shall be doing much else. The washing will dry but no way am i ironing in that heat.

Have a good day whatever you do.
A 4.9 for me first thing this morning. I decided to stay in bed to do the Sunday cryptic crossword and managed it in a record 55 minutes. 😎
Have a good Sunday everybody.

Good morning HS on what’s predicted to be Sunshine Sunday
Although I had another (just before the weekend) these are quite rare for me.

I didn’t make it out for the planned swim yesterday,
but did some work in sorting in the garage yesterday

Have a lovely day 😎


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5.7 on this bright & sunny Berkshire morning. Today's forecast to be a scorcher here, tomorrow even more so. Just pegged 2 machine loads of washing on the line and I expect it'll be completely dry by lunchtime. Time to take the covers off the garden furniture, for the first time in over a week.

Sainsbury's have responded to our youngest handing in his notice by offering him a new contract with more hours and, believe it or not, the week off for our Cornwall holiday at the end of the month. It was saying no to his holiday request that made him hand in his notice in the first place. The downside is that they expect him to work the Saturday we have our annual November weekend away with friends - 7 families, and this will be the 20th year - plus Boxing Day.

Congrats @goodybags on your HS this morning

Have a good Sunny Sunday.
Morning everyone, I’m with Goodybags with another 5.2 today, first one of those in a while.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all.5.9 for me this morning.On the road now to holy island for a Bedlington terrier dog walk Hope everyone has a lovely day and congratulations to @ Goodybags on your Hs
Hi Colin sounds perfect a walk with lots of dogs along one of the most lovely and spiritual ( in general sense not religious ) places I can think of.
My libre was showing a 5.2 this morning.
Just got back from a week in Bulgaria, where I have 'eaten normally' for a week (Don't mention the black sea mussels, though.😳) Potato, puddings (Mmm, cheesecake!), fries, gelato and beer.
Pushing it a bit given that I'm due a 3 month hba1c to see what the result of stopping 500mg of Metformin has been.
4.7 for me this morning finger prick, my Libre fell of yesterday morning got a replacement on the way but decided to have a couple of day without one, ive not been doing finger pricks unless my BS are out of range so thought it would be interesting to just finger prick, I was surprised to find at bed time just before sleeping it was 4.6 so had a snack to ward off a hypo, then this morning again lower than normal, so I'm going to put a new sensor on tomorrow and wait the usual 2 days before starting it up have a good day everyone
5.6 today which surprised me as I had a large plate of vegetable rice with my Lamb Madras last night, the heat was less than I expected.

I woke up sweating like I'd been in a sauna all night. I took my temperature, which was 36.8, so it wasn't that, must be the weather. It was forecast to be between 23C and 27C, methinks the former would be better as I'm not a hot-weather man.
Morning all. Been wide awake for ages so thought I might as well test etc.
I’ll meditate for a bit then gym. Then I gave the unenviable task of knuckling down and drafting my response to CICA questioning their decision.
That’s not going to be an easy thing to do but as I can’t seem to find a lawyer willing to help, needs must.