Group 7-day waking average?

Like @ColinUK I’ve been awake for ages. 5.9 at 5.30 but laid tossing and turning since 4.30 and didn’t check my BGs. Back aching again, I didn’t use the hot water bottle yesterday. It was 27 degrees for Gawd’s sake, I’d have melted! Anyhoo, it’s currently placed in the small of my back and I’ve had painkillers even though I haven’t hadn’t any breakfast yet. 🙄Needs must.

Had a lovely visit with baby Rocco yesterday afternoon. He’s so tiny. He just slept all the way through it. Daughter looking very well and she said she feels great, feeding established after a tricky start but she’s persevered with it. We took her some treats, well, you can’t eat flowers. She was chuffed to bits, all her favourite things. We came home and sat in the garden in the shade, I read my book. Then at 5pm I started the tea, full Sunday roast! Madness, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Don’t think I’ve ever eaten a roast dinner sitting under the dappled shade of a grape vine ! :rofl:

My plans are scuppered today, I was going to tackle the huge pile of ironing I’ve accrued but I don’t suppose that will happen. And yes, before you ask, Mr Eggy has offered but I’m OCD with laundry, I like to do it all, putting it in the washer, hanging it out ( I’m quite happy for him to bring it in) ironing it and putting it away. I know, I’m my own worst enemy.

Have a Happy Monday. Heavy rain and storms expected up here, let’s hope they’ve got it wrong, although it’s raining now and looks quite dark.


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Good morning 5.7 today

Happy Monday 😎
Morning all. 3.4 so awake and treating. Not sure whats going on with levels atm. Probably the effects of last weeks walking, guesstimating carbs and the weather. Fingers crossed they settle soon as i'm either hypo or spiking.

Forecast is feeling like 35° today. Too hot for me so i shall be cleaning this morning then sitting in the shade reading. We're off to the cinema later to see It Ends With Us. At least there will be air conditioning in there.
Good morning all, 6.2 for me. I am feeling very relieved to be back in range for 94%, I had a few difficult weeks where I went down to low 80's and was overtreating lows. I also changed insulin to Lyumjev and think I have made friends with it now! I am going to London and prepared for a very hot evening.
Happy Monday to all.
Good morning everyone.

After a scorcher yesterday and the promise of an even hotter day today, it is cold, dark, rainging like crazy!!!

BG 5.2 yessss

I ate for England yesterday but still lost weight!!!

Just heard from my sister who I haven't seen in ages. Good to hear from her.

However, my daughter continues to shut us out of her life for no reason that I can work out unless she is prejudiced against mentally ill people or personal issues with me that I cannot fathom. No idea but it hurts me terribly.

Today rest, 2 walks if it stops raining.

Have great day today whatever you are doing
Morning! A Len again for me with a 7.0
Off to ESH with Mrs Snowwy to try and get a blood test !
6.3 for me after a pretty lousy night's sleep. It was 25 degrees in our bedroom even with the windows open. If that wasn't bad enough we found ourselves on the Heathrow flight path this morning, with the first plane going over at 05:37, closely followed by several more. Gave up in the end and got up at 06:20. Our garden thermometer peaked at 30.3 degrees yesterday. I wonder what it'll reach today?

Our eldest and his friends seem to be having a good time in Nuremberg and he's sent us several photos of them in various locations. They have a guide, of course - their mutual friend is at Uni there. They're flying back today.

Our youngest has a meeting with his Optalis Support Worker this morning to discuss the offer he's had from Sainsbury's. He's typical Gen Z - work has to fit around his social life, not the other way round, and the hours they're offering don't suit. I worked M-F, 9-5 for 41 years, and that was in the office every day. Can't believe how much things have changed.

Well done @Gwynn on the HS.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
Good morning! After an uncomfortably warm and sticky night and a flattish , soixante-neuf, 6.9 . Hottest day of the year forecast for later (hope not {fingers crossed emoji}).

