Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.9.

I’m suffering with my back again, it’s niggled on and off for a couple of weeks. I’ve ignored it on the whole, I thought it would be fine. On Sunday I was in agony whilst walking to the gala with the kids, Mr Eggy had to carry my bag as I couldn’t bear the weight on my back. Yesterday I was going to call the osteopath but I thought I’d hang on one more day. I am so stubborn! This morning I had a spasm in bed so violent I grabbed Mr Eggy’s leg, he thought his luck was in! Was a struggle to get out of bed and I hobbled down the stairs only to get comfortable and then needed the loo! Back up the stairs, luckily we live in a 18th century cottage when everyone was only 5ft tall and so don’t have many stairs. Back down, settled on the sofa, I had to break my own rule of not eating until I was under 6 as I needed to take some strong painkillers. Mr Eggy made me egg on toast and broke the egg! Painkillers taken and I’m not moving until they’ve kicked in! I will call osteopath as soon as it opens at 8.30. Hoping it’s not going to weeks again like the last time. It’s only three months since I was last there for a bit maintenance. I don’t know what I’ve done, we haven’t been doing any particular hard walks, I haven’t been gardening or building walls like @TinaD I’ve just been going about my everyday routine. It’s so frustrating. It had better be sorted before I run out of Creon completely as I can’t “dash” to the loo!

Have a grand day, it’s gonna be hot in the south I believe. Don’t forget the sunscreen.
Morning all. 4.1 and two longish hypos on the graph despite waking and having JBs. Nothing planned at all for today. Forecast is 29° so too hot to do anything anyway.

@harbottle congrats on the HS.
@eggyg fingers crossed for you to get a quick appointment and sort out your back. Take care.
Morning all 6.8 for me. Slept late after a hot night. Just sitting down for first cuppa after urgent welfare check on neighbour after call from her daughter. All is fine she had gone into the village for a paper and forgot a friend was picking up the dog as she is going into hospital for a gall bladder op today. So all is well.
Can't decide if I'm going to Goodwood for a track day today, watch more Olympics, or what I should be doing - more gardening. The green waste bin is full so I have a decent excuse to bunk off chores.
Stay safe everyone.
Good morning! 5.6 today for me.

We’re spending these couple of days at home getting jobs done around the house that we’ve being meaning to do for ages. My wife is sorting through wardrobes and already sold around 10 things on Vinted, meanwhile I’ve been in the loft putting up an antenna for my new toy which arrived yesterday - my amateur radio transceiver. Not the best day to be in the loft with the heat, but something I want to get done.

Take care everyone!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Nothing much happened yesterday. Today nothing planned. Yawn.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.9

Went to see Arts and Crafts house with roofer - £30k to renew roof to high standard. Tree surgeon £5k to remove roadside trees. Lots of other problems but all fixable except, of course, the development proposed over the road. Was very disappointed by the house. A rabbit warren of rooms with no flow or logic to them. House was too big for the garden even with the additional space for which them want £50k. Sewage goes to mains drains (fields away)but is in old clay pipes which block. Agent does not know if there is an easement or even a plan. It will be interesting to see how much it sells for but it would be a silly and risky purchase of me and could readily soak up the spare cash from selling here which is designated for daughter's mortgage. Oh well, back to Rightmove.

@eggyg Sorry to hear of back seizure. Hope you get osteopath to sort it out a.s.a.p. and have a stash of DF118s to see you through until then.
Well done @harbottle on the 5.2. A 6.1 for me today. 🙂
It's the first one for a while for me.
The Libre was saying 4.8
nice hope it will stay like this for you
right now im on tup of the mountain 11.6 only god knows wy still didnt eat breakfast and just drank a black coofy with no sugar so dodnt kow wy its so high hope it will go down till lunch we have a big party at work and i really want to be able to eat so lets hope it will go down
@TinaD If you’re looking for a doer upper then this might suit…

I’d guess the estate agent might describe it as “well ventilated”


Actually though it comes with seven acres, some laid to lawn, some woodland, a lovely walled kitchen garden and this little house…
@eggyg Hope you didn’t let Mr Eggy get away with breaking your eggs this morning and made him do them again but correctly!

And hope your back is better soon.
Another scorcher on the cards for today says our forecast, with temperatures likely to hit the low 30s. A little hotter than yesterday, then. Apparently it's all going to end with thunderstorms come Thursday. Doesn't it always? Hope the pool's not too busy when I go for my regular Tuesday swim, with people looking to cool off, plus schools being out.

My sister's had her latest HbA1c result. She's been pre-diabetic for years and was worried that her weight gain and mobility issues due to her long covid might have pushed her over the line. Good news though, it hasn't - she's still in the pre-diabetic zone.

Rare trip into sixland this morning, but only just over the border - 6.0 when I tested.

Hope everyone's getting some of this long-overdue Summer weather.
A 6.1 for me on another sunny hot morning.

Off to the dentist in 10 minutes for an extraction, that will be fun - I don't think.
A 6.1 for me on another sunny hot morning.

Off to the dentist in 10 minutes for an extraction, that will be fun - I don't think.
I’m having coffee whilst sitting in the shade overlooking the canal and whiling away the time before my hygienist appointment.

It’s one of the most relaxing lead ups to visiting the dentist surgery I’ve ever had!

Hope your appointment goes well.