Group 7-day waking average?

English Literature and History today.
What book are you studying for English Lit? I had Lord of the Flies and hated it! Hopefully there are much better choices now :rofl:
Yes a CGM would be even better but this is good in its own right.
You can turn the Libre 2 into a CGM by use of third party apps which grab the Bluetooth readings sent every minute to support the alarms feature. I think you have Android? But on iPhone it is the Shuggah app, I think it may be Juggluco for Android? I’ve played a bit with Shuggah, but it introduces another view of BG and its readings are slightly different to the LibreLink ones (which you can still use to scan the sensor). Having BG, Libre and then Shuggah all with different values was too much for me, so I’m sticking with the LibreLink app for now and only testing BG when things don’t feel right compared to the readings i’m getting.

Good luck with it anyway, lovely steady line within the green!
Enjoyed Tobermory yesterday but it was very quiet, there’s not a lot to do apart from go in the very overpriced artisan Scottish shops!
There’s the distillery to go around there 😉
It's a 4.6 for me this morning. 🙂
And well done to @harbottle on that special number. 🙂
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5.4 this morning, nicely back onto the 5 step again!

As feared, the one remaining roll of carpet in stock of a now-discontinued line was in fact not actually in stock. So, thanks to my wife being ultra busy at work, she has kindly (?) left the decision on the new lines as to which is the closest match to me! What could possibly go wrong?:rofl: The only saving grace is that the carpet is for the office and spare bedroom, so it only meets the original carpet at the doorways on the landing. Any slight colour difference should be barely noticeable (in theory). At least it’s the same brand and style carpet just the colour has changed.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS!

@Gwynn - so lovely to hear that you both managed to get out to the beach yesterday thanks to the alarm being fitted. Hopefully this will make a big difference to you both.

@Lily123 - good luck for today‘s exams!

Take care everyone, enjoy your day whatever you are doing.
There’s the distillery to go around there 😉
Yeah, we passed that. They were getting a wagon load of malt delivered. The smell was enough to put me off. Last time we went into, in fact the last two times, a distillery, Black Sheep at Masham and Lakes Distillery in Bassenthwaite, Mr Eggy got drunk ( I don’t like beer or gin so was sober) and I had to drive home! When we went to the Guinness factory in Dublin ( for want of a better word) it was fine as we just walked there. He can’t be trusted with whiskey, and I was NOT going to drive back on those single track roads for no one! Now the wine tasting in Kefalonia was a good trip! 😉
4.3 for me and another night in the red and munching JBs with no evening Levemir dose. I don't understand how the tail end of my morning dose, which I take about 7 am can drop me by 3mmols at 5am the next morning! I didn't have a particularly active day yesterday so I rather expected levels to rise overnight rather than go low. Admittedly I did do a correction at bedtime for a 9.7 but that was 10.30pm. Anyway, I slept really soundly apart from the few seconds it took to wake up, scan, eat JBs and go back to sleep. Not doing my teeth any good though.

Congrats to @harbottle on your HS today.

More luck winging it's way to @Lily123 with your exams today.

@ColinUK My diabetes is totally gamified by Libre and it is addictive but that change of mentality and approach takes an enormous amount of strain and pressure off me, so I see it as a positive. Nice looking graph so far.
Thank you @Eternal422 it is so reassuring that the alarm siren can be heard from anywhere...

download (5).jpeg


We have the small home micro version

Here is the rear garden siren (I wish they were better colour matched)


It even came with a personal safety siren too.


It's a bit big for my wifes handbag tho..

@ColinUK I found the App that I developed very addictive. So many things to jugle to try to get right. Great fun when I can get the balance too
Just installed and connected Shuggah.
It’s so good to be able to see instant figures on my Apple Watch with just one press.

I’ve not set any high or low alarms as what I want is to track food choices vs BG and I’m not using insulin so don’t have to worry about that.

The UI for shuggah is overly complicated compared to LibreApp but as I’m not expecting to have to look at it that often it shouldn’t be an issue.

Thank you for the recommendation!
And I’m starting the day off with a 5.6 this bright sunny morning.
Mouse traps and bait stations ordered.

Little bugger just ran into the living room, took one glance at what was on the telly and scarpered.

