Group 7-day waking average?

Just slipped slightly off the 5 step, but very pleased with a 4.9🙂

Collected the carpet samples from the shop yesterday morning and made a decision as to which one was the closest match. I hope I have it right, the colours look so different in different lights and angles, but this one seemed to match more closely to the landing carpet.

Anyway, when it is fitted a week on Tuesday, this will be me :rofl:

Only joking, my wife will be ok I’m sure.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS Hatrick!

@Lily123 I see others have already given you lots of good advice, so sending you some good luck for today’s exams!

Have a great day everyone!
First off... Congrats to @harbottle on attaining the extremely ellusive House Special hattrick.

And best of luck to @Lily123 for your exams today.

4.8 for me this morning with a steady descent from 12.7 with an upwards arrow at bedtime and no evening Levemir. I worked hard in the garden yesterday and my body was seriously complaining last night! I knew my levels would drop again with no evening Levemir so I bumped my levels right up before bed and looks like I got it right but have had a horrid hypo this morning which I initially treated but Libre said I was still low even though I didn't feel it.... Checked with BG meter and got a 5.3 so all good or so I thought but 20 mins later I started to feel hypo and Libre gave me a 2.9. Double checked with finger prick and got 4.8 so thought I must be imagining it, then a few minutes later I got full on hypo symptoms which I very rarely get these days and still feeling rough 20 mins later but Libre says I am 6.7 with a vertical upwards arrow now. Starting to wonder if my Caresens BG meter is not the trusty friend I thought it was. I bought some Optium test strips a few weeks ago and was surprised that they read lower than Libre which reads lower than Caresens, so I didn't feel I trusted them. Now starting to wonder if Caresens has been giving me a false sense of security and in fact it has been reading high.
Anyway, I dropped my morning Levemir by 2 units today but maybe I should have dropped it by 4 considering that hypo. Can't take it out now though! 🙄 Will be keeping plenty of JBs to hand today.
Good morning. 6.4.

Fog obscuring all views beyond garden.

Interesting to see that the main object of set books appears to be, as it always was, to discourage most children from reading for pleasure and information. Fortunately, having been inoculated with the reading bug by an enthusiastic Grannie, I had read all of Dickens before I had to study Hard Times, quite the most dreary of his works, and did have the fortitude to read other Conrad novels after the slow infliction of Lord Jim. I found A level English literature a doddle but noted glum despair on many friends faces who obviously had less print addicted Granies.

@Lily123 Good luck with exams - the advice to read the question carefully is excelent - but also remember to answer it and not what you wish they had asked! Once you have done that a few asides to indicate wider reading/understanding is fine.

Hope the day goes well for everyone.
And it’s a……
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Symphony of Sorrowful Songs
Górecki (Symphony No. 3)

ENO - London Coliseum

Another outlier for me this one. I didn’t fancy it when I saw it in the season programming but enough other people enthused about it that I bought a ticket.

It’s only a short piece at 55 minutes and it’s not an opera in the classic sense but more of a requiem symphony. One soprano. Six actors. Pretty minimal stage setting. Seventy five piece orchestra. Front row stalls.

Tonight was Press Night and not a typical performance night. First on stage was the outgoing Chief Executive of ENO, Stuart Murphy. Outgoing in both senses of the word as he’s personable and chatty as well as leaving the ENO, this being the last production whilst he’s at the helm.

He used his leaving speech to give much thanks to those who help steer this remarkable arts institution whilst also pleading with the government and Arts Council England to ensure that the funding needed to survive is forthcoming. The alternative is that they will be decimated and the great work done over the last fifty years will be undone.

Some say opera is elitist but let’s just say this, not only does the ENO offer free tickets to under 21’s but it also has deals for under 35’s and I think it’s 40% of all tickets are £10.00. It’s a remarkable house and it needs supporting.

There’s a push for them to go north and although admirable that push ignores the fact that Opera North grew out of the ENO and is the preeminent opera company in the north. Forcing ENO to move will reduce ticket sales for Opera North and their Chief Exec has gone on record with fears that they will be negatively impacted if ACE force ENO to move north. Let’s hope sense prevails so that we don’t have to mourn the loss of the ENO.

Talking of loss, and being a maestro of the seamless segue, that’s what Symphony of Sorrowful Songs is about, loss, grief, hope. So only light stuff.