First of four appointments four days in a row today. Today's is this afternoon and others are all early doors. Wednesday's is a home visit but nurse insists I have tp be first on the list for efficiency(?).

Woken by the hound at 4.30 in need of a wee, just as the rain began. Very hot and sticky evening and overnight, but much cooler now. Perhaps the front has moved over?

5.5 on the doors for me this morning.

Congrats on the Hs @Gwynn 🙂
Woken by the hound at 4.30 in need of a wee, just as the rain began. Very hot and sticky evening and overnight, but much cooler now. Perhaps the front has moved over?

5.5 on the doors for me this morning.

Congrats on the Hs @Gwynn 🙂
Hope you were not woken by the Hound of the Baskervilles as when our three start barking they will wake the dead as the cemetery is close by.
A 6.9 and another flat line and my wife has started giving me a slice of toast at 5 in morning so I need to give an extra insulin jab as I then go back to sleep for an hour or two.
Another scorchio day and then breaks tomorrow which is perfect for me.Quiet day and hope you all have a good week
Good morning. 5.8

Poor family stuck on m4 from 5.30 to 10.30 after a brief stop at Llansteffan to let the boys have a final run on the beach. Seems sections of the M'way were closed. Meanwhile I did a rapid Tesco run once they had left, cleaned out fridge and kitchen, tidied up the polytunnel, ran the dog, and then sat down to enjoy the quiet. Wonderful. Odd how one can love people and then rejoice in their absence! I still think @eggyg should be canonised...I think I am too old for toddlers.

Nothing much planned for today. Not forecast for thunderstorms or killing heat. Stay cool everyone and I hope nobody gets really deluged.
Busy morning so far with work, BG 6.6 this morning iirc (probably due to having carb snack in late evening yesterday as i was hungry due to having had early tea, had also had some ice cream and chocolates earlier in day yesterday).

Yesterday 6.5 when I first checked (while trying to make sure I had sorted things ready to take 16 year old to friend's then get back for church). Checked again on return to house briefly before church (still fasting as had only had water) and 5.4 so maybe mostly dawn rise?
2.9 for me this morning after a night well and truly in the red sand. However, I slept through it and didn’t really feel low at all.

Very busy over the past week or so, hence not even getting a chance to post on here. I have learned a couple of things NOT to do when the weather is this hot and muggy :

1. Do not mess around with amateur radio antennas in the loft. It will only lead to frustration and melting.
2. Similarly do not decorate the kitchen (ceiling done but had to give up due to the conditions), walls tomorrow when hopefully the weather will cool a bit!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS today!

Take care and stay cool everyone!
I still think @eggyg should be canonised...I think I am too old for toddlers.
Ha ha! Thanks Tina, I think I need committed! I became a grandma twice in six weeks when I was 46. Eldest and middle daughters. Just a baby myself, I had a 14 year old of my own. We looked after those two on our weekends off. A big gap, almost six years and along comes another one when I was 52. My eldest had a different job by now and worked through the week, so I had new baby on my days off and later on picked her up from nursery at 1pm. When we retired at 57 we just had the three grandchildren and they were all at school. Bliss! Six months after retiring along pops another one. We looked after her just one day a week, and the others in the holidays. Roll on to 2020 and she went to nursery the odd pick up needed. Had a year off from childcare then another one arrived early 2021, two or three full days childcare shared with other grandparents. We’re now 64 and it’s getting harder and harder chasing around after toddlers, we’re back off our grandparentity leave end of October and we’ll have a baby and a stroppy threenager to look after, although the eldest is now at nursery two days a week, thank goodness. Then come next May we’ll have the latest one no doubt, nothing has been thrashed our about the terms and conditions yet but I’ve implored her to get his name down now for the free nursery places for 9 month olds and older! We’ll be 65 then and looking after three of them isn’t viable, although one goes to school next year and hopefully her sister will go to nursery for a couple of days. Youngest is now talking about having a third! Are we too old to emigrate to Australia? :rofl: