Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 8.8 for me today. Off to a beer festival later. Carbs don't count on you birthday, right???
Popped into 'Hot Curries' or was it B&N...can't decide which computer will be best...




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I think the last one looks more peaceful/restful, foot operated too. No more FOTF problems here!
@Gwynn - not a good idea to encourage squirrels in your loft. We had some a few years ago and not only was the noise an irritation but they had set about chewing their way through one of the rafters before I managed to get rid of them. Definite pests in my book.

And on the subject of broken computers.... yours could be quite easily mendable and quite cheaply if you work out what is wrong and get a new, often plug in, bit. Mind you, if you are using its demise as an excuse to get a new toy, then have a look at the latest generation of single board computers which perform very well, don't take up much space and are getting cheaper all the time. Of course you could go the full nut case .....

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@Gwynn - not a good idea to encourage squirrels in your loft. We had some a few years ago and not only was the noise an irritation but they had set about chewing their way through one of the rafters before I managed to get rid of them. Definite pests in my book.
They're not referred to as 'tree rats' for nothing......
I'm with @ColinUK with a 5.3 on this soaking wet Berkshire morning. Raining at the moment and weather warnings out for thunderstorms (again..!) later.

Off to Swansea this morning for Swansea City's opening match of the new EFL season, at home against Birmingham City. Both our sons are Swansea City fans (must be the Welsh genes they inherited from me) but our youngest has been unable to get the day off from Sainsbury's so I'll go in his place rather than have our eldest go all that way on his own. Looks like it's going to be a lousy day for driving, plus there are roadworks in three places on the M4. Forecast for South Wales looks better for this afternoon. Fingers crossed that it's stopped raining by KO time.

Congrats @Gwynn on another HS - I almost joined you.

Hope the weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans for the day.
Morning chaps. 6.8. A damp morning but brightening up.

Yesterday turned out dry, and at times, sunny. Took the girls to the park, they had a ball. It helps when Poppy, who’s almost 11, can help Zara on the slides and push her on the swings. It was a rest for us! We had a lovely day with them, did a bit painting, messy for us but they loved it. They played in the garden and ate us out of house and home. But no telly as we didn’t have time. We were still absolutely exhausted though. The older two didn’t stay in the end as our eldest daughter forgot she’d taken the day off work and they’re all going to Dumfries Agricultural Show. Hope the rain stays away for them. So we’ve got an unexpected free day. Treat!

@Gwynn congratulations again.

Have a smashing Saturday.

And just for fun. Here’s our three youngest grandchildren. Who needs computers/ iPads/phones or the TV when there’s a park around the corner?


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I May have to buy a new computer for recording songs as my original has completely died sadly. I will spend some time 'researching' suitable ones. Thankfully my laptop that I use to analyse food/health/stuff is ok.
We bought an HP Pavilion last year and it's proved to have been a great choice, light years ahead of the pedestrian Acer it replaced. It's the first laptop we've had that has a touchscreen, a novelty at first but now wouldn't be without it.
We bought an HP Pavilion last year and it's proved to have been a great choice, light years ahead of the pedestrian Acer it replaced. It's the first laptop we've had that has a touchscreen, a novelty at first but now wouldn't be without it.
I thought I’d miss the touchscreen as the MacBook doesn’t have one and work laptops have had them for years. But after about two days I didn’t miss it at all.
Felt a bit off colour this morning and with the meet up planned for today I thought I’d just do a Covid test. Positive unfortunately.

Hopefully those meeting up will still do so and will have a good time but I’m going to skip it. I know we don’t have to isolate anymore but it feels irresponsible to mix if I know I’ve got it. :(
4.8 for me this morning. Incredible heavy rain throughtout the early hours today and more on the way. 😱
Stay dry if you can everybody.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Greeting first so, I don’t forget! :rofl:😉

08:02 BS 7.3 🙂 With my 2nd “Flat Fish” overnight: STILL new & novel enough to me for me to note it!:rofl:😉:-


But very quickly rose to 08:10 BS 8.0 while still horizontal in bed typing this post! I rise SO quickly upon waking now: no more 1mmol/hour anymore!

My BS got stuck for about 10 hours yesterday after my protein lunch so, that’s how long it takes for it to be completely released: by 4 hours after BS was where I started before eating, in the 6’s, & rose 1mmol/hour; I had dinner with 40NR when BS was in the 9’s at 18:22 & I was stranded in the 14’s by 19:21 although, I fluctuated between 13’s & 14’s for an hour but, after 20:34 I stayed in there until 21:53 when I started dropping steadily!

I’ve eaten the last of last week’s shopping of sausages & bacon yesterday & didn’t get any in this week’s shopping so, it’s just as well I’ve decided not to have SO much protein in a meal anymore! I’ll have omelettes or an egg on top of ramen.

Yesterday was another very messy day on the graph but, I learnt from it:-


And hopefully do better today?

Not in such a hurry to rush to cook breakfast ramen this morning even though BS rises fast now as I know 40 NR will bring it down & I suspect it’ll go a bit higher than yesterday but, I know it comes down: probably have a bit more wriggle room & not eat lunch so soon after?

Then, without such a heavy protein lunch, hopefully, my BS won’t get stuck afterwards & I get dinner right too? I’d certainly like to see THAT part of the day, afternoon & evening, more clearly! And see what happens to BS overnight on a decent reading & what I wake on tomorrow to help see what basal does?

Well! That’s the plan anyway but, as ever in diabetes, plans can go out the window! 🙄:rofl:

Getting hungry now & getting out of bed to cook….08:42 BS 8.7
Good morning. 6.4

Hurrah - topper fixed, front paddock done, no longer looks like bear's behind. Brought the girls in last night in anticipation of storm - so far nothing but persitent drizzle.

Slept well and woke to body behaving itself - just a bit of old age stiffness - bliss. Not sure if to ascribe it to luck or the consumption of fish over past 3 days. Been wondering if I was a bit omega 3 deficient so am trying to up the quatity in my diet.

Have a good day - hope the storm stays away from us all.
Morning all. I repeated the pizza experiment last night. Before, i only had a slight rise but stayed in target. Last nights was massive. Oh well, it was nice.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn
I hope you feel better soon @ColinUK
Felt a bit off colour this morning and with the meet up planned for today I thought I’d just do a Covid test. Positive unfortunately.

Hopefully those meeting up will still do so and will have a good time but I’m going to skip it. I know we don’t have to isolate anymore but it feels irresponsible to mix if I know I’ve got it. :(

It seems to be going around again as this week I had to wear a mask at podiatry again! :(
It seems to be going around again as this week I had to wear a mask at podiatry again! :(
It is apparently doing the rounds again. I know around half a dozen folks who’ve had it in the last ten days. It doesn’t seem to be sticking around for long though.
Good morning - 4.7

Have a great day everyone