Curtain up and the set is a simple design of two walls meeting upstage in an acute angle. High ceiling. Two skylights; one upstage, one down. Both in line with the corner.

There’s a body, obviously dead, on a floating platform upstage. A grave type hole underneath. To the side a woman mourning.

This is the guest of the three movements of the symphony and the setting is deliberately timeless. As the programme notes this could be 2000 years ago, today or any time in the future. A mother grieves for her dead son. She sings a bit. She’s clearly distraught. The son disappears into the grave.

The mother is clearly Mary and the son, by extension, Jesus.

Second movement and it’s the turn of a child to grieve being separated from parents. The source text is verbatim from words by 18-year-old Helena Wanda Błażusiakówna. Imprisoned by the Gestapo in 1944 after the Nazi occupation of Poland she used one of her own broken teeth to scratch the words into the wall of her cell.

‘Mother, do not cry, no, do not weep, Most pure Queen of Heaven, Protect me always.’

The third movement is based on an old folk song about a mother searching for her lost son. Here it’s presented with clear militaristic overtones making us think of mothers whose sons won’t return from the war in Ukraine.

It’s powerfully staged with imagery used that ties the three movements together and makes a cohesive, almost circular, plot.

It’s a beautiful piece and I’m pleased it’s being staged as not many opera houses would have the confidence to mount such a production. It’s much more of an art installation rather than a full blown opera but that’s not to take anything away from what this is as a piece of modern opera/music/requiem/symphony.

Oh and Helena, the prisoner who scratched the prayer into the walls of her cell, twelve weeks after being imprisoned was on a train being moved from Zakopane to a concentration camp when the train was held up by the resistance. She was freed and crossed the Tatra mountains on foot. Eventually she reached her grandparents in Szczawnica where she lived out the rest of the war working with the resistance.
Morning all 5.6 for me today.

Wow! @harbottle a HS hat trick?! Don’t see many of those 😱

Good luck with your exams @Lily123

And congrats on the HS @Barrowman

Had no idea about the troubles at ENO @ColinUK - the arts are so sorely underfunded, undersupported, and undervalued by the incumbent goverment sadly :(
I will be building up a whole estate at this rate!
Not sure why I am seeing so many HSs, as I've been a bit naughty and forgotten the Metformin over the past few days.
No reading from me, didn’t realise I was out of strips, either that or I can’t remember where I put them, which is also possible.

@harbottle congratulations on your HS, maybe ignoring the metro in is doing the trick, although that doesn’t seem to work for me, but we’ll done on whatever you are doing to achieve HS 3 days in a row.

@Lily123 - good luck with your exams today, others have given good advice, my view is as long as you know you have done your best with the Chemistry, there is always going to be one or two subjects you might not feel confident about, but you will probably do better than you are feeling right now. You realise all of us on here are going to be like anxious parents on results day.

@ColinUK - loving the CCC.
Morning all on another grey and dreary one!

6.2 with a nice flat line and a unicorn day! Woo hoo!

Interesting to see that the main object of set books appears to be, as it always was, to discourage most children from reading for pleasure and information. Fortunately, having been inoculated with the reading bug by an enthusiastic Grannie,
I could have written that, and it is so true! Had it not been for my Nana (Dad's mother) teaching me to read before I started school and passing on her love of books to me I would have been completely put off by the set school reading. As an only child I found reading a refuge, an adventure, consolation in times of sadness and the constant companions they have been for the rest of my life. I've met other adults who never pick up a book and one told me that since leaving school she had never read a complete book.

@Lily123 Good luck again and do try your best, but don't stress so much that you panic. For what it's worth I left formal education with only 2 O level GCEs (the forerunners of GCSEs). It wasn't the end of the world. I've actually had a very successful life, travelled the world and held down some extremely responsible jobs.

@ColinUK you triumph again with your CCC. I loved it!

@harbottle congrats on your hat trick HS @Barrowman congrats on your own HS.

Nothing much on today except a visit to the Chiropractor and then chasing Boots for a missing prescription.

Have a good day all.
Congratulations @Barrowman on your Friday HS 🙂
@gll Well you deserve a house. But it’s afternoon so I think it’s gotta come with a little drink maybe.

How about this?


But where’s the drink?

Well this house comes with this house…


And that house comes with this house…


And you may have spotted some planting neatly in rows. Well that’s part of the award winning vineyard that is central to this 53 bedroom, 60 bathroom estate complete with fully stocked wine cellar.
