Group 7-day waking average?

Morning as Victor Meldrew would say I don’t believe it but for the 2nd time in less than a week I have exactly the same as Northerner a 6.6.
He is up much earlier so I am just a follower so if I can persuade him to rack up a HS first thing I will be on Cloud 9.
Anyway am in good company and I am going to Bangor today so the song “ didn’t we all enjoy the day trip to Bangor will be my theme tune of the day.” and I will be singing it to myself on the A55.
Wonder what song the Eggys treated themselves to on the journey to Brighton.
Then it really is the run down to Easter and rally looking forward to the break.
Anyway what ever tune you select for the day pick a good one.
PS Feel for you Colin at this difficult decision time but you are right to decide this when you are in a more considered emotional state.
4.8 for me… after over a week of no Metformin.
Hello. 4.8. yesterday I found myslef feeling wired at times. which does make me worry about something. But I think it is coming up to a week before something(, sorry)! And offen feel rather cold like and things then. Also I have a badly broken tooth so could be something to do with that. Its also heyfever season and and I recently started new meditation (my preventer inhaler) and all those things together can cause a whole range of symptoms. But I can't help thinking what if things are something else which makes worry about something comping up(sorry to not use details there is a reason)
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 hmmmm meter must have gone inaccurate again 🙂

Today lots of keyboard practice and a walk if the weather is not too bad.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all from a bit calmer Brighton. 7.6, too high for me but you know what it’s like when you’re away.

Eventually arrived 7 hours after we left home. Two comfort breaks and a bit of a standstill on the M25. Checked in at 3.30 and after unpacking we took ourselves off to the front via the Brighton Pavillion gardens. Very nice. Wandered through lots of little streets and got to the seafront. It was perishing, that wind just cut right through you. Mr Eggy in photography heaven, I was just absolutely chittered. But at least it was dry, the forecast for the rest of the week is wet and VERY windy. Gusts of over 50 mph on Thursday, I wish I’d packed my woolly hat! Not a lot of eateries open, maybe Monday is a bad day or they only open during the holiday season. We got fish and chips in Harry Ramsden’s, we got there three minutes before last orders, it was only 6,30!. We had had this romantic notion we’d bet them from a takeaway and eat them on the beach watching the sunset. 1. We didn’t get a sunset and B. I would have froze to death! Fingers crossed the wind today is not quite as cold. Lots of folks didn’t seem to feel the cold though the way they were dressed! Brrr! I thought as tough northerners we’d be ok down south but we ended up looking like we were in the Arctic!

In other non Brighton news. We found out yesterday that after 17 years and a run of four girls, we’re finally having another grandson! That warmed my heart, at least! I’m not really qualified to deal with boys as a mother of three daughters and grandmother of five girls and one, now 17 year old,boy. I’m sure I’ll muddle through, Mr Eggy is dusting off his Corgi cars and Scalextrix!

@Wendal Radio 2 for the first half of the trip, an hour of James O’Brien on LBC and finished off with Classic FM.

Have a great day all.

Here’s some photos I took when I could bear to take my gloves off!


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Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

Day 2 of Cwrs Pasg / Easter Welsh Course. I enjoyed yesterday - lots of speaking practice and not a mention of the Industrial Revolution in Wales. It usually gets wheeled out on these courses, in the form of a reading comprehension or similar - they must’ve had a ton of feedback forms asking for the subject to be dropped! And our lovely tutor limited time in Break-out rooms to 6 minutes - again, they must’ve had feedback forms complaining about being dumped in BO rooms while the tutor sneaks out for a fag LOL. Looking forward to today!
Morning all from a bit calmer Brighton. 7.6, too high for me but you know what it’s like when you’re away.

Eventually arrived 7 hours after we left home. Two comfort breaks and a bit of a standstill on the M25. Checked in at 3.30 and after unpacking we took ourselves off to the front via the Brighton Pavillion gardens. Very nice. Wandered through lots of little streets and got to the seafront. It was perishing, that wind just cut right through you. Mr Eggy in photography heaven, I was just absolutely chittered. But at least it was dry, the forecast for the rest of the week is wet and VERY windy. Gusts of over 50 mph on Thursday, I wish I’d packed my woolly hat! Not a lot of eateries open, maybe Monday is a bad day or they only open during the holiday season. We got fish and chips in Harry Ramsden’s, we got there three minutes before last orders, it was only 6,30!. We had had this romantic notion we’d bet them from a takeaway and eat them on the beach watching the sunset. 1. We didn’t get a sunset and B. I would have froze to death! Fingers crossed the wind today is not quite as cold. Lots of folks didn’t seem to feel the cold though the way they were dressed! Brrr! I thought as tough northerners we’d be ok down south but we ended up looking like we were in the Arctic!

In other non Brighton news. We found out yesterday that after 17 years and a run of four girls, we’re finally having another grandson! That warmed my heart, at least! I’m not really qualified to deal with boys as a mother of three daughters and grandmother of five girls and one, now 17 year old,boy. I’m sure I’ll muddle through, Mr Eggy is dusting off his Corgi cars and Scalextrix!

@Wendal Radio 2 for the first half of the trip, an hour of James O’Brien on LBC and finished off with Classic FM.