There’s no accessible food anywhere for it or even nesting material so hopefully it’ll bugger off.

I’ve not found any droppings anywhere so I hope it was opportunistic. If a mouse can be opportunistic.
No nesting material? So no sofas, armchairs, cushions in your pad? No inaccessible food? You live entirely out of tins? Harden your heart Colin - get the "Mr Nippers" set and kill the brute before he invites his friends and relations in.
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What book are you studying for English Lit? I had Lord of the Flies and hated it! Hopefully there are much better choices now :rofl:

I loved Lord of the Flies! So much so that I read most of William Golding's other books. Some of them are very... odd.
Good morning. 6.4 - guilty admission of having several crisp breads yeterday evening. Nasty attack of carb craving after a busy day.
Oh well, pantry cupboards now cleared of all carbs - they seem to sneak into the shopping basket when I am not looking. The early spuds are coming up nicely - hope my neighbours will save me from them...Lots of "lovely" green leaf seeds started for the hydroponics - never really thought of myself as being a carb addict but I do miss them. Did Aldi yesterday at speed with a list and realised that about 98% of what was on offer was outside ambit of keto and that the remaining 2% had risen astronomically in price. Makes one realise that the diabetes pandemic in the UK is not being addressed by government and that poverty is a real driver of obesity and Type 2 for poorer families.

Nasty cold grey day with rain forecast. Roll on summer and planting out the sunflowers for the birds.

Have a good day all.
Morning all

6.8 so another baby step in the right direction, managed to run last night and did 1/2 more than the previous week and ran slight quicker, so if I get back into running regularly I know I will gradually increase my distance and get a bit faster, I was never a fast runner anyway. Going to yoga tonight first time in 2 months, so gradually getting back into my old routine. I will get my fitness back and lose this weight, hopefully it will help with my mental health, which although improving, work still gets me down more than it should do, but keeping fingers crossed that I have less than a year left to work.

@harbottle congratulations on your HS

@Lily123 - good luck with your exams.

@Gwynn - nice to hear your wife left the house yesterday.

@ColinUK - I have a Libre from the trial to use, but I am worried that if I like it and finds it helps, I will be disappointed as at the moment I couldn’t afford to self fund. Keep us updated with what you think.
The early spuds are coming up nicely - hope my neighbours will save me from them
Funnily enough, our home grown new tatties boiled with the skin left on, hardly budge my BGs. Especially if they are just newly picked. I’m not complaining! TBF they might if I ate a pound of them. :D
Morning all - I am beginning to see why Roger at No 1 is outside hammering day and night... the thing he is building is starting to look suspiciously like an Ark.

7.9 this morning. Note to @pawprint91 I had a spike up to 12.5 in the early hours, after Lidl gnocchi filled with salmon and cheese in a lemon, cream and smoked salmon sauce, yet I can normally eat potatoes without a problem.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS. You must have quite a portfolio of houses by now.

@TinaD not only do the government not help with the diabetes epidemic IMHO they positively encourage it with their "healthy eating" advice with it's huge proportion of carbs. However, I agree with you about poverty choices leading to obesity. Saw it all the time when I worked in a Children's Centre. The parents' dietary choices were terrible because a. they didn't know better and b, it was all they could afford.

@ColinUK so pleased you like your new toy!

@Lily123 good luck again today.

Hopefully the downpour will stop before I have to get the bus into town, pick up my script and then meet friends. Have a good day all.
Funnily enough, our home grown new tatties boiled with the skin left on, hardly budge my BGs. Especially if they are just newly picked. I’m not complaining! TBF they might if I ate a pound of them. :D
Lucky you! Mine goes up like a rocket and, judging by how long it lasts, must be in orbit. Dinner tonight will be home grown asparagus, which is nice, but I wish I could find a carb which didn't make my BG moitor emulate Houston checking into space exploration.
Morning all. 4.7 for me this morning. Did have to treat a hypo at 3 am and alarm went off twice when I was out with dog last night .. Was starting to panic abit as I'd gone through most of my jbs and a chocolate peanut butter bar and it still said 3.4 was half a mile from home over the fields at 9 o'clock. Determination kept me going as I knew if I collapsed doubtful if someone would come across me . Any ways made it home 4.1 so had some carbs . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks