Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! Yesterday I decided after a series of early morning highs and late afternoon fast climbs to swap out my Isophane (basal) insulin. It also corresponded with a sensor change. I checked just before bed and Libre said 4.3 but a finger prick 9.8. I have never had a gap that high. This morning Libre 4.5, finger prick 7.2. so hopefully the insulin swap out has done the trick. With frequent signal loss I wonder if Abbot are adopting supermarket style cost cutting (smaller portions, carp ingredients)? :(

Marginally cooler but very humid. Overcast again but bar the light shower late Thursday afternoon no rain!
I dreamed last night that I dropped my phone down a manhole (what!!). When I managed to retrieve it (don't remember how) it was absolutely minging and obviously wasn't working.

I spent hours taking it apart, cleaning and putting it back together again. When that was done, the only way I could get it to work was via an app on my PC. That wasn't much good as it wouldn't work if I moved out of bluetooth range. So I was resigned to the fact that I'd have to buy a new one.

You should have seen the look on yours truly's face when I woke, picked it up from the bedside cabinet and found it was working OK. 🙄

Well done @Sharron1 on your HS, my reading was 5.0 first thing. 🙂 Have a good day everybody.

Good morning. 6.4

Haven't had time to read everyone's posts this morning as slept in after a lousy night - hope all doing well. Beautiful morning again. Plumber came and fixed caravan shower but will have to come back to service house boiler as I stupidly forgot to turn it off when an old friend turned up on doorstep. Apparently they are rather hot inside...

Enjoy the sunshine everyone.
This morning.
Nice and flat overnight. No sign of Dawn phenomenon
Been off Metformin for four months now.
Flying off to Bulgaria today for a week. Wonder what the low carb options will be.
6.2 this morning. Might have been lower if I'd tested as soon as I got up but I completely forgot. I know why - I usually leave my testing kit on the kitchen worktop after testing post-dinner, so it's there in the morning to remind me, but I don't bother testing after a salmon steak dinner anymore so it wasn't there. Not the first time that's happened, either.

Just me and my wife around for most of the day as our eldest is at a wedding and our youngest has his usual 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. Not sure what we'll be doing - she's over at a local car boot at the moment - but I know she wants to go to today's viewing at the auction house in town. Car boot? Auction House? Something tells me we're in for a loft/garage clear-out.

Well done @Sharron1 on your HS this morning.

Have a good Saturday, all.
Morning! A 7.8 for me today, disappointing .
I have a zoom call at lunchtime today with the NHS team offering a type 2 reversal programme. I know... on a Saturday too! Feeling hopeful
Morning all. It's a bit dull but doesn't look like rain at any rate.

9.2 when I finally woke up. The PDM woke me at 6am telling me to treat a hypo. Then again at 6:30. I wasn't amused as I'd not gone to bed until 1:30 am. I thought I had more than adequately corrected the first hypo, but my test kit was downstairs so I didn't check, just corrected again. Then it kept waking me until 7:30 telling me the sensor had lost signal. What I should have done was put the pump to manual, but when you are half asleep you don't always think straight. I finally put the PDM in the office where I couldn't hear it and went back to bed, slept until 9:20 and miraculously the sensor had started communicating again. So far this system seems to have more negatives than positives.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon, an event I always enjoy. Hopefully there will be buses, as they are intermittently on strike in Cornwall.

Congrats to @harbottle and @Sharron1 on your HSs.

Have a good day all..... Oh... @Carlos , that stew you linked to looks fantastic!
Good morning, all. I'm joining Colin g with another 5.4 for me earlier this cloudy but still very warm day.
7.6 for me and no sign of a hypo in the early hours on the Libre, which made a refreshing change. Looks like shaving another unit off the evening basal worked, now standing at six, down from nine.
Morning all. Croaky throat and almost no voice but otherwise feel considerably improved.

Morning a 5.6 for me and a flatfish plus a unicorn so very pleased.
Legend of a lunch yesterday or should I say I am a Legend in my own lunchtime.It was so good and enjoyed it so much and then basically had a lazy afternoon watching Olympics.
Pizza at night again with again splitting my evening dose and worked really well.
Repeat and rinse today hopefully do have a great day all.