Group 7-day waking average?

Hardy and The Bronte sisters used to crop up on syllabi regularly. Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Wuthering Heights are my all time most loathed books, I was lucky for O level, I avoided Hardy, and we got Jane Eyre as our Bronte, and the parallel class got Wuthering heights.
We had Pride and Prejudice 🙂 Jane Austen was our English teacher's favourite author and his lessons were great. I will always remember his assessment of when Elizabeth Bennet turned down Darcy's proposal, 'This was like a kick in the balls to Darcy' 😱 :D
Congratulations @harbottle !

4.4 for me this morning. Which is particularly good since I ate half an Easter egg yesterday evening so I thought it might be a bit higher this morning.

Long weekend started (I don't usually work on Fridays) and I am very much looking forward to it, yesterday I worked from home due to teachers strike and only having virtual appointments in my diary, got extra washing done as well as my work but that took up some of my day so I finished later than I usually leave work (than I usually get home after commute even).
Good morning - 7.5

Today I have Chemistry and Maths calculator. Maths should be fine, Chemistry probably not… I do try I just can’t understand it

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0

A quiet day today. Nothing planned bar exercise on the beach.

Wow @ColinUK That is a great house. I love pointy bits on houses.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 7.5

Today I have Chemistry and Maths calculator. Maths should be fine, Chemistry probably not… I do try I just can’t understand it

Have a great day everyone
All you can do is your best and it’s clear that’s what you do so relax, read the questions, read them again, and give it your best shot.

If all else fails just write on the chemistry paper that you can’t abide the thought of Mother Earth being stripped of vital resources so are boycotting this exam in protest.

(Don’t actually do that!)
All you can do is your best and it’s clear that’s what you do so relax, read the questions, read them again, and give it your best shot.

If all else fails just write on the chemistry paper that you can’t abide the thought of Mother Earth being stripped of vital resources so are boycotting this exam in protest.

(Don’t actually do that!)
Thanks. I think I know more than I think but I still don’t know enough
6.2 this morning. No idea what it was overnight as Shuggah shows a lovely big gap for overnight. Not sure why so does anyone have a clue?

And there’s a CCC incoming but I’ve got to write it first!
Thanks. I think I know more than I think but I still don’t know enough
Oh I know that feeling! And it was physics for me rather than chemistry. I had to breathe slowly, basically doing box breathing (4 in, pause for 4, 4 out, pause for 4, 4 in etc) to give my brain space to calm down and actually assess the question in front of me. If I didn’t then I’d panic and doubt that what I’d written was correct and change it to something not quite as right.
So just relax. Trust your knowledge. Also know that your life doesn’t not depend on success in these exams no matter what teachers and others may say.
Morning a 9.2 for me.

Good luck with chemistry @Lily123 for future reference I can help with that !

Read the questions sometime the answer is in the question.

Use the periodic table, check out the key for protons (and electrons) and neutrons.

Remember the metal non metal split where Al (aluminium) goes down the stairs for a Po (polonium) which helps with the ionic bonding is a metal and non metal covalent boning 2 (or more) non metals.

Have a gods day
4.2 for me this morning, a bit lower than I’d like, but I upped my basal and did have a correction dose before bed from dinner so to be expected really. A couple of low alarms but think they were compressions, did eat a jb on one of them. It was a washing line however so I think I made the right call, now to hope I don’t go too low this morning as it leaves my system!

Have a fab Friday everyone 🙂

PS. I’m going to zizzi’s later to meet up with an old colleague, does anybody have any suggestions of what might be nice/good to eat? I won’t have a pizza but other than that am open to suggestions :rofl: A lot of the info for their dishes, including carb content seems to be available on the carbs and cals app!
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Good morning. Sensor still out, showing 8.8 and finger prick 6.1. I'll keep an eye on it today, but may have to ring. I've more chance of hypoing as if the sensor is showing higher then the low alarm won't give me a warning that i'm starting to drop until its too late to stop it.

Good luck @Lily123, just do your best and i'm sure you'll be okay.
Good morning - 7.5

Today I have Chemistry and Maths calculator. Maths should be fine, Chemistry probably not… I do try I just can’t understand it

Have a great day everyone
You'll probably do better than you think. Don't take it too seriously, you'll be fine and in a couple of months you'll wonder what all the stress was about.

Our oldest is also taking her GCSE exams, Spanish speaking today, she will do well, but she can't stop stressing about it.
Morning all. 6.8 which is a relief. I changed my NovoRapid at tea time as I only had one unit left. Had pasta and garlic bread, took a whopping 8 units, was 7.1 to start. I injected at 5.30 to eat at 6pm. At 8pm I was 8.6, I thought “ great stuff”. At 9pm I was 10.6, at 10pm I was 10.8! I took a one unit correction before bed as I’d got to 11 about 15 minutes later. Read in bed until 11pm and I’d “ dropped” to 10.9! I did check on the meter and it wasn’t much different. According to the graph I eventually got down to 9 about midnight. Meter and sensor spot on today ( 6.8 and 7). Fingers crossed I just ate more pasta than I thought, and my basal hasn’t been compromised.

Last full day in the Highlands today. We just stayed home yesterday as it poured down all day. It’s slightly dryer today, and forecast better for after lunch so the plan is a walk to the Singing Sands. We need to use the car to get to the start then it’s a 10 mile there and back route, not my favourite sort of walk, but it’s difficult to do a circular coastal walk!

Congratulations @harbottle on your hat trick.
@Lily123 good luck with your exams, I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly, maths and science were my nemesis too. But I can do enough maths to get by and I can honestly say I’ve never needed to recite in my head “Sir Oliver’s horse came ambling home to Oliver’s aunt” since 1976.

Have a fab Friday all.