Group 7-day waking average?

Morning mirroring Northerner again with an 8.2 but still getting good TIR.
Off to rural Shropshire today after a few very local days and trying to finish off a presentation needed for next week when I have the delights of a day trip to Berkshire.
Have decided to go by train which is still a long day as I don’t want to stay night before but at least it is less stressful.
Anyway love this time of year being out and about and long May it last.
Soon be w/ end
Good morning everyone

BG yet another 4.9 happy with that

Weight continues to tumble, excellent. I wrigh 72.1Kg today

Blood pressure staying nice and low (in the normal range) 111/79

Pulse, hmmm, what can I say, low again as always 52

Today, if it stops raining, a walk and later on a meeting of the worship team leads and me (the scribe) to discuss what we do going forwards with a new Pastor and everyone away in September. I am a bit concerned about it all as I am the only one there who does not lead worship and may actually get axed. I am hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

The good news is that every time I try to predict what will happen in life, I get it wrong (except at the last election), so you never know things may turn out for the best.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

5.3 for me.

In line with no question is a stupid one. I have only recently started to test my BG first thing in the morning. I assume it is just to see how my BG has behaved overnight? Is that correct?
Morning all. Happy to report that I can breathe!!! The sinusitis appears to have gone!!!


Hello Dolly yesterday was wonderful. Imelda Staunton is just wow.

Started off in the Cathay Pacific Lounge at the Palladium which was packed.IMG_1580.jpeg Then shown to my seat by the liveried host, a gentleman named Liam. He also came to meet me at the interval and whisked me back to the lounge avoiding the throngs at the bar etc.
Wouldn’t pay for the lounge access but as it was free for me I took advantage and there’s a certain delight in being met by a red tailcoated chap whose only duty is to ease your journey to and from your seat, ensure your drink has enough ice, store your personal belongings so you don’t have to queue for the cloakroom or shove them under your seat and meet you after curtain falls with your bags etc.

Seat was great. Front and centre stalls. Not quite sure how but the whole experience only cost £35! And the show is charming and very very good. IMG_1581.jpeg
Good morning. A nice flat fish, unicorn and 5.6. Things must be settling down.

Had a good day yesterday, back greatly improved. It’s still niggling, I’m not out of the woods yet and won’t be walking up any fells anytime soon, but I feel optimistic. I rested in the morning, hot water bottle, then after lunch did about an hour’s ironing, with rests. Hot water bottle and more rest until 4.30 and I then peeled some of our home grown King Edwards to go with Cumberland sausage and onion ( also H.G) gravy. Rested again until half 5 and made the tea. First time I’ve cooked properly in over a week. Today I’m going to cook again, fishcakes for tonight, mash already made as I did extra last night, then a ragu for tomorrow’s lunch when we have our Friday visitors. I might make a courgette, lime and ginger cake as I’m starting to get a glut. I will see how things go. The future is bright, pity the weather isn’t, a bit glum and Skiddaw has completely disappeared from view. If you can’t see the fells it’s raining, if you can see the fells it’s going to rain! That’s the Lake District for you. 😛

Have a brilliant day.
Morning all. Happy to report that I can breathe!!! The sinusitis appears to have gone!!!


Hello Dolly yesterday was wonderful. Imelda Staunton is just wow.

Started off in the Cathay Pacific Lounge at the Palladium which was packed.View attachment 31176 Then shown to my seat by the liveried host, a gentleman named Liam. He also came to meet me at the interval and whisked me back to the lounge avoiding the throngs at the bar etc.
Wouldn’t pay for the lounge access but as it was free for me I took advantage and there’s a certain delight in being met by a red tailcoated chap whose only duty is to ease your journey to and from your seat, ensure your drink has enough ice, store your personal belongings so you don’t have to queue for the cloakroom or shove them under your seat and meet you after curtain falls with your bags etc.

Seat was great. Front and centre stalls. Not quite sure how but the whole experience only cost £35! And the show is charming and very very good. View attachment 31178
How did they get a cruise liner in the theatre and who was wearing thongs in the bar? :confused:
Morning all. Happy to report that I can breathe!!! The sinusitis appears to have gone!!!


Hello Dolly yesterday was wonderful. Imelda Staunton is just wow.

Started off in the Cathay Pacific Lounge at the Palladium which was packed.View attachment 31176 Then shown to my seat by the liveried host, a gentleman named Liam. He also came to meet me at the interval and whisked me back to the lounge avoiding the throngs at the bar etc.
Wouldn’t pay for the lounge access but as it was free for me I took advantage and there’s a certain delight in being met by a red tailcoated chap whose only duty is to ease your journey to and from your seat, ensure your drink has enough ice, store your personal belongings so you don’t have to queue for the cloakroom or shove them under your seat and meet you after curtain falls with your bags etc.

Seat was great. Front and centre stalls. Not quite sure how but the whole experience only cost £35! And the show is charming and very very good. View attachment 31178
Delighted it all went so well.
Good morning! A 4.8 after an awful night. I woke after an hour and after a while decided I needed to take a painkiller (I only do PRN these days). For safety I keep them in the kitchen and decided to visit the bathroom on the way. As I turned on the bathroom light everything went dark, and I thought "F*** the power has tripped!". In pitch darkness I made my way back to the bedroom to get my mobile to use the Torch. I smashed my knuckles on the dor frame and swore some more. Finally accessing the fuse box (well trips these days) I saw nothing had tripped. Anyway I relived myself and had a painkiller. The scary thing was nothing worked - no mobile, no internet (provider or WiFi) not even Libre (internet connectivity to Health Trust?). With no landline I could find out nothing. After about 20 minutes Libre started working again confirming I was going hypo. 40 years ago I had a landline and a spare car battery that could power a lamp (clear sidelight) and old car radio (we had quite a few then power cuts then). Power was restored after three-quarters-of-an-hour!

Physiotherapy this morning.

Hazy sunshine.
Morning all 7.3 for me. Totally fed up with this fatigue, can't concentrate on anything. Another quiet day, just taking my neighbour to have her dressings changed after her gall bladder op. Then probably more Olympics which are thoroughly enjoyable.
Take care everyone

9.3 and feel awful, full of another cold, body aches etc and still not eating well as I don’t feel like prepping and cooking. Back to work full time this week, so cold could not have come at a worse time.

Congratulations to @Paul Gibbins on your HS today.
Good morning. 6.8

Slept like a log. Pain levels right down. Even breathing easier. Weather, however, distinctly autumnal - grey, damp and chilly. Thank Goodness for well loved kindly plumber who, oil having been delivered but boiler refusing to fire, nipped over a.s.a.p to bleed the oil line. So CH on, hot shower delivered, everyone still asleep except me: what is not to like?

Have a good day everyone.
Well done @Paul Gibbins on the HS. A round 6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning 6.4 today,

Woke up this morning feeling like I only had a catnap, after a disturbed nights sleep
had a hypo @1am that was stubborn and took an hour to go away,
still my watch recorded over 6 hours sleep so must’ve had a better sleep than I feel

Congrats on the HS @Paul Gibbins

I’m due to go back to work on Monday, but feeling not ready
Will see if hear from my GP today, I called in at the surgery yesterday and spoke to the reception, she looked on the system and said the DR will be doing some admin for me today

On a positive, my weight loss is going well (although still a few KG to get my BMI under 30)

according to my Libre sensor maybe my HbA1c might be considerably less than the (in the sixties that my last result came in at)
this is to be expected with the change to my medication

TC everyone 😎
Morning everyone, a nice round 5 for me today along with a decent night sleep and sunshine this morning makes me a happy bunny.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.