Group 7-day waking average?

@Nayshiftin TIR is Time In Range - normally between 4-10 on a CGM like libre or dexcom
Last night 23:00 BS 10.0 Oops! 😳 Increased tresiba coming through more & ? to reduce NR got my dinner dose wrong by about 4 NR: I stuck in 44; looks like I needed 48? Ah well!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have A Wonderful Day! 😉

Libre made me laugh & roll my eyes earlier when I got my breakfast dose a bit wrong, again with all these guesses on how much to reduce NR as increased tresiba takes effect, when adding in a correction at 1 hour after when a few seconds after the reading of 17.? was scanned: “too high a glucose reading is dangerous & you should check your ketones & test more often. Shall I add a reminder for you to test?”, or something like that; I thought “Sweetie, where have you been the last nearly two weeks now when I’ve been climbing mountains & valleys adjusting all of my insulin doses?” :rofl: I had 20.? once & not a peep! o_O :rofl: But, ketones weren’t in my thoughts at all & maybe I should use some ketostix?:confused: But, the high readings haven’t stayed for long at any one time except that once when they were 16’s when I hadn’t yet worked out how to move high BS down?🙄

It’ll be easier tomorrow as the 3rd day of increased tresiba goes in later today! 🙄
Good morning everyone

5.2 this morning yesss how about a house in space?

BP 116/73
Pulse typically 53

Today even more keyboard practice and 'working up' my voice.

Someone asked me about their diet a few days ago (before my computer died on me). They provided details for the three meals but they did not give any weights of the food items. This made any analysis just a wild guess. Never the less, out of sheer interest and with huge assumptions I did do an analysis to see if there might be any obvious problems.

Before I continue I must stress that I made up my own weights of food items plus my raw data is from the internet and may be innacurate....but

It seemed that there may be a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet provided, even with my guessed over estimates of weights. The culprits are vitamins B2, and B5 and the mineral potassium.

All of these, if deficient, can result in fatigue (plus a whole raft of other stuff). See the internet (NHS web site) for details.

So it may be best to seek the advice of a GP in regard of these aspects.

My appologies if this has broken the forum rules. I am not offering any medical advice and I am clearly stating that my analysis may be erroneous AND suggesting that the op seek medical advice.

If you do not seek medical advice but just go for taking some arbitrary supplements then please be aware that it is possible to take too much in supplements and end up with excesses with their own nasty effects, however, a good multi vitamin may help. I take Immunace myself. It has a huge number of vitamins and minerals.

It will be interesting to see what the GP discovers... and to see what you decide to do...

Interesting tho

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! A none to brilliant 9.1. When u checked before bed it was 6.0 with downward trend so I had a small slice of toast. 30 minutes later 5.4 (5.2 on the finger) and still downward trend so had a couple of Rich Tea. Another 30 minutes and it was a level 6.5. Sadly crept up in early hours.

District nurse between 8:00am and 8:00pm. Can't understand why they are patient transport are so vague about timings?

Strange, sun shining between white and blue sky...
7.8 and I do not understand at all why . The first ten came down very quickly but now it feels as though it is going back up.
i had less coffee yesterday as I thought that might be something to give up.
The only thing i did not count on the diet sheet was probiotics .
Carbs are around 36 - 65 varying between those daily . It does not seem to lower the BG . i am at my lowest after lunch even lower than before eat. Thats around 6.4 mark then it varies.
i only have three meals a day.
What do i do now?
Yes Colin gets his HS but is he on metformin still?
Am i okay then without ?