Group 7-day waking average?

4.8 for me this morning and rather a lot of red on my graph during the night :confused: but I went to bed very early (7pm) with no evening Levemir as I hadn't intended to sleep right through, it was just a warm up as I was cold and wet after feeding the horses. Ian rang me about 9.30pm but I struggled to wake up and ended up sleeping through to 7am, so more or less a full 12 hours with only that short incoherent phone call and a low Libre alarm where I ate a JB and went back to sleep but one clearly wasn't enough. although no risk of dropping too low as no active insulin on board and slept really soundly.

Fab photos @Eternal422 and hugs for the parent situation but many congrats on a second HS in a row. On for the triple tomorrow!

Gotta dash as club drive today at Hamsterley Forest.... and thankfully the weather is better than yesterday.... even a bit of sun trying to burn through!
Thanks everyone for your kind words about elderly parents, really appreciate your support.

@goodybags - great to hear you are getting good progress on your bungalow, sounds like you’ll be ok for your move there!
And it’s a happy 5.6 for me this morning after my four squares of dark chocolate before bed last night which seems to keep me in the 5-6 range for the morning.
Morning all 7.1 for me this morning. Having a change today. Me and dog in back of car heading up to Amble for a bedlington terrier walk . Suns shining. Should be a good day Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
I love Amble and I love Bedlington terriers. Sounds like the perfect day.
Good morning/moaning! An absolutely awful night. Went to bed about 10:30 and half an hour the phantom pain cut in (no idea why it suddenly has become more frequent?). At 4:00 with pain running from the vase of the spine down to my long gone toes I got up, took stronger painkillers, made a cuppa and started the Wordle games to try and focus my mind elsewhere. I got totally confused mid-Wordle and fell asleep to be woken by a hypo just after 9:00. Staggered by the drop from 8.8 to 3.4 as pain usually raises BG. Will catch 40, or even 80, winks later on! Neither 🙂 nor :(!
Good afternoon! 4'8 today.

I want a pirate costume for a party next week, most of it will be normal clothes I already have but will have a look around the local charities for some accessories to complete the look. If I don't find something else will go to the fancy dress shop and get a hat, that's the easiest way. Today I've checked my spring/summer clothes to know what I have before going shopping, also a bag of clothes that a former housemate gave me. I've kept a few things and will bring the rest to one of the charity shops. There is very sexy dress that I don't know what to do about, I don't know if I'll have the confidence to wear it. It fits me surprisingly well but fear any little movement will result in indecent exposure :rofl:

Better get out now because as I was typing I realised today is Sunday and everything closes around 4!!
Good afternoon! 4'8 today.

I want a pirate costume for a party next week, most of it will be normal clothes I already have but will have a look around the local charities for some accessories to complete the look. If I don't find something else will go to the fancy dress shop and get a hat, that's the easiest way. Today I've checked my spring/summer clothes to know what I have before going shopping, also a bag of clothes that a former housemate gave me. I've kept a few things and will bring the rest to one of the charity shops. There is very sexy dress that I don't know what to do about, I don't know if I'll have the confidence to wear it. It fits me surprisingly well but fear any little movement will result in indecent exposure :rofl:

Better get out now because as I was typing I realised today is Sunday and everything closes around 4!!

Do you want to rent my peg leg? You can just bend your foot up to your backside for the duration! :rofl:

P.S. You can get inflatable parrots in EvilBay! 🙂
Do you want to rent my peg leg? You can just bend your foot up to your backside for the duration! :rofl:
That sounds like an interesting workout but will have to pass. There will be alcohol involved, presumably rum, and could get dangerous o_O :D
In a different subject, I'm looking to get travel insurance for my 2 week trip this summer. I got a quote in the AllClear website which suggested around 60£. Does that sound alright to you? I never cared about insurance before so really a bit lost. Obviously this is supposed to cover my type 1.
I remember as a kid we used to buy bunches of watercress from a market stall which also sold mustard and cress loose so you could have whatever mixture you wanted.
I never realised you could propagate it in the way, you sound as if you have a large scale set up.
I grow land cress which tastes fairly similar.

I know what you mean about the elderly, we had the news that my OH's mum passed away yesterday morning, she was 98 and had no quality of life, no sight, no hearing, bedridden since breaking her hip 9 months ago, continuous UTI's so antibiotics just not working and was on end of life care with morphine for the last week so although very sad it was the best thing she just slipped away. My other half says it is less upsetting that seeing her how she was and what she wanted.
Not very large scale. Tunnel about 22' long by 9' wide. Watercress tank is 2'6" square by 10" deep. 6 small netpots inset into polystryrene raft. Produces enough for me and my neighbours all summer long. The 3 salad raft tanks are 8' by 2.6" - lettuce, rocket, chinese leaves, pak choi and basil usually. Try always to have an excess for friends.
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Aw, Jed’s goooorgeous @Colin g. Our Gwen also had a haircut today - I won’t be posting a pic tho, cos my OH manned the clippers, and it wasn’t his best job. 😱 Luckily, we don't have any dog-level mirrors in the house, so she’s none the wiser. 😉