Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.8 way high for me. Retested 30 minutes later 4.9
BP 114/71 nice. Retested 30 minutes later 113/67
Pulse a credible 61 and 62 30 minutes later

So for some reason everything is good. Who cares. It's all good. Normally recently my pulse is way low and my BP elevated.

Today church, possibly no walk or maybe my wife will come out again (I will invite her and see what happens). Preparation of the Steak, Kidney and Potato pie with home made pastry. I have to make sure that I don't scoff too much of it. Oh and more keyboard practice and discovery of its capabilities (programming drums and sounds). Music is fascinating and healing. Music technology is fascinating and frusrating.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Bit of a naughty 3.9 for me, probably the result of my couple of wines last night! It was 3.9 with a green straight arrow however, and looking at the graph, it looks like I've hovered in the 4s pretty much all night, despite having a snack before bed. Also, I forgot my phone was on silent and the low alarms were therefore not on (unusual for me), but I also lost signal too, apparently, so don't think it made much difference. Got up and walked to kitchen (not far - I live in a bungalow) and bathroom, now 4.9, good old foot to floor!!

Sun is out but it's supposed to rain later, we were lucky yesterday, sat in the garden all afternoon! Have a lovely Sunday. 🙂

6.7 today, going out for a run this morning in the sunshine, the day will also involve some knitting, reading and some light housework.

Have a nice Sunday everyone
Unfortunately it didn’t get to scarper far as the cat pounced and decapitated it with one swipe but it died the valiant death of a warrior.
I sense the start of an opera here :rofl:
@ColinUK get a house ready (preferably without mice please) . . .

Extremely pleased with this, especially following a lovely Indian meal with friends last night at about 6pm where a guess 10U bolus amazingly did this :

Decorating today, no sign of @Gwynn yet, so we’ll have to make a start ourselves :rofl:

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 3.4

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. 🙂 5.4 here.

I dragged my OH around a couple of garden centres yesterday - we passed a third on our way home, but he was driving by then and had obviously had enuff (the pub was calling to him) so I’ll visit that one on my own sometime. We bought a very pretty little cherry tree, which should attract lots of birds and insects (and block out the row of houses across the street when in full bloom).

Today, there’s a choir event later on. The details are blurry, as usual - we might sing, we might not - but it’s always fun. 🙂

Can you switch to oj @Lily123? Would there be less cloying sugar stuck to your teeth? Ask your stepdad to ask the dentist (you might scare the dentist if you actually spoke!).
Good morning 6.6 today

finally I’ve a date for surgery, (22nd of May)
on Friday I had my pre op ready for my long awaited ankle surgery

My Wife and I are now both off work for the next two weeks, and now decorating the bungalow, and to fina move.
we’ve just two weeks to get everything finished, my wife’s doing far more than I am, due to my ankle.

On15 th I’m back to work (but only for a week) before my ankle surgery

The last 6 weeks has been absolute chaos (since the renovations began)
however bungalow is looking great, it’s been a lot of work,

looking forward to getting moved in then my ankle renovated,

Have a great day everybody 😎
Well done @Eternal422 on your HS. 🙂
Another near miss for me with 5.3. 🙂

Oooh 5.2 for me today. I hope you can find a house for me @ColinUK and @harbottle hasn't completely exhausted your supply!
Morning all, 8.2! Unlike @Eternal422 ( congratulations by the way) my Indian meal did this to me. I was low before the meal, 5, and so was a bit more conservative with 8 units. I should have had a correction at bedtime as I was 10.2 but I was so tired after travelling home I just forgot.

Arrived home at 3 after a seven hour journey. It took us two hours to get to Fort William which is just over 60 miles, most of that on single track road. They need to get that ferry fixed! 😡 A half hour comfort and lunch break just before Loch Lomond and not too bad a run home. I did offer to drive from Glasgow but Mr Eggy was quite happy to carry on. We’re only 1.5 hours away once there. 6.5 hours driving, 6 hours 20 minutes of that was in Scotland the other 10 minutes in England! Oh and it’s raining in England, and I’ve a pile of washing as high as Ben Nevis!😱

Well done @42istheanswer on your HS.

Enjoy the rest of your day. 🙂
Morning all, 5.4 here.
Ventured down to the bottom of the garden yesterday (the overgrown bit, which is supposed to be the raspberry patch) and got bitten by a pesky Blandford fly. That'll teach me, I should have put some Skin so Soft on, but I only nipped down there for 10 minutes. The local forum had warned they were around again, so I was covered up, but a fatal 1mm gap appeared between my sock and my leggings, and that was enough for one of the little blighters. I smothered it in antihistamine cream, but I can see the puncture mark, and they tend to blister and start itching about 24 hours after the bite, and carry on for several days, so I'm all anticipation.
Good morning, 6.3 - no idea why unless it is the pesky fairy as I had a day of gardenng and abstention yesterday.

Also spent 2 hours on Wolf grooming - just a few tags around his gentlemans parts remain. - we agreed they were unimportant after looking at his teeth and agreeing we were both reluctant that he should use them...rather worried about friend who was going to come over and help but who has neither appeared nor is she answering phone - think I'll run over to see if she is OK.

A miserable grey morning but not complaining after 2 days of sunshine.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend - mice or no mice.
@Eternal422 I have procured this for your pleasure however it seems you may have company…

And it’s a happy 5.6 for me this second sunny morning on the trot…. I could get used to this.

I’ve done to much gardening this week so I’m considering washing the car this morning and then resting for the remainder of the day ~ whether that will happen is another thing.