Morning yawning, 5.9.
Not had much sleep. No baby yet, because daughter wasn’t having any contractions the hospital sent her home and said to come back in when her contractions started or at 5am today, whatever was sooner. As they don’t like you to go more than 24 hours once your waters have broke. It was fine she lives literally a three minute drive away. Got a message at 2am, her contractions were five minutes apart and they told them to go to Whitehaven hospital, Carlisle didn’t have a spare midwife! An hours journey on one of the worst road in Cumbria, along with A66. I phoned her, she was in a right state, bless her, she was in agony. I helped her through a contraction, breathing with her whilst inside I was livid and felt absolutely helpless, Mr Eggy was ready to grab some towels and get in the car and try and catch up with them incase she gave birth on the side of the A595! But they were already 20 mins into their journey and they live 20 mins nearer to Whitehaven than us. She had to cut off the call as she was in that much pain and couldn’t talk or hold her phone. Her hubby texted me at 3am to say they were in the maternity ward and all was well. As you can imagine I’ve not had much sleep. Got a photo of her and a message at 6am, had an epidural, all is well again. Then nothing, until just now as I was typing this. She can’t stop being sick. Now I’m even more worried. Think it’s fair to say I’m not happy with the NHS again.
Have a Happy Monday folks.