Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone

A 6.1 for me today, it’s raining again and l’ve a 120 mile drive to Norfolk this morning.

Have a good day folks.
That’s a cracking yolk @Wendal! I’m sure I’ll have an eggciting time!
Oh No I have unleashed the Egg themed thread so will not make another one as there are endless possibilities and a few Easter related ones as well.
Your 6.5 hour journey will evaporate if Mr Eggy gets his thinking cap on and hope you do not get too Eggcited as you pass Tebay services
Oh No I have unleashed the Egg themed thread so will not make another one as there are endless possibilities and a few Easter related ones as well.
Your 6.5 hour journey will evaporate if Mr Eggy gets his thinking cap on and hope you do not get too Eggcited as you pass Tebay services
Sorry should have been more imaginative but did not want to raise your Eggspectations too high
5.3 this morning and then logged onto patient access to see my hba1c from last Friday was 38!
I'm gobsmacked, as I've been very bad at taking the Metformin and been eating more carbs, including a hanging kebab and chunky chips last Monday and seeing higher readings for other reasons.

No cholesterol results yet. Must be bad.
After a couple of bright and sunny Berkshire mornings the rain's back and it looks pretty grey and miserable out there. Just as well I managed to give the grass a haircut yesterday. Garden's coming to life again and so many of our shrubs have buds on, so hopefully it'll be a mass of colour soon.

My IBS didn't give me any grief at all yesterday so looks like I'm done with that flare-up. My post-meal reading last night was where it normally is after a BBQ Chicken Salad. Likewise this morning's 5.4 on waking.

Our eldest futsal team came away from Manchester with a win thanks to a late equaliser and a last-minute penalty, so he was buzzing when he got back just after 10:30 last night. Up to 4th and into a play-off spot. Highlights of all 4 of yesterdays games are on TNT Sports 2 at 12:30.

Back to a full house today with two WFH and the other with no shift on a Monday.

Safe journey @eggyg and @Lucyr, congrats on another HS @Gwynn and that's a fantastic HbA1c result @harbottle

Have a good start to the week all.
5.3 this morning and then logged onto patient access to see my hba1c from last Friday was 38!
I'm gobsmacked, as I've been very bad at taking the Metformin and been eating more carbs, including a hanging kebab and chunky chips last Monday and seeing higher readings for other reasons.

No cholesterol results yet. Must be bad.
Well done you
5.3 this morning and then logged onto patient access to see my hba1c from last Friday was 38!
I'm gobsmacked, as I've been very bad at taking the Metformin and been eating more carbs, including a hanging kebab and chunky chips last Monday and seeing higher readings for other reasons.

No cholesterol results yet. Must be bad.

Woo hoo! Cholesterol is OK as well.
Morning all and guess what... it's not only grey it's raining. It did that all yesterday afternoon too! At this rate we'll never get into the garden to prune.

6.8 this morning.

We've been invited to a friend's for lunch today, so I am looking forward to that and I shall eat whatever is put in front of me and correct BGs later if necessary!

Wishing good journeys to @eggyg @Lucyr and @Barrowman and good holidays at the end of the journey.

Congrats to @Gwynn on yet another HS.

@Eternal422 I'm enjoying hearing about your adventures and seeing your photos. Keep on keeping on!

Have a good day all.
Good evening everyone. 6'7 this morning.

I received a generic email from the company I work for, something along the lines of "thanks for all your hard work, we have done a pay review and are pleased to announce your wage has increased to...". Almost like it was their idea and not due to an increase of the National Minimum Wage! 🙄 When the national one changed last year they rounded up a few pence, but this time they are sticking to the minimum. It's still an increase tho and that's always welcome.
Morning. 8.2
BP is highish too at 138/82 with HR 68

Can’t be anything to do with the fact that SOIT replied yesterday and we’ve got a meeting set up for later today where I’m going to open up about everything I’m feeling regarding the investigation. I’ll probably cry but I’ve decided that I won’t decide there and then if I’m withdrawing support for the case or not. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone if I make that kind of decision in the moment and don’t hear what the police say before thinking it over some more.
Oh and the skin condition that the antibiotics cleared up is back so I’ve asked for more of those from the GP. Other than that all is good.
Good morning - 5.6

Have a great day everyone.