• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Another low for me this morning - 3.9. Maybe the weather is making the insulin absorb faster? I took less insulin than normal for my breakfast so that decorating part 2 won’t make me hypo like part 1 did yesterday!

@MikeyBikey and @Gwynn congratulations on your HS !

@goodybags Happy 60th birthday - like @eggyg i turned 60 in 2020!

@PattiEvans and @eggyg I hope your backs get better soon!

Painting the kitchen walls today, thankfully it is a bit cooler and not as humid as yesterday when we did the ceiling!

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone, it’s a nice round 6.0 for me today.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
5.7 this morning after a good night's sleep. We were expecting another uncomfortable night but it never happened, despite yesterday being so hot. Cool this morning, too. Headed off to Morrisons in shorts and T-shirt first thing but it was so chilly, with a stiff breeze, that I turned back and took the car instead.

Our eldest is safely back home after his long weekend in Nuremberg, picking up his girlfriend on his way through London. She still has one of those boots on her injured foot but is much more mobile than the last time we saw her. She's not sure she'll be recovered enough to come with us to Cornwall for Bank Holiday week but we have our fingers crossed. Meanwhile our youngest seems to be coming round to accepting Sainsbury's offer, based on what he was saying last night.

Spotted the first signs of berries ripening on our blackberry bush yesterday so hopefully we'll get a crop soon. In the meantime there are still plenty growing wild nearby. I'll go and pick some more later.

Well done @Gwynn & @MikeyBikey on your HSs and Happy 60th Birthday @goodybags!

@eggyg & @Wendal - good to see that Blue Jobs/Pink Jobs is still alive and well in these increasingly woke times

Have a great day, all. I shall be off for my usual Tuesday swim later.
Morning all and 6.1 for me although a couple of refueling stops were required during the night.

One lot of washing out and almost ready to bring in..

More music will be involved today. Got a few tunes to learn on the clarinet.

Have a good day everyone.
Today walk, rest, and ... a most important phone call from one of the church leaders who met the new Pastor yestersay and will tell me what the future holds... I wait wil baited breat (what is baited breath I wonder. I may look it up)
Gwynn, it's not "baited breath" it's actually "bated breath" short for "abated" meaning to hold your breath back or lessen your breath. It's like a lot of these sayings, they have changed over the years because people spell as they hear e.g. these days people "step foot" which is nonsensical but everyone says it. It should be "set foot" i.e. to set your foot down in a place.

Forgive me, I have a tendency to be the grammar police!
Well, it's raining... and I think it's set in for the day.

6.9 this morning.... target is 6.1 which is the lowest you can set the HCL to, but a more or less flat line all night.

My driving licence application together with an application to renew the photo on my driving licence has been sitting on my desk since last week. Need a proper photo so it'll have to wait until I can get into town and find a booth. That's if I can find one with a light grey or cream background!

Back is a lot better after the attentions of the Chiropractor, but I shall be keeping my appointment next Monday as it's nowhere near perfect. @eggyg hope you are getting some relief.

@Wendal and @eggyg yes, we have "jobs" that fall to one or the other of us, but there's a lot that we do together e.g. cleaning - I do the dusting and cleaning the glass, Julian does the floors and dusts the lampshades with one of those sticky roller things. He's always done his own ironing since before I met him, but I'll do it for him if he's doing DIY or something. My main "thing" is the cooking and any sewing. He mows the lawns, I do the bedding plants. Must work, we've lived together 41 years+ and been married 39.

Happy Birthday to @goodybags !

@Grannylorraine good luck at your check up today.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @MikeyBikey on your HSs.

Have a good day all!
4.1 this morning still using finger prick until new sensor settles down so that will be Thursday, off to the gym soon just waiting for the washing machine to finish so we can get a load on the line while the weather is so nice, trying Sainsburys slow cooked lamb shanks in mint sauce tonight with some veg and a couple of new potatoes finger crossed its nice, we usually buy shanks and cook in our slow cooker but at £7.50 for 2 these are worth a try. congratulations to all the HS people sorry if I missed anyone over the last few days
have a good day anyone
6.1 for me this morning.
6.1 today. I awoke to grey clouds, gradually deciding to rain. We went to the market today and did some retail therapy (for a change), buying a pair of combats and a T-shirt for next month's holiday.

Hope you're having a good birthday, @goodybags.
Good morning/moaning! Woke up with some twinges/pain in my poorly foot and then Phantom Pain decided it wanted a look in. Tossed and turned for half-an-hour but now given in and taken painkiller. BG 6.6

Audiology appointment today (feel .like I am being "topped and tailed"!).

Light rain on window! :(
Morning all. 5.8 and another unicorn, that’s five on the bounce. Can I get a week’s worth and get 100% on my 7 day TIR? Hmmm….meeting a friend for coffee later, it usually involves a scone, and they are hard to bolus for I find!

Cool morning, under 10c. Supposed to be a decent day though.

Osteopath appointment at 9am then I’m meeting my friend if I feel ok. Back improved as the day went on yesterday, no hot water bottle used and only one lot of pain killers. Although I did very little to aggravate it. I’m hoping today might be my last appointment ( not for ever unfortunately).

Have a wonderful, warm Wednesday.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6 quite low for me

Pulse 52 same low as always

I gave a good talking to tomy weighing scales yesterday and this morning they appologised and gave a more sensible weight 71Kg. Good. just one Kg to go to get to my present goal.

The church leader persons meeting with the new pastor yesterday went well. I haven't lost my job and the new pastor has agreed to mentor me into a specific role.

My wife continues to do well. Still a few quirks. Everyone has quirks. Well, everyone except me of course but she is happy. Yesssss!!!

Today I had better get some recording done someone actually liked one of my songs! No accounting for taste!

Today just a few final touches to my new App (called The WRAP). I used it 'in anger' last night and sent its results to one of the church leaders for error checking.

Later on two walks, a light tea, rest


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all a more respectable 5.7 this morning after a difficult few blood days. Last night a cup of tea (no sugar, skimmed milk) raised my bloods by over 5mmol. TIR has dropped from 98% to 93% so not stressing but it's frustrating and average is now nearing 8. Can only put it down to the heat as have been on my feet all day the last couple of days.
Have a good day everyone and keep cool.
Good morning/moaning! Woke up with some twinges/pain in my poorly foot and then Phantom Pain decided it wanted a look in. Tossed and turned for half-an-hour but now given in and taken painkiller. BG 6.6

Audiology appointment today (feel .like I am being "topped and tailed"!).

Light rain on window! :(

Overslept again! Woke to a 4.9 that became a 5.7 then a 6.2. DP at play but why. BG dropped slightly same time yesterday..
Good morning 6.4 today
Yesterday afternoon I swam and got few jobs at home done, but other than that didn’t do much

I’ve a catch up call with someone in HR at work this morning at 09:30 so that to look forward to
TBH but feel like going back to sleep, as slept for less than 4 hrs last night,
Ive got a cold / cough (plus work stuff going through my head already)

following that chat with HR I think I will return to bed for a few hours this morning
feel like telling them to just leave me alone, the Dr signed me off with stress (because of the job)
so leave me alone, but appreciate they want me back at work or to leave 🙄
I didn’t want to get another lot but think will request another prescription from GP of what they gave me to help me sleep, no news on if GP is prepared to prescribe the Libre sensor, but I’ve a phone call with him scheduled for next Monday.

no actual “on paper cards came for my birthday” but loads of messages on Facebook plus other media Inc on here of course, no Birthday Cake but I’m sure will have some at the weekend when my sister is coming over.

Have a Super Wednesday all TC 😎