Have a great day all.

You shouldn't be eating Sugar Puffs! I can see the Honey Monster!
Morning all, 5.5 here. Forecast is dry this morning and wet this afternoon. So naturally it’s the morning the farrier comes to the yard to trim the horses' hooves and re shoe them, so I’ve got to ride in the afternoon.
A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

We’re going all the way to Brighton! Our girls booked us tickets for The Gipsy Kings and a two night stay for our Christmas present. We’ve tagged on an extra two nights as we’ve never ever been to this area and as well as having a good old mooch around Brighton, which I’m looking forward to immensely, we hope to get to Knepp Park and/or the South Downs if we’ve time. We won’t get there until late Monday so nothing much will get done that day. Concert on Wednesday, drive home Good Friday, which I’m not looking forward to. Will have to set off quite early to try and avoid the Easter traffic!
Sorry - I've been AWOL and only just seen this. Daughter had 5 friends up here for the weekend which was great fun but very busy. Have a lovely time in Brighton - I was brought up in Horsham and Brighton was one of our local stomping grounds. Hope you find the old lanes which have really quirky shops in.
Good morning 6.6

On 2nd course of antibiotics but now making progress. Avoided admission by pleading -- thank goodness for a susceptible GP! Mr Wolf and Peachy being cared for by lovely neighbours who are off to do my shopping today. Weather filthy wet and grey today so not missing anything.

Hope everyone OK - can't face reading weeks of back messages.
Morning All - 7.6 this morning - forgot to post yesterday was a 6.0 so feeling good about that and my TIR is currently 93 which is higher than it's been for a long time. Quick question: I'm flying next week for the first time since I've been using insulin. What is the situation with taking my needles and insulin in my hand luggage? Do I need anything to prove I'm diabetic?
Good morning 6.6

On 2nd course of antibiotics but now making progress. Avoided admission by pleading -- thank goodness for a susceptible GP! Mr Wolf and Peachy being cared for by lovely neighbours who are off to do my shopping today. Weather filthy wet and grey today so not missing anything.

Hope everyone OK - can't face reading weeks of back messages.
Good to see you back, hope progress continues. Thank God for lovely neighbours!
5.5 this morning, which is bright and dry so far but also cool and breezy. Calm before the storm, I think - it's apparently going to be wet this afternoon, and a wet & windy week overall, before calming down a bit for the BH weekend. Hope so - we'd like to manage a couple of days out over Easter.

Swim day, so will be off to the pool later and while I'm in town I'll pick up an Easter Egg for my wife (Orange Twirl requested) and a birthday card for my son from my first marriage. He'll be 53 on Easter Sunday. Tonight it's Wales v Poland for a place in the Euro24 finals in Germany, so looking forward to that and hoping we can get the win. Playing in Cardiff so that should give us a slight edge.

Hope the weather doesn't spoil anyone's plans for the day.
Good morning 6.6

On 2nd course of antibiotics but now making progress. Avoided admission by pleading -- thank goodness for a susceptible GP! Mr Wolf and Peachy being cared for by lovely neighbours who are off to do my shopping today. Weather filthy wet and grey today so not missing anything.

Hope everyone OK - can't face reading weeks of back messages.
Glad to see you here. I was getting a tad concerned. Keep on improving.
Good morning my dears. 5'3, nice!

Travel day tomorrow, seems like quite a few of us are going away! I wish I was more organised and had done laundry and all like @eggyg , but I'll be working morning and evening today so the few hours in between will be for packing. I have a list in my phone that I've used for several trips now, I can check and uncheck the boxes and saves me thinking (I did check it a few days ago to make sure I had everything at home). I'm sure many of you can relate when I say the diabetic trinkets section is longer than the clothes one! I am trying to pack light this time, as I'm only going for a few days and I have plenty of clothes and toiletries at my parents house. I even left spare Libre sensors there last time, so that's one less thing to take. My mum warned me I must leave some space in my suitcase so she can fill it with food :D

Speaking of food, I've been overthinking the menu too much for the last couple of days. You know, trying to stretch the last bits on the fridge just enough so I don't need to buy and don't have leftovers either.
Morning All - 7.6 this morning - forgot to post yesterday was a 6.0 so feeling good about that and my TIR is currently 93 which is higher than it's been for a long time. Quick question: I'm flying next week for the first time since I've been using insulin. What is the situation with taking my needles and insulin in my hand luggage? Do I need anything to prove I'm diabetic?
A letter from your DSN should suffice. They’ll probably charge you! They hopefully won’t date it and it can be used again and again. Mine’s a bit tatty now! Don’t put anything diabetes related in the hold, not only because insulin will get ruined but incase they mislay your case. Enjoy your trip, anywhere exciting? Xx
I'm flying next week for the first time since I've been using insulin. What is the situation with taking my needles and insulin in my hand luggage? Do I need anything to prove I'm diabetic?
I flew for first time yesterday, I didn’t even mention needles as the sign said sharps over 6cm couldn’t go through and my needles are 4mm. I said nothing, put my bag in the tray, insulin in clear plastic bag in tray, and went through fine. I had to turn libre off on plane but I think that’s because it was a tiny plane