Group 7-day waking average?

I do use as straw when I can but it does slow down the absorption of the coke so it’s not sensible to do so
My apologies, I wasn't aware of this. Why does it slow down absorption, do you know? Is it because it has no chance to make contact with your mouth as it were?

Post has just come and I've got a consultant appointment, face to face - my second one ever since being diagnosed, and it's in 2 weeks time o_O
My apologies, I wasn't aware of this. Why does it slow down absorption, do you know? Is it because it has no chance to make contact with your mouth as it were?

Post has just come and I've got a consultant appointment, face to face - my second one ever since being diagnosed, and it's in 2 weeks time o_O
It’s going to be the surface area the Coke is in contact with when drinking directly vs through a straw I’d have thought as it’s going to be hugely different.
My apologies, I wasn't aware of this. Why does it slow down absorption, do you know? Is it because it has no chance to make contact with your mouth as it were?

Post has just come and I've got a consultant appointment, face to face - my second one ever since being diagnosed, and it's in 2 weeks time o_O
Glucose can be absorbed through the mucal membranes in the cheeks, or under the tongue, so it can get going straight way.
Good afternoon everyone. 5'7 this morning.

@Lily123 that was not nice from your dentist, talking above you, and as you said you should ignore any comments about the cokes as they are a hypo treatment and vital for your health. Easier said than done tho. Oh, hope the exams went okay! Did see your posts this week but didn't get round to post myself.

Today I'm going to a pirate festival, I'm now in the bus there. Should be fun. I reckon my sensor will expire as soon as I arrive but I'm prepared with the fresh one in my other arm, ready to activate when the other one dies. Also wearing the new arm strap that I ordered last week and arrived very quickly, together with a new Frío wallet and a bunch of batteries for the meter. I spent half of my Amazon gift card in diabetes thingies! Well, I'm not big on online shopping so prefer to use it in something useful and these are things I won't find in the high street to be fair.

Do you know why pirates are called pirates? Because they arrrrrrr! 😛
@Elenka_HM thanks, trying to ignore the dentist’s comments as they have to say it, even if there’s nothing that can change.

My exams are going alright I’ve got Computer Science and Physics this week then I’m done until November!

Amazing pirate outfit!
Can’t even have it in the house! Not knowingly anyway. Now if someone brought some in and baited the traps with it but did it without my knowledge that would be ok.

Yes I know religions have bonkers rules.
Oh dear strict adherence does have its problems. What you are looking for is something wiffy, tasty and tough enough to hang onto the bait spike. Possibly high fat and high sodium add to the attraction. Patrami might be worth a try? I have never had much success with cheese - the little blighters steal it and nip off giggling.
Oh dear strict adherence does have its problems. What you are looking for is something wiffy, tasty and tough enough to hang onto the bait spike. Possibly high fat and high sodium add to the attraction. Patrami might be worth a try? I have never had much success with cheese - the little blighters steal it and nip off giggling.
How about a rind from a proper piece of parmesan or similar?
As a good Jew I’ve never had bacon so rind wouldn’t be high up on my list of bait foods!
When we lived in old houses (only one at a time!) we found chocolate raisins worked well.
It’s difficult to know what they’d go for if they havent actually been caught eating anything, @ColinUK. When we moved in here, and discovered the previous owners hadn't left us with Vacant Possession, I was told to bait the trap with whatever they’d been going for in the house. After they’d eaten my sweet pea seedlings that were inside to protect them from the frost,(I was quite cross about that) they tried to make off with a cherry tomato I'd accidentally left out, so I baited the trap with bits of tomato and it worked a treat. I also sprinkled flour on the worktop, and watched where the footprints emerged from, so was able to work out where they were getting in, so I left the trap on their 'run' and when we seemed to have got rid of them, I blocked it off from outside.
It’s difficult to know what they’d go for if they havent actually been caught eating anything, @ColinUK. When we moved in here, and discovered the previous owners hadn't left us with Vacant Possession, I was told to bait the trap with whatever they’d been going for in the house. After they’d eaten my sweet pea seedlings that were inside to protect them from the frost,(I was quite cross about that) they tried to make off with a cherry tomato I'd accidentally left out, so I baited the trap with bits of tomato and it worked a treat. I also sprinkled flour on the worktop, and watched where the footprints emerged from, so was able to work out where they were getting in, so I left the trap on their 'run' and when we seemed to have got rid of them, I blocked it off from outside.
Ingenious Robin. It’s a bit like when the kids were little and we sprinkled flour on the floor and made footprints to make it look like Santa had really been!
I can’t block access for the mice unfortunately. They’re getting in through gaps in the wall behind the kitchen cabinets.
They building is actually almost 250 years old so older than I thought, and it’s got holes in it. All I can do is put down traps and keep dry goods in plastic boxes so the blighters can’t find anything fun to eat. Hopefully they’ll bugger off next door soon enough.

Meanwhile… I’m finding the CGM fascinating. Take a look at this for today for example:

Breakfast was just after 10 but I’ve not eaten anything since. The spike at 2pm was entirely down to stress.
Good evening all. 🙂 7.0 @ 8.54am

Our mice are back too. We were overrun a few years ago. Only way we got rid was getting a cat, they scarpered right quick. We back onto a large park. I was washing up one day and all of a sudden I was holding one! Did it come down the pipe with the water? 😳 I had to run out quick and fling it onto the grass. Our now cat is old and poorly so they've got cheeky again. I was sat quiet looking at TikTok and one came across the floor, we both froze and looked at one another, then it calmly retraced it's steps. :rofl:
@Ditto That reminds me of when I was about 8 or so, our black and white moggie had caught a mouse in the garden and was playing with it. All of a sudden the mouse stood up on its hind legs and bopped the cat right on the tip of her nose. She took a step back. The mouse looked utterly shocked that his plan had worked and scarpered.

Unfortunately it didn’t get to scarper far as the cat pounced and decapitated it with one swipe but it died the valiant death of a warrior.
Aaarghhh! The new sensor applied on Wednesday has been so far out i've given up and taken it off! Here's to a good nights sleep before applying a new one tomorrow to activate tomorrow night. Bedtime finger prick 7.5 so all should be good. Night all, hope you've had a good day.
I can’t block access for the mice unfortunately. They’re getting in through gaps in the wall behind the kitchen cabinets.
They building is actually almost 250 years old so older than I thought, and it’s got holes in it. All I can do is put down traps and keep dry goods in plastic boxes so the blighters can’t find anything fun to eat. Hopefully they’ll bugger off next door soon enough.

Meanwhile… I’m finding the CGM fascinating. Take a look at this for today for example:
View attachment 25641

Breakfast was just after 10 but I’ve not eaten anything since. The spike at 2pm was entirely down to stress.
I had some storage containers where you evacuate the air with a suction device and the little blighters nibbled away at the rubber seals so they were useless.
I had some storage containers where you evacuate the air with a suction device and the little blighters nibbled away at the rubber seals so they were useless.
I’m probably going to opt for OXO pop containers or similar.
5.9 this morning.

Lazing in bed listening to Eureka podcast… Opera this afternoon.
The run of 5.2 is over!

This morning was 5.0.