Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Glad to see the forum is back up and running. I felt quite lost without it.

BG 5.0

Now that we have the alarm fitted my wife will go out with me sometime today. It must be horrible to be constantly so afraid and so suspicious of everything.

I am tired today but I have to start putting the house back together

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Hurray it’s back. Felt like I’d lost my right arm! 7.2 this am.

Currently on a ferry going to Mull. Sunny but oh so cold.

I’ll catch up properly later, In the meantime Mr Eggy says hi! Have a fab day.


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I’m now a cyborg.

Oh good, it's back up again. I hope these issues aren't going to keep occurring
Afternoon then I suppose- a 4.3 at 6:20 this morning

I think my exams went ok yesterday and today was Spanish (I think that went fine) and Religious Studies (I think this went really well.. hope I haven’t spoken too soon!)
Heard rustling. Went into the kitchen. Saw mouse. Checked all boxes of anything in cupboards and it’s gone through stock cubes and miso soup sachets. Seems like it tried the peppermint tea box but changed its mind.

I’ve now chucked out anything in a cardboard box from the cupboards and given everything a wash down.

Given that this building dates originally from 1800 or thereabouts and there’s now massive building works going on very nearby it’s no shock that a mouse has been spotted.

I wish I still had a cat.

I’ll see if it reappears in which case I’ll get a pre baited execution chamber or two.
Missed you all!

5.8 at 6.30am for me today, had the annoying rise to 10 at around 12/1am so tempted to fiddle with the basal tonight but am still toying with the idea. I’ve hopefully added my graph for the day, the rise at 12/1am to the left is the one I’m talking about, any advice appreciated!


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Congrats to @rebrascora and @harbottle.

Afternoon all. 7.9 for me this morning before my sensor dropped off! Never mind, its changeover day today anyway and i'd just applied the new one ready to activate later. I've finger pricked all day to give it time to bed in first but oh, am i glad to be using sensors. I couldn't go back to doing that all the time!

Hope you've all had a good day.
After the site being down I have only just had a chance to get on here today.

7.1 this morning so a baby step in the right direction. Hoping the weather doesn’t stop my efforts to run this evening with the group.

@rebrascora and @harbottle better late than never congratulations on today’s HS.
Missed you all!

5.8 at 6.30am for me today, had the annoying rise to 10 at around 12/1am so tempted to fiddle with the basal tonight but am still toying with the idea. I’ve hopefully added my graph for the day, the rise at 12/1am to the left is the one I’m talking about, any advice appreciated!
What had you had for dinner? Was it anything loaded with cheese? Or pasta or something notoriously slow to digest?
What had you had for dinner? Was it anything loaded with cheese? Or pasta or something notoriously slow to digest?
No, this has happened to me the past 3 nights, before that was a straight line overnight. I had veg ratatouille and potato gnocchi yesterday - I'd have been tempted to say it was the gnocchi if it wasn't the third night in a row!
6.7 for me this morning, we’ll and truly kicked off the 5 step. Oh well, onwards and downwards (?).

Congratulations to @rebrascora and @harbottle on your HS today!

So busy with work today I didn’t get time to check in earlier, but see that there were issues with the forum anyway. The joys of computing (and I should know as that’s my job :rofl: ).

Good luck with the Libre @ColinUK, I’m sure you’ll learn loads from having it - watch out for the mouse alarms 😉.
Finally got in. It's been a day of grey cloud and the most freezing wind. If someone had said it was January I would have believed them!

6.9 this morning, possibly due to over-compensating for a low right after dinner and before bed which took me high in the night. Why did I have the low? Absolutely no idea, it was too soon for the dinner bolus to kick in.

Went to St Ives for the day on the bus with a friend. I was keen to go as one of the house-guests we had over the weekend had expressed her disappointment at not having bought something she saw there on Saturday last, so I picked it up for her. I have not been soooo cold for ages! We did have a tasty lunch at The Balcony on the Harbour - we both had fish goujons on brioche buns with Tartare sauce and lettuce and we shared a side order of chips. I've had no appetite really for months and months (well since the start of lockdown), but in the last couple of days I have suddenly regained one and ate it nearly all! I'm now starving for dinner - this is altogether weird. However we did a lot of walking and it was up and down steep hills, my legs are telling me about it - so hopefully it's compensated for being a pig!

Congrats @rebrascora and @harbottle have a house.

@ColinUK Hope Mr Mouse has emigrated elsewhere!
No, this has happened to me the past 3 nights, before that was a straight line overnight. I had veg ratatouille and potato gnocchi yesterday - I'd have been tempted to say it was the gnocchi if it wasn't the third night in a row!
Hmmm my thoughts exactly. I'm having gnocchi tonight. I'll see what happens.
Heard rustling. Went into the kitchen. Saw mouse. Checked all boxes of anything in cupboards and it’s gone through stock cubes and miso soup sachets. Seems like it tried the peppermint tea box but changed its mind.

I’ve now chucked out anything in a cardboard box from the cupboards and given everything a wash down.

Given that this building dates originally from 1800 or thereabouts and there’s now massive building works going on very nearby it’s no shock that a mouse has been spotted.

I wish I still had a cat.

I’ll see if it reappears in which case I’ll get a pre baited execution chamber or two.
Pesky things, prepare for a mouse saga.
Some years ago we had a mouse so I borrowed a live trap from work. Night 1 put some food in there and set the trap, next morning the trap had been sprung, bait eaten but no mouse. Night 2 same again, so OH put a pin through the side to stop the mouse opening the trap. Next morning, trap sprung, bait gone, pin inside the trap, no mouse.
Bought another type of trap and caught the mouse, named it Mighty Mouse.
It is surprising what they will eat, candles, soap, as well as the good stuff.
Mouse traps and bait stations ordered.

Little bugger just ran into the living room, took one glance at what was on the telly and scarpered.

There’s no accessible food anywhere for it or even nesting material so hopefully it’ll bugger off.

I’ve not found any droppings anywhere so I hope it was opportunistic. If a mouse can be opportunistic.