Group 7-day waking average?

A near miss 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning everyone, it’s a beautiful morning here and just right for a happy 5.4.

Have a great day folks and stay safe.
Drusillas! Haven't been there for decades so good to hear they are still going, brings back good memories :D 7.1 for me
We used to go to Drusillas too - loved it! My husband was brought up not far from their in Willingdon.
Morning All - 7.2 this morning. I've spent the last 10 days since back from Scotland getting my TIR back up and it's now at 85 which I'm really pleased about. It's amazing how just being here and doing every day things has so much of an impact on my BG. I do a lot of steps just walking around the Cumbrian Long House but also have spent most days in the garden pulling out giant weeds and then on Monday I decided to tackle the compost bays that the previous people built but that haven't been managed very well. I'm not sure I've sweated so much in my life and that's saying something as I used to be an aerobics instructor and did a lot of running too. I can highly recommend the "compost workout". I managed to get it all sorted and even built a divide in between a double bay which was too big to be useful. And I carefully propped some foxgloves out of the way during the whole operation as there were still bees on them. Very satisfying. Off to Norway to the boat tomorrow so will no doubt see my TIR plummet (not a lot of steps to be had on a sailing boat). Sorry if I don't check in when I'm away. Pics below of said compost heap and my first Helianthus (grown from seed). @eggyg CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


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Good morning 5.8

Ran round like blue assed fly yesterday to get stocked up for family and to meet estate agent to view a promising house. He was 16 minutes late to the site and then found his client had locked the house and he didn't have a I didn't call him what he certainly was..

Have a good day all.
I'm joining Dez on the 5.3 step on this bright & sunny Berkshire morning. Wednesday's a washday and with no rain in the forecast it should be a good day for getting the whole lot dry on the line. Trip into town later to pick up my weekly sweet treat from Gail's, and maybe continue to hack away at our out-of-control honeysuckle this afternoon. Was going to do it yesterday but the weather was a bit unpredictable, with a couple of sudden heavy downpours. Damp conditions meant that the Slug Patrol was deployed yesterday evening and accounted for a dozen of them.

Hope everyone's got some sunshine today.
good morning! 7.1 for me. We arose early as my brother is expected to come round. He usually comes in the morning, but, today he's chosen dinnertime - then a meal at some time between two and four. It'd be lovely to see him after several months, but why, oh why does he insist on cocking my day up?

I hope your day is good and productive whatever you get up to. 🙂
Morning all - grey and windy. Sick of this really I am.

7.3 this morning, but in range all night and a fairly flat line - I left it to the HCL to manage after dinner.

Hoping to work on the photobook this afternoon, then meeting friends early evening in the local as usual on a Wednesday.

Hope you're all feeling well and have a good day.
Good morning/moaning! Woke to a massice cramp in my instep, reached down to massage it to find nothing as it was where I had my amputation! Decided to get up and make a cuppa to see if it eased off. Quick BRG check showed 4.4 sliding down (opposite of usual for Phantom Pain) so had a couple of Rich Tea with my tea and ten minutes later a pain killer as pain continued!

Fortunately an easy day today then appointments Thursday and Friday.

Rain running down window when I retired has now stopped.

Here's one of my favourite bikes. For a bonus point can you identify it?

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it's a b.s a gold star Mikey I think.
Was a 5.1 for me this morning.My flat line did rise into the low 8 s after midnight.but soon dropped back and still is a nice flat line .Got me worried.Just been a heavy shower up here Sky looks full of rain . Mikey Bikey that looks like a B.S A gold star Have a good day folks
Drusillas! Haven't been there for decades so good to hear they are still going, brings back good memories :D 7.1 for me
We are back! It's not cheap but you get a real good day of variety. The animals are really well kept and very diverse.
Good night all - today did not go exactly as planned but it worked out OK in the end.

Everyone grumpy and difficult this morning, except me (honestly) and son-in-law Nick. At some points I was counting- ten - twenty … and say something bland...catch more flies with honey than vinegar...don't snap, look at the view...

The Elder Grandson, who was feeling the pressure, (I don't blame daughter or toddler Benjie for it as they are under acute stress - her from the cancer therapy/worry etc and him from his regime changes) decided to run outside, returning almost at once to declare he had found a hedgehog stuck down the manhole serving the caravan water taps. Immediate gathering of the clan. The wretched plumber had left the lid off on Friday - when had Mr/Mrs Tiggywinkle fallen in?

Early arrivers (not me as a rather slow limper) declared he/she had been flat out with nose showing on arrival but had subsequently slowly formed a mound. Obviously dying, they declared, but just a chance with veterinary intervention.
Couldn't get a response from Hedgehog Rescue and my vet is 12 miles off (best on horses) so issued gauntlets to Nick, contained prickly heap in large bucket, headed down the village to the local lot Reception "Cor that's a big un" or Welsh to that effect. "We'll give you a call when he/she has been examined". Distinct air of "Don't get your hopes up".

Had just fed the gloomy troops lunch and contemplated the dishwasher when I got an unintelligible call to answer phone. Only discernible words "take him back". Back to car with bucket. Reunited with prickly chum. "He, or possibly she, has eaten 2 large helpings of cat food and is fine. Put him out at dusk" We did. Nick setting his phone to record him. 10 minutes later a video of a stout Tiggy setting off at speed.

Funny thing is all the grumpiness had evaporated. Well, they say nature is good for mental health!! Daughter had a good phone consultation with medical team. I cooked dinner, with Nick stir frying some extra veggies. Rowan played Minecraft. Benjie decided bedtime wasn't an absolutely impossible demand. All the tearing anger gone from daughter's voice. And now lovely, lovely peace and quiet...God Bless you unsexed Tiggy.