• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Was a 7.1 for me this morning Still going well 96% in range for 7 14 and 30 days 90 days 90% see what happens if I ever get any bloods done for the diabetes clinic.. Demanded a face to face assessment at the he hospital that was last October.Still waiting.. Doesn't look like they've replaced the dsn who left 27 months ago.. Anyways off to the big city just now . Newcastle Opticians appointment at 4 pm Can't afford a new pair this year .Have a good day folks
I think we are on a roll - everyone cheerful and me ecstatic - I've got my driving licence renewed! Only 10 months from application! And I can still tow combined weight 7.5 toms (and as I gleefully discovered having checked codes at DVLA - I can drive a steam roller. As Nick observed "Quick, we must buy one at once!" I can feel the stress levels dropping - carless with everything else going on woud have been murder.
10.6 for me dropping back to 9.1 before brekkas (not surprising really, as I was a sweetie binge late last night). I walked to the pub at dinner for a diet Coke and a few games of pool, losing miserably. The walk back was fine but the clouds were threatening rain (which came down buckets when we got back).

Congratulations @TinaD on getting your licence back.
Good morning! A 6.9 today so hope DP does not come to play!

Totally shattered yesterday after transport shenanigans and a heavy physio session. Keeping to Olympics theme I did the 10yd hurdles with 10cm hurdles (mixed emotions as it is a step forward but sad to think I used to do the 100yd and 440yd full size versions! :( ) Then evening spoilt as a bad Phantom Pains (burning sensation on top of foot) bout that lasted from ~17:00 to ~22:00. Went to bed about 23:00 but woken by the stabbing sensation variant. Hope I can get back to sleep as MO injection at lunchtime. At least the hot water was back when I returned from physio yesterday.

Cloudy and muggy.

5.9 this morning, which started bright & sunny but has now clouded over. Yesterday's washday fell a bit short of the good drying day I was expecting so the last load that went on the line got a 20-minute spell in the tumble dryer to finish off. Socks got tumble-dried, too - I couldn't be bothered to peg out 29 pairs.

Congratulations @Paul Gibbins on your HS today.

@Sharron1 - pretty much. It's a fasting test giving you an idea of how your body managed your BG overnight in the absence of food.

@Wendal - enjoy your day here in leafy Berkshire.

Swim later, maybe lunch in town afterwards, and more Olympics.

Have a good day, all.
Thanks Martin,
Not sure if Reading station and a taxi to Bracknell are the leafiest parts of Berkshire but it is a lovely county.
Morning walked the dogs and a 7.2 but another flat line and pleased it is end a very nice week so look forward to Pizza and garden centres.
My mood rarely gets down as pretty content most of the time but does alternate between being very happy and engaged with the world and then sometimes just want to live in my own bubble and focus more inwards.
I like to enjoy my life but am much happier when life feels good and that can be the nations sporting success say at Euros/ Olympics or other people having happy events but conversely if there are negatives or bad things happening like riots or very sad events in Southport I tend just to revert to my little world.
Sorry for pontificating on my thoughts for the day especially this early but am in a happy phase currently so hope you are too.
Morning all. 5.6.

Another glum day without the view of Skiddaw but the forecast is half decent, a bit of sunshine and not much chance of rain. I stupidly did a load of washing yesterday and had to bring it in after a couple of hours. Currently hanging about the house everywhere.

Child care day today from 9.30, then Eden and daughter coming for lunch and Zara will come after nursery. I’ve decided we’re having a decent lunch ie stuffed pasta Bolognaise and focaccia, which is currently whirring away in the bread maker, I’ve got the dough on early as I like it to rise for hours, the recipe says 45 minutes but the longer the better in my opinion. Back still holding up ok. Still following the hot water bottle/rest regime in between doing stuff. Still won’t let me sleep in though, 5am it’s screaming at me to get out of bed. I lasted until 6 today.

Have a fab Friday everyone.
Morning all. 6.6
Good morning HS today
no overnight lows for me last night but a pretty much straight line
(although my levels dropped to 3.4 from 6.4) one hour after excercise yesterday evening
I’m liking the sensor - it certainly helps me understand what’s going on.

regarding work Im still signed off (until the end of next week)
I have a Teams video call with someone from HR & my manager scheduled for Monday afternoon, yesterday received a further sick note covering last week and next week

It was WK 12 yesterday evening of the fitness / healthy eating education program I’ve just been on
My total weight loss for me was 7.7 over the 12 weeks
I’ve enjoyed it, my fitness has certainly improved which was needed

here’s a picture of the guys I was there with last week
some of those of you that are observant will notice it was taken at Carr’s bar, named not after Alan but his Dad Graham, a previous manager of Northampton Town

Have a Fantastic Friday everyone 😎


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Morning all, 6.7 here. Off to ride the pony this morning, at least it’s stopped raining after yesterday's persisting it down, but the ground will be soggy, and there will be shower baths in places where we have to brush through overhanging greenery.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

No shift in body weight yesterday!! Must be the chocolate cake I devoured later on in the evening.


Meeting last night went well.

Today lots of walks and rest (do the two go together?)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 6.7

Looks like the weather will be better today - sky blue with some high white, smallish, shower clouds - forecast for a warm afternoon. Off to the Doctor this morning. Only waited 3 weeks for an appointment...the major flare has subsided so it will be a historical discussion of how to head off the next one - all rather pointless.

If the family goes to the beach I am planning on putting my feet up after mowing the lawns as tomorrow we have a viewing and I shall be flat out cleaning up. I am perpetually amazed at just how much mess my family generate and how askance they look at me as I fill, empty, and refill the dish washer rather than having plates of half eaten food, to which children may return, lying about. What happened to sit down, eat your food, ask may you leave the table and being told "yes, if you have finished"? Oh well, times change I suppose, but I think the old way was less stressful and messy.

Enjoy Friday - the weekend cometh.

8.2 cold seems to be easing, however poor eating isn’t, going to start making a plan to reduce my hours at work if I can in the New Year. First full week of full time work since May and I am exhausted, although I know it will help when I get my new glasses.

@goodybags - congratulations on your HS today.
Morning all - looks like it's going to be a nice day. The sky has cleared since I got up at 7am, having been awake since 5.

6.0 with a fairly flat line and 100%TIR so far today. Seems like the HCL is working overnight at least. Had a hideous spike yesterday after lunch with multiple high BG alarms. Looking at the PDM history it doesn't look like I took any bolus with lunch (a burger in a small bun with cheese and fried onions), yet I was sure at the time that I had, because I was surprised at how low the calculated dose was. Maybe I forgot to press the last button to deliver it???

Meeting friends we don't very often see for lunch in Marazion (home to St Michael's Mount) today and the buses are on strike. So it looks like shanks pony. We used to walk there from our old house after work and before dinner, at least 3 times the distance, in about 40 minutes. Today we are allowing an hour!!!!

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS.

@eggyg - glad your back is improving. On another tack your post about stuffing pasta reminded me of the saying "life is too short to stuff a mushroom" and made me giggle.

Have a good one everyone.
Well done @goodybags on the 5.2. It was a 5.5 for me today. 🙂
