Group 7-day waking average?

Blue sky and sunshine again this morning, same as yesterday. Took advantage of the better weather yesterday and tidied up the garden out front and will do the same today out back, especially as there's another soaking in the forecast for this evening and overnight. Cold wind yesterday though - had me back in long-sleeved shirts and a fleece when outside.

Swimming Pool was busy yesterday with lots of kids and teens in now that schools have broken up for the Summer. My 20 lengths seemed more like a chore and I was tempted to give up and get out early, but I stuck with it and glad I did. Next swim is tomorrow, so I expect the same again.

My sister, who lives up north and whose health went downhill and stayed there after being hospitalised with Covid, has won big on the Postcode Lottery. Pleased for her - something good after the terrible time she's had, and is still having. Her daughter lives in the same street, would you believe, so she's won too.

5.1 this morning. That's actually an average as I got a 4.8 first time round and switched hands and did a second test, just to check I actually was that low, as I always do.

Congrats @Gwynn & @ColinUK on your HSs. To say I'm envious would be an understatement.

Whatever your plans, have a good day everyone.
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Hi all. As Hughie Green used to say “take your pick folks”. I’ve had a rubbish night, BGs well out of range all night. Went to bed on 11.6 at 11.15pm. Wasn’t concerned as we were still eating at 9pm and had had my second dose of insulin at 8.30. All will be well I said. Woke up suddenly 1.45am checked BGs 11.4! Eh? I said to myself, is that the same screen as when I went to bed? So scanned, 11.4. Stomach griping, lower back pain and a splitting headache ( TBF that could have been the half share of a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc). Went to loo. Checked BGs on meter, 10.2, within the perimeters. Tossed and turned, got up had two paracetamol for stomach, back and head. Had a 1.5 unit correction at 2.30. Woke at 4am, BGs 12.8! Stomach and back fine, head still thumping, had two Ibuprofen. Still awake 4.30, BGs 13.3. Had to go on the loo, again! Awake at 6.40, ( loo visit again) BGs 10.4, meter 8.2, then Libre says 7.1 arrow down, now saying 6.1! Just been to loo again! Sorry if this all TMI, but it’s looking like another small intestine blockage. I was very bloated all day yesterday without reason, even though we’re away I didn’t overeat. Sandwich for lunch, arinchini ( Mr Eggy had my leftovers) and half a bowl of penne arrabbiata for tea at 8pm. Split my dose as I knew I wouldn’t eat it all and I was drinking wine.

Up to 1.45am I’d had a lovely day and evening. Today we’re going to Salford to visit The Lowry. Weather good, bright but breezy. Hotel is lovely and we’re got amazing views as we’re on the 10th floor. Food wise I haven’t a damn clue what I’ll be eating today but I won’t be drinking anymore wine!

Well done @Gwynn and @ColinUK on achieving the optimal waking number. I got two HSs through the night, pity they were at the same time! 😉
@freesia hope you manage to get a long lie in today.

Have a fab day everyone. Here’s our view.


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@Gwynn Phillippe Stark has designed homes intended to be used in space for NASA

Each home will look like this… it’s not a space station!

Morning all. Managed only a bit of a lie in, tired so may have to have a nap this afternoon. Woke to 6.3 and had had a high overnight to around 11 which i was obviously too tired to do anything about.

Nothing is planned for today apart from pottering around, picking some of my tomatoes, dead heading some plants and reading.

Congrats to @ColinUK and @Gwynn on your HS.
@eggyg i hope you're feeling better and enjoy the rest of your break.

Have a good day everyone.
Well done @ColinUK & @Gwynn on those scores. Was just a whisker away from joining you with 5.1. 🙂

Good morning. 6.4.

Had a good day on the garden yesterday - managed to dispose of all the hedge trimmings, clean the pond filters etc. Sun was out and Wolf resisted the temptation to dig any holes in lawns - or if he did I haven't spotted them yet.

Lovely morning - raining after lunch according to both met and bbc - so I'll be rubbing down and hammeriting a garden chair. Amazing how they rust - built in obsolescence I suppose.

Counting my emergency fund and wondering if this is the time to buy solar panels for the house. Has anyone got them? Any recommendations?

Have a good day all.
@ColinUK to go with your halo a heavenly home...

images (5).jpeg

Or if you prefer something less dramatic...
@Nayshiftin I am indeed still on 500mg metformin
Sorry , thats good . Im using that to really feel better that mine is higher but some say metformin helps but is not a BS lower as such.
I just want mine down but apologise for using you as an example. i just want the 5.2 too but at 7.8 its a long way to go.
Good morning. 6.4.

Had a good day on the garden yesterday - managed to dispose of all the hedge trimmings, clean the pond filters etc. Sun was out and Wolf resisted the temptation to dig any holes in lawns - or if he did I haven't spotted them yet.

Lovely morning - raining after lunch according to both met and bbc - so I'll be rubbing down and hammeriting a garden chair. Amazing how they rust - built in obsolescence I suppose.

Counting my emergency fund and wondering if this is the time to buy solar panels for the house. Has anyone got them? Any recommendations?

Have a good day all.
Not got them but I’d recommend not placing them inside. :rofl:
As Hughie Green used to say “take your pick folks”.
Wasn't that Michael Miles?

Hughie Green did Double Your Money, Michael Miles did Take Your Pick?

Sorry - showing my age now.
Good morning - 9.9 at 8:00
Went round Longleat safari yesterday. There was a bit where monkeys would even climb on cars!
Have a great day everyone
Good morning - 9.9 at 8:00
Went round Longleat safari yesterday. There was a bit where monkeys would even climb on cars!
View attachment 26846
Have a great day everyone
That takes me back! I have memories of dad’s car being swarmed by monkeys who ripped the windscreen wipers clean off it one time in a safari park!
That takes me back! I have memories of dad’s car being swarmed by monkeys who ripped the windscreen wipers clean off it one time in a safari park!
That happened to the car in front of us funnily enough!
Oh typical! First day of the holidays and i'm sneezing, headache, i feel really fuzzy headed. Cold capsules here i come...
Morning all and 5.4 for me.

Next gig not until September and various band members away.

Got a strange desire to do something in an anarcho Punk Style but with clarinet and perhaps a bit of flute too. Must dig guitar out and make some noise.

Have a good day everyone.