I still think @eggyg should be canonised...I think I am too old for toddlers.
Ha ha! Thanks Tina, I think I need committed! I became a grandma twice in six weeks when I was 46. Eldest and middle daughters. Just a baby myself, I had a 14 year old of my own. We looked after those two on our weekends off. A big gap, almost six years and along comes another one when I was 52. My eldest had a different job by now and worked through the week, so I had new baby on my days off and later on picked her up from nursery at 1pm. When we retired at 57 we just had the three grandchildren and they were all at school. Bliss! Six months after retiring along pops another one. We looked after her just one day a week, and the others in the holidays. Roll on to 2020 and she went to nursery the odd pick up needed. Had a year off from childcare then another one arrived early 2021, two or three full days childcare shared with other grandparents. We’re now 64 and it’s getting harder and harder chasing around after toddlers, we’re back off our grandparentity leave end of October and we’ll have a baby and a stroppy threenager to look after, although the eldest is now at nursery two days a week, thank goodness. Then come next May we’ll have the latest one no doubt, nothing has been thrashed our about the terms and conditions yet but I’ve implored her to get his name down now for the free nursery places for 9 month olds and older! We’ll be 65 then and looking after three of them isn’t viable, although one goes to school next year and hopefully her sister will go to nursery for a couple of days. Youngest is now talking about having a third! Are we too old to emigrate to Australia?