• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

I finally posted in the morning must be the waxing moon! Anyway 7.4 for me. Mrs SS had her help earlier, just as well when I roused her at about nine, she was bright and cheery - there must be something in the air today.
I thought I would do some designing today, but was set back before I started, the fonts' that I need aren't on the systems, I'm searching for them now.
Good morning everyone! 5'7 this morning.

My aunt arrived safe and early yesterday and we had a lovely evening with a light walk around town and dinner in a local pub with live music. I only go there when my parents visit me and so far I had only been for drinks, this was the first time I had their food and it was very good.

Today I have booked us an afternoon tea in my hotel, I had a voucher and the views are nice. After that, if we have the energy and the weather behaves, we might attempt a portion of the South West Coast Path. It would make more sense to do those things in the opposite order but having to work this morning I had to adapt. At least the walk should help bringing down those scones! :D
Morning all - very dull and grey. There was a sea fret when I first woke up, but it's mostly dissipated now.

6.6 this morning after a couple of hypo treatments in the wee small hours. Then woke at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep as I was unable to get comfortable. Too cold with my arms out of the duvet, too hot with them under it. Fell asleep around 7:30 and finally woke at 10 am.

My left eye feels scratchy and uncomfortable, though the right which only had the cataract removed 2 weeks ago is absolutely fine. Much better than the left has ever been since the op on 30 May.

On the cheerful side, the dinner went down well last night with our friends (though I'd have preferred the lamb a bit pinker) and there's enough of everything left over for our dinner tonight.

Today it's either ironing or trying to finish off that photobook which has dragged on too long!

@eggyg I do hope your daughter is OK and gives birth soon. You must be champing at the bit for news.

Have a good day people.
And it was a happy 5.6 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.
I woke up to a 14 Really struggling atm and seem to be worse since starting insulin…I’m currently in the process of upping my Tresiba in the mornings so hopefully will start to see a decrease over the next few days! Fingers crossed
Good Afternoon was 5.3 at 9:30
but then went back to sleep as had a disturbed sleep last night

had two night time hypo alerts the first had dropped to 3.6 when my Libra woke me up @03:02
my levels had dropped to 3.6
although the sensor had sent the alert to my phone, at that time the app wouldn’t allow me to read the sensor for just almost an hour,
I was awake so I checked having taken some lifts, got back to sleep
but then @05:45 levels were dropping again to 3.7 and alerted me again
so another 2 lifts and back to sleep for another 3 hours.
was dozing and I completely forgot to attend GP surgery (I missed my asthma review)
the asthma nurse woke me by phoning me, was half awake when I had my review over the phone

Yesterday I reduced both my morning and evening insulin dose by another 2 units
and again this morning when I had some brunch I only took that same small dose

Glad I’m off work
hope everybody has a great day
TC 😎
Morning yawning, 5.9.

Not had much sleep. No baby yet, because daughter wasn’t having any contractions the hospital sent her home and said to come back in when her contractions started or at 5am today, whatever was sooner. As they don’t like you to go more than 24 hours once your waters have broke. It was fine she lives literally a three minute drive away. Got a message at 2am, her contractions were five minutes apart and they told them to go to Whitehaven hospital, Carlisle didn’t have a spare midwife! An hours journey on one of the worst road in Cumbria, along with A66. I phoned her, she was in a right state, bless her, she was in agony. I helped her through a contraction, breathing with her whilst inside I was livid and felt absolutely helpless, Mr Eggy was ready to grab some towels and get in the car and try and catch up with them incase she gave birth on the side of the A595! But they were already 20 mins into their journey and they live 20 mins nearer to Whitehaven than us. She had to cut off the call as she was in that much pain and couldn’t talk or hold her phone. Her hubby texted me at 3am to say they were in the maternity ward and all was well. As you can imagine I’ve not had much sleep. Got a photo of her and a message at 6am, had an epidural, all is well again. Then nothing, until just now as I was typing this. She can’t stop being sick. Now I’m even more worried. Think it’s fair to say I’m not happy with the NHS again.

Have a Happy Monday folks.
Hope they've given her some IV antibiotics since it got to over 24 hours from waters breaking, and the rest of the labour went/ goes well
6.2 for me this morning. Probably partly a late tea yesterday, partly trying to get my head organised for a new work week (forgot to put money or bank card in my pocket so had to borrow a tenner from a colleague earlier as car needed petrol!), and partly that the blood ran under my fingernail so possible some contamination. That's what I'll blame anyway for it being in 6s not 5s :rofl:

Invites almost all posted, just a couple more that I need addresses/further info for (mostly fiancé's side)
I just phoned abbot regarding the sensor playing up
they were quite helpful and are sending me another sensor out, plus we ran through how to download the error codes within their app, and how to clear the cache within the settings, so will see how it goes
Was a 7.1 for me this morning.Out with dog at the mo Sitting in a graveyard having a break.Even the dogs stopped chasing rabbits and is now down by my feet .Grey and overcast with a breeze blowing but great for walking.Hope everyone is doing well .
Baby here!!
Born 12.09pm, baby boy. Rocco. 7lb 12oz. Mother and baby fine. Daughter not sure if they are coming home today or not, just waiting to hear so we know if we will be visiting tonight. It’s an hour’s journey, ( oh my poor back) so having an early tea just in case. Xxx
A 7.2 first thing but have been so busy to report! Getting my head and stomach around this new plan. These things are never easy, coupled with a cold also☹ Congratulations @eggyg
5.9 this morning and a visit to the dentist at midday for a small filling, which was over and done with in about 20 minutes thank goodness! Trouble was the appointment was at midday so I had to make sure my BG was high enough to last me out until the anaesthetic wore off and I could eat and drink again! Just one of the annoying things with diabetes!

@eggyg - congratulations on your new grandchild! Glad everything went ok in the end!

Take care everyone!
Baby here!!
Born 12.09pm, baby boy. Rocco. 7lb 12oz. Mother and baby fine. Daughter not sure if they are coming home today or not, just waiting to hear so we know if we will be visiting tonight. It’s an hour’s journey, ( oh my poor back) so having an early tea just in case. Xxx
Congratulations to all the family.
Morning all. 5.3 and I’m first on. Been awake since 3.50am! It’s not good.

Daughter and baby stayed in hospital last night just because he was born more than 24 hours after daughter’s waters broke, in case of infection. So we drove all the way to Whitehaven in torrential rain, it was dry at home when we set off and I just had my Birkenstocks on as I couldn’t bend down to put my trainers on! Got wet feet walking from the car to the hospital entrance, and then on the way out! Baby is gorgeous, of course I’m biased, and daughter looked well. They’ll be home later today. Poured down all the way home and was still pouring when we got home. No garden watering required, which was just as well as it was quite dark at 9.15.

Osteopath at 8.30, let’s see what happens today. Not looking forward to it. Then home to just sit and do nothing again. It’s become very wearing. Two hours in the car last night and an hour on a hospital chair hasn’t helped much TBF.

Have a good day.

Presenting baby Rocco and proud Grandma.


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