• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

8.4 at 0730, same now on the Libre. I've been a little depressed today for etheric reasons. Improving after lunch; but we're not attending church tonight (the first time, missed, in the last three months).
Blue skies this morning but grey now, threatening rain later.
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Very late posting today, and didn't get around to it yesterday! But daytime wedding invites all finished and ready to post now. Still need to do evening ones (though have mentioned to some of those who will be offered them!)

5.3 yesterday morning and 5.6 this morning.
Morning and could be first in parade and a 7.4 but gentle decline after my very heavy carb chippy tea which had not planned but wife said she really fancied that with new potato chips.
I could not resist and had the full works and as we had not had one for about a month it was heavenly.
Much fresher this morning and a local shopping trip planned to retail outlet after a Sunday morning walk around the car boot.
Nice week ahead so enjoy.
5.3 for me.

Disgraced myself with office biscuit tin yesterday, womill need another strategy to avoid it. Hope you all have a pleasant day.
Morning all, 5.8 here. New Libre sensor seems to be behaving, I normally put a new one on at least half a day ahead, but because of needing to remove the previous one for this Biobank MRI (I’d picked the date for when it had only a couple of hours left to run) I had to start the new one straight way. I find mostly they’re fine, but I’d had the occasional one that’s needed time to bed in, so I always plan to put the new one on in advance.
Yesterday's Biobank thing was tiring, it took 4.5 hours in total (which we knew before we started) we had to do a 40 minute session on the computer answering the same lifestyle and health questions we did 15 years ago, then half an hour of cognitive tests (playing games and solving puzzles, and some memory stuff) on the computer, then it got rather tedious, waiting for each scan, and then lying still for each, there was a heart and abdomen scan, a brain scan, a dexa scan, and an ECG and carotid artery ultrasound. We were offered coffee/tea and sandwiches at regular intervals, but I'm not good at sitting doing nothing, and hate being deprived of my glasses and a good book or a crossword.
Morning yawning, 5.9.

Not had much sleep. No baby yet, because daughter wasn’t having any contractions the hospital sent her home and said to come back in when her contractions started or at 5am today, whatever was sooner. As they don’t like you to go more than 24 hours once your waters have broke. It was fine she lives literally a three minute drive away. Got a message at 2am, her contractions were five minutes apart and they told them to go to Whitehaven hospital, Carlisle didn’t have a spare midwife! An hours journey on one of the worst road in Cumbria, along with A66. I phoned her, she was in a right state, bless her, she was in agony. I helped her through a contraction, breathing with her whilst inside I was livid and felt absolutely helpless, Mr Eggy was ready to grab some towels and get in the car and try and catch up with them incase she gave birth on the side of the A595! But they were already 20 mins into their journey and they live 20 mins nearer to Whitehaven than us. She had to cut off the call as she was in that much pain and couldn’t talk or hold her phone. Her hubby texted me at 3am to say they were in the maternity ward and all was well. As you can imagine I’ve not had much sleep. Got a photo of her and a message at 6am, had an epidural, all is well again. Then nothing, until just now as I was typing this. She can’t stop being sick. Now I’m even more worried. Think it’s fair to say I’m not happy with the NHS again.

Have a Happy Monday folks.
Good morning! Woke to 4.2 but DF taken me to 5.3 so there is a HS there somewhere on the curve.

Had supermarket delivery yesterday as had to cancel usual day. Not ideal as i) £2 dearer delivery, ii) grapefruits substituted for oranges but they are a NO-NO with statins, iii) ordered a ready meal for tonight as early to bed for (possible) silly o'clock pick up tomorrow but no available and no substitute and iv) took advantage for 3 for 2 deal on toilet bleach but one leaked so had to clean few items and part of kitchen floor whilst men's gymnastics were on in other room. (Grr emoji)

Cloudy. Hope it does not become sticky like mid/late afternoon yesterday!

A whopping 8.1 today, didn’t eat very well yesterday. Had a lovely week away in Norfolk, the weather was beautiful, mainly sat either on the beach or overlooking the beach. Did go out one morning to take youngest grandchildren on a train, and family outing to the next town to play crazy golf one afternoon. Sadly back to reality now and back to work full time.

Will catch up with posts later.

@eggyg - hope you get an update soon.
A 5.8 for me after another restless hot night being disturbed by somebody's car alarm going off at regular intervals. 😡

Good morning - or not. 11.3 !
Perhaps it is because I ate very little yesterday The consultant in Jaen told me that I must not skip meals but yesterdays offerings were so disgusting that I felt sick just looking at them = so I passed.
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Yesterday had its ups and downs. Things that could have gone better. Things that could have gone worse.

Today, I am very tired but still need to get out there for an eatly walk.

Our church Pastor retires this month and we have a new one starting in September. Lots of unknowns about how things will work out going forwards. Time will tell...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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5.7 this morning, same as yesterday, following a post-prandial HS yesterday evening. I know - that one doesn't count. Much cooler this morning, though. @helen56 - already 30 degrees where you are? Blimey - only just scraped over 20 here so far.

@eggyg - your experience reminds me of when my daughter's waters broke while her and hubby were travelling home from a holiday in Wales. They went straight to the nearest hospital but were told she wasn't in labour yet. They got ready to leave and the Dr asked them where they thought they were going. She was admitted and remained there until she gave birth. As it turned out they would have made it home as she didn't give birth until a few days later, but the Dr didn't think it was worth the risk.

Bit of a mishmash day ahead with a trip into town to pick up a dozen garden waste sacks so we can finish taking down our honeysuckle, then over to the fitted wardrobe company to sign forms and pay the deposit. Monday is also strip-the-beds day so the washing machine's going to be busy. Hopefully everything will get dried on the line.

Hope everyone's Monday Blues have gone away already and you have a good start to the week.