Group 7-day waking average?

8.4 for me this morning and a washing line overnight from 9.0 at bedtime with a 1 unit correction. I was torn between couple of units of Levemir last night or none and just a correction with Fiasp. I think none was probably the wrong choice, but at least I stayed in range all night. Promptly blew that this morning though by injecting a correction and then heading out to tend my garden fire which had kept going all night but was getting low.... Got side tracked with gathering stuff up to put on it and of course the activity and spending longer than I intended meant that I suddenly had flashing vision and needed JBs. Libre couldn't cope with the speed of drop so just gave me the try again in 10 mins malarkey, so no help there and when it eventually decided to alarm and tell me I was low, it said 2.5 with a vertical downwards arrow o_O .... I didn't bother to double check it as I already had JBs in the system bringing me up by then. Of course I now have another red mark on my graph just as I was congratulating myself on staying in range overnight! That will teach me to get distracted! 🙄

Many congratulations to @TinaD yesterday on your House Special. I was surprised you didn't specify a pony paddock in your list of requirements for the house. Poor Peachy clearly is not welcome to join you when you move to your new property!
I am really interested to read that you have aquaponics. It is something that is on my list of things to try, but just don't have the time at the moment. I love that you propagate watercress from a bag of bought salad!

@Lily123. Thinking of you and hoping your exams go well and your BG levels are nice and stable. Best of luck!

@khskel Sorry to hear about your mother in law but in many respects a relief when they are hanging on with no hope. Never an easy situation.
Morning all. 7.0 @ 7.43am. Rushed out at 10 last night as I'd forgotten to bring in the teatowels off the line. I hate it when peoples leave washing out overnight, talk about chavvy! 🙂 Looked up and the sky really was gorgeous. Two big bright stars, some smaller ones and a lovely sliver of moon. I gazed for a bit in wonder till the cats mithered me in. Have a good day all, good luck with exams and stuff.

Those coos reminded me of my fabulous week's holiday in the Lakes with my sister that time and a couple of woolly sheep just wandered into the caravan. We were a bit stuck for space! They didn't seem to have any trouble getting up the steps.
8.4 for me this morning and a washing line overnight from 9.0 at bedtime with a 1 unit correction. I was torn between couple of units of Levemir last night or none and just a correction with Fiasp. I think none was probably the wrong choice, but at least I stayed in range all night. Promptly blew that this morning though by injecting a correction and then heading out to tend my garden fire which had kept going all night but was getting low.... Got side tracked with gathering stuff up to put on it and of course the activity and spending longer than I intended meant that I suddenly had flashing vision and needed JBs. Libre couldn't cope with the speed of drop so just gave me the try again in 10 mins malarkey, so no help there and when it eventually decided to alarm and tell me I was low, it said 2.5 with a vertical downwards arrow o_O .... I didn't bother to double check it as I already had JBs in the system bringing me up by then. Of course I now have another red mark on my graph just as I was congratulating myself on staying in range overnight! That will teach me to get distracted! 🙄

Many congratulations to @TinaD yesterday on your House Special. I was surprised you didn't specify a pony paddock in your list of requirements for the house. Poor Peachy clearly is not welcome to join you when you move to your new property!
I am really interested to read that you have aquaponics. It is something that is on my list of things to try, but just don't have the time at the moment. I love that you propagate watercress from a bag of bought salad!

@Lily123. Thinking of you and hoping your exams go well and your BG levels are nice and stable. Best of luck!

@khskel Sorry to hear about your mother in law but in many respects a relief when they are hanging on with no hope. Never an easy situation.
Peachy, who has been with me for 17 years, is family so of course she comes with me. She is a "good doer". Gets fat on air but insists on overeating. Any manor house would have more than sufficient lawns for her and if I bought a Victorian pony drawn mower she could wear felt shoes and take gentle exercise...
Thanks for all your good lucks everyone

I think English went alright, I forgot about the creative writing section so that made it interesting
Morning all
It’s a happy 5 3 for me on this grey and overcast morning.

Fed up with gardening already this year but still have more to do so will get on with it after I’ve had my porridge.
Nearly got to post first with the site being down earlier....

