Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.3. Quite grey and overcast so far but the Met are forecasting 21 degrees - judging by their usual underestimate I expect to deliquesce by mid-day.

Michael coming so gardening is all go. I know there is a bit of a current fashion for letting things go wild but I do not want a garden full of nettles, docks and thistles - so it is dig them out/hoe etc if you don't want to patronise Mr Monsanto's merry poison store.

The new fridge/freezer arrived, looks rather big but I'll get used to it, instructions suitable for Jumbo Jet navigation. Fingers crossed I haven't set it to boiling point.

Hope everyone has a good day.
My parents have squirrels in their garden. They dig up everything and anything they fancy digging up. They’re cute but from a gardening viewpoint they’re a pest.
So do cats and birds! The neighbouring cats love nothing more than digging up a freshly dug bed. The birds nibble the tops off our beetroot plants as well as the sprouts. Grey squirrels are unfairly hated in my opinion, they didn’t ask to be brought over here by some sailors two centuries ago! I like them, although we rarely get them in out garden it’s fair too say, but if we did they’ll be getting a squirt from the water gun just like the cats!
Good morning. I’m giving you 5.9 but as I was awake for the vast majority of the night it could have been anything from 3.9 to 6.1. Why are hotel rooms always so blooming hot!

Had a nice three mile walk yesterday after breakfast ( was ok but not as good as usual, no eggs Benedict on the menu anymore, no black pudding on the full English and the Cumberland sausage was a shadow of its former self), then a complimentary cream tea at 2pm eaten outside overlooking the lake. Swim at 4, down for drinks at 7, dinner at 7.30. Is it any wonder my diabetes didn’t know whether it was coming or going! Up and down like a yo-yo. Back to normal today, maybe, going to Grange over Sands, Dalegarth and Arnside where I’m sure we’ll find a nice cafe with some excellent scones. Back to normal tomorrow then. 😉

Have a wonderful day.


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Morning all. 🙂 9.0 here.

Bonkers day yesterday - I’ve never had a higher level class gate-crashed by lower-level students before. 😱 And students that just turn up to any old class, any old time they wish. Nuts!

I hope you have an easier day today @freesia.

Have you tried konjac noodles @pawprint91? They’re almost carb-free. I tried them once, but found them absolutely rank. Lots of people like them tho. 🙂
And it's a Heinz 5.7 Special for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 7.7 today, too many carbs and bad choices. Very happy today as sister is up, sat beside bed and said Hello to family. Thank you God. 🙂 Now I've got to be so good, I promised anything and everything if he would spare her. He's got enough angels already. :rofl:
Good morning everyone, 5'8.

My trip is finally here! Had the first day off work yesterday, and I had saved it to pack and prepare for travel with no stress...well, reduced stress at least! The holiday didn't start so well: my flight from Prague to Madrid was cancelled and it took me a while to sort an alternative. I planned to visit some relatives and a good, long time friend. But my friend told me she is back to our hometown due to health problems, so with that and the cancellation it seems it was not my time to go to Madrid. I'm flying to my hometown instead. Looking at the bright side, that's a couple extra days with the rest of the family and friends. And with this new airline it was convenient to get hold baggage so I might be able to bring liquid (cough* alcoholic*cough) souvenirs 😉

On my way to London now. I would have messaged @ColinUK for a coffee but I'm afraid I'll have barely enough time to grab one to go before I jump on the airport bus :D
And it’s a 6.2 for me on another grey morning here in Bedfordshire.

I need more sunshine, it doesn’t even need to be boiling hot - just sunshine would be nice.

Have a great day everyone whatever you’re up to.
Good morning 3.4. I always seem to be under 4 in the mornings....
I'm off to my studio to work on a large scale drawing... breakfast before I leave.
Which BG meter are you using as I would be suspicious of those low numbers, since I see, looking back through your posts, that you are not on any medication. If they are genuine results then the only thing I would imagine could cause them are alcohol or a lot of exercise in the evening, but my gut feeling is that your meter may not be reliable.
Whilst none diabetic people do get readings below 4 occasionally 3.5 or below would be quite unusual unless you were running a marathon.... or been on a bender!

When do you test on a morning? Is it as soon as you wake up or after you have got up and got dressed?

Manic day at work again, only just got time to post, 6.8 but totally fallen off the good eating wagon again. Like @freesia i am counting down the days to the weekend. I don’t mind the being buzy bit, but I get upset when other people blame their mistakes on me and my colleague and even when we can prove it was nothing to do with us, no apology, no acknowledgement that we haven’t done anything wrong, so the same people keep doing it to us as management don’t say anything to them. Oh well rant over, most importantly we know when the mistake is ours and when it is the other department, and have the integrity to own up when we make mistakes.

been quite cold here this morning, sun just come out and starting to warm up.
A disappointing 8.6 for me this morning with an horizontal line which had turned into a 9.4 with an upward sloping arrow literally 5 mins later! I had jabbed 3 units (a correction unit and 2 to cover FOTF) but when I saw that second reading, I decided another 2 units were necessary which was a very good call as despite heading out early after just a coffee with cream, feeding my beasties and doing a bit muck out and then catching Ian's 2 horses and bringing them in and grooming them and harnessing up and then a jog out round the block tandem, groom off the sweat and put them back out and then stuffed 9 bags of haylage and carried them the best part of 100 yards to feed cattle and horses, my levels were a very steady mid 6s the whole time. Got home and injected 4 units for my very late breakfast and waited half an hour and still mid 6s and not budging! Starting to think my Libre is stuck or today is Libre flat line day since I see that @ColinUK is experiencing a similar scenario. Maybe I need to go out and buy a Danish pastry or croissant just to nudge it since my efforts to lower it have not worked.

@Colin g That photo makes Penshaw Monument look very squiffy! Not sure I would be impressed with a house with no walls or roof up on a hill top, especially if it was visited by the "Lambton Worm". Views will be pretty good though!
Well, it is starting to look like my Fiasp has lost potency. I waited 35 mins before eating my yoghurt and rhubarb and seeds and levels refused to come down but they are now heading rapidly towards double figures, so I have hit it with another 3 units. I wouldn't mind if I had been sat on my bot all morning, but I have been active. Grrh! Maybe it was just the thought of a Danish pastry that did it!