• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

On another tack your post about stuffing pasta reminded me of the saying "life is too short to stuff a mushroom" and made me giggle
It is a bit fiddly TBF, I use massive pasta shells I can only get from TKMaxx. I filled them with a mix of mozzarella, marscaponi, garlic and fresh basil and shove them unceremoniously into a dish of ragu. The cheesy filling melts into the ragu and it’s delicious.
Morning everyone, a happy 5.6 for me on a grey and windy Friday .

Have a good day folks and stay well.
5.5 for me on a rather dull, grey, damp and blustery Berkshire morning. Damp means the Slug Patrol was deployed again. Sun's trying to break through but not having much luck so far. Weekly BP check 115/65.

Our eldest is heading off to Germany with two friends today, visiting a mutual friend who's at Uni in Nuremberg, back on Tuesday. With our youngest working all weekend, and my wife on a day out in Wallingford with a friend tomorrow, I think I'll defer the usual Friday Big Shop until Sunday.

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS.

@Wendal - Bracknell's good for shopping since it had a much-needed makeover, but Windsor it ain't.

Have a great day.
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Greetings 6.7 first thing. A bit of socialising today. Last night I joined my first webinar for Diabetes control. It was hosted by a company called Redicare. There were 50 on-line in the chat. Very interesting...
Good morning! A 6.9 today so hope DP does not come to play!

Totally shattered yesterday after transport shenanigans and a heavy physio session. Keeping to Olympics theme I did the 10yd hurdles with 10cm hurdles (mixed emotions as it is a step forward but sad to think I used to do the 100yd and 440yd full size versions! :( ) Then evening spoilt as a bad Phantom Pains (burning sensation on top of foot) bout that lasted from ~17:00 to ~22:00. Went to bed about 23:00 but woken by the stabbing sensation variant. Hope I can get back to sleep as MO injection at lunchtime. At least the hot water was back when I returned from physio yesterday.

Cloudy and muggy.

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Woke to a 3.8 before breakfast.

Can't believe it! All psyched up for injection and it got cancelled 15 minutes ago. Lucky I did not miss text - was waiting for 6-digit security code. Had to cancel Patient Transport. Rang Ophthalmology to try and get non clashing date but no reply...
Good morning/moaning! Had been asleep for somewhat over three hours when I woke in agony with Phantom Pain! BG 8.3 but was ~6 an hour previously . Hit 9.4 but now 8.4!

Supermarket and Amazon deliveries later but surprised to see afternoon's supermarket delivery already picked!

Looks clear - definitely not muggy like yesterday.

Update - now it is a bit lighter can see it is clear but ominous cloud coming from the east! :(

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Morning all. A Len special this morning for me.

An appalling 10.3, I know I still have this cold, but my eating is out of control. It is my granddaughter’s 6th birthday party today, so starting tomorrow I am going back to low carb, currently working out my lunches as that is what I have difficulty with, then after eating a sandwich or toast everything spirals out of control.
I currently feel awful, a combination of the cold and high blood sugars.

suggestions for low carb lunches that I can put together quickly or make in advance and just heat up are always welcome. Although of course the obvious answer is to try and use leftovers from the day before dinner.

Sorry moan over,I know many of you are dealing with much worse problems than I do.

5.3 for me.

An unusual 6.9 for me after BG testing last night. Could be the delicious Tabbulah sakad Yum. Must remember portion control next time!!

Hope you all have a lovely day
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1
Weight down another 0.5Kg yesterday. Sometimes I just love my weighing scales. (they're probably accurate to within a Kg or 2).

My new partial role of collating the church worship team rota is going well with a few people responding as requested regarding their availability already, long way to go yet tho.

Today some programming, two long walks, a light tea.

I do feel 'wellerer' now that I am focusing on eating well, not snacking, exercising like there's no tomorrow. But it does take a lot of determination and effort. It's worth it tho.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 5.7 and an unbelievably total and utter flattest flatfish I’ve ever had. If it was an ECG I wouldn’t be here! 😉

After yesterday’s busy day, I’m surprised my back has held up remarkably well. So much so I’m going to try a short walk later, just round the block which is only three miles. Wish me luck.

Have a good day, it looks like we’re all going to get decent weather.
Another cool & grey start, no sign of the sun and 10/10ths cloud all day according to our forecast. Billy No Mates for most of the day with our eldest in Germany, my wife out for the day with a friend and our youngest on a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. Plenty of things to keep me busy though, especially in the garden.

5.8 when I tested this morning, although I almost forgot (again) after not bothering to test post-meal last night (Smoked Salmon & Spinach Omelette and salad, for which my food diary says I average 5.5). Consequently my test kit was still in the cupboard instead of being on the kitchen worktop. Will I never learn?

Whatever your plans, have a good start to the weekend.
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