Likewise 'damp squid' instead of 'damp squib', although I doubt anyone other than us oldies has any idea what a squib is anyway.Gwynn, it's not "baited breath" it's actually "bated breath" short for "abated" meaning to hold your breath back or lessen your breath. It's like a lot of these sayings, they have changed over the years because people spell as they hear e.g. these days people "step foot" which is nonsensical but everyone says it. It should be "set foot" i.e. to set your foot down in a place.
Forgive me, I have a tendency to be the grammar police!
I had to look it up, i've never heard of a squibLikewise 'damp squid' instead of 'damp squib', although I doubt anyone other than us oldies has any idea what a squib is anyway.
I am sorry but I cannot do as you do although I am sure it prevents offence and keeps the peace. Some issues are, in my view, so important, so fundamental, that one has a duty to make one's position clear and to justify it. If one is to help defeat racism one has to speak up - whether they want it or not! I fear I am a less peaceable person than you.Morning
7.8 today, maybe the delicious pizza I couldn’t resist yesterday. Eyes are all ok now, so ok to drive start running again and do yoga. Hopefully that will help with my weight and mental health, not the driving the running and yoga. Although not being reliant on hubby to drive me everywhere will be good.
@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS
@TinaD - sorry to hear about the sleepless night and pain. Re the old friend, I have a few like that so I just add a few noises into the conversation so they know I am listening as they don’t actually want or expect anyone to disagree with them.
@goodybags - hope the meeting goes well, just keep getting the doctor to sign you off, I was off for a couple of months 2 years ago, I also told the doctor that they kept hassling me for a return date, he was not impressed. I was also advised by ACAS not to leave as long as I was sending in fitnotes, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I still struggle with my Mental Health now nearly 18 months later, caused by work.
I always put a strip of micropore tape over my sensor, and I used to snip a little bit out, so it didn’t cover the hole, but it’s a real fiddle, so I stopped bothering and it’s been fine. Micropore is meant to be breathable anyway, so it probably gets some ventilation. I don’t swim, so it doesn’t get immersed for ages, just a bit wet on the outside in the shower, and I’m not a terribly sweaty person, well not on my arms anyway, so it doesn’t have to evaporate much moisture.Whist I have been incarcerated (there is no other wordn for it) in hospital and residencia) I have been given a Freestyle Libre 2. I am getting on with it quite well but I have a question about fitting a new sensor. I have read the on-line information available and it tells me that the small hole in the middle of the sensor should not be covered over, something to do with it ,breathing. The carers here always place an adhesive strip over the sensor and cover the hole. It is the flimsiesi of coverings and the sensor works well and lasts the full10 days or so. I am hoping to go home at the end of this months having been away for 10 months and wonder what I should do, apply the adhesive covering or not. Can those of you that use this device tell me what you do> Thank you