Morning all, 5.8 here. New Libre sensor seems to be behaving, I normally put a new one on at least half a day ahead, but because of needing to remove the previous one for this Biobank MRI (I’d picked the date for when it had only a couple of hours left to run) I had to start the new one straight way. I find mostly they’re fine, but I’d had the occasional one that’s needed time to bed in, so I always plan to put the new one on in advance.
Yesterday's Biobank thing was tiring, it took 4.5 hours in total (which we knew before we started) we had to do a 40 minute session on the computer answering the same lifestyle and health questions we did 15 years ago, then half an hour of cognitive tests (playing games and solving puzzles, and some memory stuff) on the computer, then it got rather tedious, waiting for each scan, and then lying still for each, there was a heart and abdomen scan, a brain scan, a dexa scan, and an ECG and carotid artery ultrasound. We were offered coffee/tea and sandwiches at regular intervals, but I'm not good at sitting doing nothing, and hate being deprived of my glasses and a good book or a crossword.