Group 7-day waking average?

Slightly flat full fat coke features as a rehydration drink 😉
It was always something that we used when I was a kid. And it's the favoured rehydration drink for kids in Israel.
And in the post today my Libre test kit arrived. I think I'll leave it a few days until I give it a try.
One question. It says use an alcohol wipe to clean the area I'm going to stick it to; is that really necessary? I've not got any so will either have to wash my arm in vodka or buy some wipes if it's important.
And in the post today my Libre test kit arrived. I think I'll leave it a few days until I give it a try.
One question. It says use an alcohol wipe to clean the area I'm going to stick it to; is that really necessary? I've not got any so will either have to wash my arm in vodka or buy some wipes if it's important.
I haven't been using CGMs for that long but I've never bothered with the alcohol wipes and doesn't seem to have done me too much harm. One thing I would watch out for is that body hair can catch a bit on the adhesive. I think some men shave a patch to be sure, or readjust the adhesive carefully at the start or just see what happens. Each to their own level of hairiness I suppose!
And in the post today my Libre test kit arrived. I think I'll leave it a few days until I give it a try.
One question. It says use an alcohol wipe to clean the area I'm going to stick it to; is that really necessary? I've not got any so will either have to wash my arm in vodka or buy some wipes if it's important.
I just make sure it is recently cleaned and exfoliated and very thoroughly dried before I apply it now. I used to use the alcohol wipe they supplied in the box with the sensor but when they stopped, so did I and not had any problems but I do think my arm strap helps enormously with improving the adhesion. Shaving is probably a good call if you have notable body hair in that location.
I haven't been using CGMs for that long but I've never bothered with the alcohol wipes and doesn't seem to have done me too much harm. One thing I would watch out for is that body hair can catch a bit on the adhesive. I think some men shave a patch to be sure, or readjust the adhesive carefully at the start or just see what happens. Each to their own level of hairiness I suppose!
I’m like a gorilla crossed with an Afghan hound. I’ll shave a patch.
Me too! :rofl: Unfortunately I’ve passed this trait on to my youngest daughter ( the other two missed out on the hirsute gene) and she’s fuming!
They’re just envious of how elegantly our hair moves in the wind!
Afternoon all, @ColinUK sounds like trouble brewing... I can have days like that! There was an app I think called loo finder, doesn't tell you if they work though. Anyway 6.6 for me this morning.
Been off on a mission... to investigate eBikes!

Anybody got one?
@ColinUK at the beginning I used some cotton soaked in surgical spirit to substitute the alcohol wipes. But the last 3 or 4 sensors just made sure the area was clean and dry and it worked the same. I just ordered an arm strap for the summer but so far my sensors have stuck like limpets until the end and been a righ pain to take off o_O
By the way, good evening everyone! 4'4 this morning and all night close to 4, except a tiny peak when I had an alarm and for once I treated correctly with 3 JB. Double checked with finger prick, this one seems a very accurate sensor. So same dose (reduced) of Levemir as yesterday. And all day working in a wedding, tho there's short periods of actual work and a lot of waiting in between.

15 minutes ago I checked my BG and found a 10ish, result of fish&chips and half a portion or cheesecake. Ooops! As there was nothing to do I decided to combat both boredom and high BG going upstairs, the 4 floors, and walking around corridors that I'm not so familiar with . Now Libre says 5'7 with vertical downward arrow. I'm sure it's being a bit dramatic, but can't say these stairs are not helping!

I used the time alone to post, now better go back as it's about the time they said they have to get the buffet ready and someone might start wondering where I am :D
@eggyg and anyone else interested, finally got some time to have a quick look at the Lake District photos today. Amazing how I thought they looked so much better on the camera display than they do on a big screen. I can criticise every one and wish I’d done something different/better. But I guess photography is an art and never a simple task of do this and get this result (bit like D really!).

Anyway, here goes . . .


And in the post today my Libre test kit arrived. I think I'll leave it a few days until I give it a try.
One question. It says use an alcohol wipe to clean the area I'm going to stick it to; is that really necessary? I've not got any so will either have to wash my arm in vodka or buy some wipes if it's important.
I got some alcohol wipes and use those every time, but in reality I think as long as you wash the area and ensure no scented soaps/creams, etc. the sensor will stick well. Well worth avoiding any hairs though as it can pull on them when you move your arm around.

Hope you’re feeling better now!
@ColinUK at the beginning I used some cotton soaked in surgical spirit to substitute the alcohol wipes. But the last 3 or 4 sensors just made sure the area was clean and dry and it worked the same. I just ordered an arm strap for the summer but so far my sensors have stuck like limpets until the end and been a righ pain to take off o_O
What are the arm straps /where do you get them?
@eggyg and anyone else interested, finally got some time to have a quick look at the Lake District photos today. Amazing how I thought they looked so much better on the camera display than they do on a big screen. I can criticise every one and wish I’d done something different/better. But I guess photography is an art and never a simple task of do this and get this result (bit like D really!).

Anyway, here goes . . .

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Beautiful photos of Derwent Water. Did you walk all the way round? I’m always disappointed that my photos don’t reflect what I see through the lens. We’re always our harshest critic. Mr Eggy joined a local camera club when he retired, they meet once a week Sept-April. He’s learnt such a lot and his photos win something every competition, but he’s still never happy. I suppose we should always strive to be better otherwise what’s the point.
Beautiful photos of Derwent Water. Did you walk all the way round? I’m always disappointed that my photos don’t reflect what I see through the lens. We’re always our harshest critic. Mr Eggy joined a local camera club when he retired, they meet once a week Sept-April. He’s learnt such a lot and his photos win something every competition, but he’s still never happy. I suppose we should always strive to be better otherwise what’s the point.
I nearly always tweak photos just a little. I certainly crop and straighten them so that I get the angle I was after.
I have a tendency to up the colour saturation a little for mature shots as I find it just makes the colours pop a little more.

I’ve tried using things like Photoshop but it’s far too complex for me to understand so whatever I do is on the iPhone or MacBook in standard Apple software.

It does help that we can take hundreds of pics now and just be ruthless about which ones get saved and played with. Beats using things like 110 Cartridges or even Polaroid Instant things!
I’ve tried using things like Photoshop but it’s far too complex for me to understand so whatever I do is on the iPhone or MacBook in standard Apple software.
I’ve been using Luminar Neo recently, it uses Ai to help make changes as easy as moving one slider to enhance the sky (as it recognises what is sky in a picture) and loads more to boost colours, shadows, etc., etc. much easier than using Photoshop, although I’m thinking I will end up back with Photoshop at some point!
Good evening/night all. 6.0 this morning and a three timy red dots on my graph but have managed to head them off before a full hypo.

@eggyg and @Eternal422 great photos.
@eggyg how lovely that you have the beach to yourselves

@ColinUK I hope you're feeling better now! As for alcohol wipes, i use them as i get dry skin so use moisturising shower gels. I think they cost me less than £5 on Amazon but i appreciate everyone has their own view on them.

I hope everyone has had a good day. Its been sunny and fairly warm here.
Beautiful photos of Derwent Water. Did you walk all the way round? I’m always disappointed that my photos don’t reflect what I see through the lens. We’re always our harshest critic. Mr Eggy joined a local camera club when he retired, they meet once a week Sept-April. He’s learnt such a lot and his photos win something every competition, but he’s still never happy. I suppose we should always strive to be better otherwise what’s the point.
Thank you! No, we spent all morning around the shoreline by Great Wood car park, walking through the woods, around the Centenary Stones then up to the waterfall just up from the same car park for the afternoon. Sounds a brilliant idea to join a local camera club - can’t wait to retire now!