Anyway a 5.2 for me this morning but definitely do not deserve a house of any sort as you will see from my graph.... No overnight Levemir so no fear of that red line dropping any lower but TIR is now a whopping 14% below for the last 7 days, which may be an all time record for me but sadly not one I am proud of. Worst of it is I woke up and scanned just before 2am and got 3.6 but went straight back to sleep before eating any JBs.... Stupid woman 🙄 . I do love my sleep though!
Good morning. I join @Barrowman on 5.3.

Sky half and half blue and thin cloud. Forecast a bit iffy.
Working on the strawberry bed today - made a start yesterday tidying and spreading used compost from flower pots around but neighbour came over to offer me help on a tip run. I had a trailer full but find the steps up to the big skips at LAS a real difficulty. Mark had it done in a couple of jiffies. They are a splenidly kind family who own Wolf's blondes - a pair of charming Yellow Labrador ladies who exchange kisses with him through the gate. He has obviously failed to mention the little snip inflicted by the vet.

Hope everyone doing well.
Hooray, we’re back. 6.7 earlier.
I'd take that as a success, @rebrascora , your Libre is obviously reading a tad low. I hate it when that happens, and the stats suddenly say '14% below target' and show 11 hypos for the week, when you actually just had a night of being in the 4s, which showed up as 3s on the Libre.
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Hooray, we’re back. 6.7 earlier.
I'd take that as a success, @rebrascora , your Libre is obviously reading a tad low. I hate it when that happens, and the stats suddenly say '14% below target' and show 1@ hypos for the week, when you actually just had a night of being in the 4s, which showed up as 3s on the Libre.
Unfortunately I have 4 out of the past 7 nights with similar long red lines 😱, all with no evening Levemir and whilst Libre 1 used to read lower than BG, Libre 2 has been pretty accurate, so these will almost certainly be sub 4 levels. I really must make a concerted effort to wake up and munch JBs, rather than wake up, scan and go back to sleep 🙄 ... or just sleep through the alarm. I slept well though as I usually do when my levels are on the low side.
Well done @rebrascora Barbara on the House Special. 🙂
And it was 4.8 for me ages ago.

Surprised by this, as I, erm, have forgotten to take the Metformin for a few days.
I’ve got the Libre sample still sitting in the box.
There’s a clear reluctance to stick it on my arm and see more accurately what my BG is doing.
I suspect it’s because at heart I know I’m nowhere near as mindful or wise about food choices as I once was and I am apprehensive about having that highlighted by the CGM.
I know that’s an illogical position to take as there’s part of me that wants to go low carb 24/7 and drop the excess weight I’m carrying, lower my HbA1C again and improve my health. There’s also part of me that really can’t be bothered and it’s important to acknowledge that’s there.

I’m vacillating between beating myself up for not knowing better and being compassionate and saying that with everything else that’s going on (police stuff - they should be in contact this week about definite dates for interviewing him; estate stuff - trying to find auctioneers who turn up would be a start; suing electricians who falsified EICR reports a year ago and claimed to do work which was either done but sub par or just not done at all; and all the usual stuff going on) I’m doing the best I can.

Anyway I didn’t test today. I’ll chase the gp for an annual diabetes check up appointment and will ponder the ramifications of sticking the sensor on my arm.
5.5 for me this morning, glad the site is back up, kept checking when I woke early and was sad that I couldn't catch up on the threads I am behind on
Morning all. 7.6 @ 5.54am but I stayed in bed went back to sleep after feeding the cats, getting the parrot up, a weird breakfast, a few SK stories etc I'm awake again now and it's very sunny but I will be on the back foot all day now. Plans awry but definitely must get out and plant Foxgloves, they're getting too big for the plant pots and are right messy. Gardening is a killer for me now though, I even feel it in my butt cheeks, there must be long muscles there or something, hurty all over. Have a good day all. 🙂
Good morning. I join @Barrowman on 5.3.

Sky half and half blue and thin cloud. Forecast a bit iffy.
Working on the strawberry bed today - made a start yesterday tidying and spreading used compost from flower pots around but neighbour came over to offer me help on a tip run. I had a trailer full but find the steps up to the big skips at LAS a real difficulty. Mark had it done in a couple of jiffies. They are a splenidly kind family who own Wolf's blondes - a pair of charming Yellow Labrador ladies who exchange kisses with him through the gate. He has obviously failed to mention the little snip inflicted by the vet.

Hope everyone doing well.
I have to be careful about reusing compost from pots as I am plagued by vine weevils.