@ColinUK I’ve been awake for ages. 5.9 at 5.30 but laid tossing and turning since 4.30 and didn’t check my BGs. Back aching again, I didn’t use the hot water bottle yesterday. It was 27 degrees for Gawd’s sake, I’d have melted! Anyhoo, it’s currently placed in the small of my back and I’ve had painkillers even though I haven’t hadn’t any breakfast yet.
🙄Needs must.
Had a lovely visit with baby Rocco yesterday afternoon. He’s so tiny. He just slept all the way through it. Daughter looking very well and she said she feels great, feeding established after a tricky start but she’s persevered with it. We took her some treats, well, you can’t eat flowers. She was chuffed to bits, all her favourite things. We came home and sat in the garden in the shade, I read my book. Then at 5pm I started the tea, full Sunday roast! Madness, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Don’t think I’ve ever eaten a roast dinner sitting under the dappled shade of a grape vine !
My plans are scuppered today, I was going to tackle the huge pile of ironing I’ve accrued but I don’t suppose that will happen. And yes, before you ask, Mr Eggy has offered but I’m OCD with laundry, I like to do it all, putting it in the washer, hanging it out ( I’m quite happy for him to bring it in) ironing it and putting it away. I know, I’m my own worst enemy.
Have a Happy Monday. Heavy rain and storms expected up here, let’s hope they’ve got it wrong, although it’s raining now and looks quite dark.