Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 5.3 for me.

Looks like Mother in law is on her way out. Dosed up to the eyeballs on morphine. It'll be a relief really as her quality of life has gone to practically zero in the last couple of weeks.

Apart from that lots to do on the band front.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 8.0 for me this morning. Good 11 mile walk with dog yesterday. Bit of an easy day today. Off to farm shop for meat and milk then food shopping this afternoon. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
6.8 today, so at least it is not in the 7s. Very dark and wet here, still have the light on. Hoping to get out for a run later, will depend on how hard it is raining, but need to remember I use to run in all weathers.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on your HS.

Have a Good Friday everyone.
Hi everyone! 4'1 when I got up, not long ago. I'm eating some crackers before I go to cook, is going to be lunch time more than breakfast time!

Had a hypo last night when I arrived from work. Treated with juice and then had a biscuit and the last Easter chocolate, so went to bed in a good 7. Still had a few low alarms during the night and as you see, woke up a bit low. Was unsure about reducing my basal this morning as it seems to be getting ridiculously small (I know, I know, you need what you need) and is my day off so might not move so much. But also is sunny, I'll probably want a walk and my meal ideas were fairly low carb. So one unit less and hoping it helps to enjoy my day without hypos.

Have a fab Friday all!
Congrats @MeeTooTeeTwo !

(I didn't find the form I wanted... Will have to think again where it might be)
@rebrascora did you mind your partner eating in front of you? I’m okay with it now but remember when I was first diagnosed and I used to get a bit bitter :rofl: Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster BG, hope you’re feeling better today!
@rebrascora did you mind your partner eating in front of you? I’m okay with it now but remember when I was first diagnosed and I used to get a bit bitter :rofl: Sorry to hear about the rollercoaster BG, hope you’re feeling better today!
Yes, a bit I suppose, which is why I mentioned it. It isn't his fault though, just another aspect to the mental strain of diabetes and in some respects he could just as easily resent me for calling off our fish and chip supper. Of course he could still have had fish and chips and thinking about it, I am not sure I even gave him that choice, which is really inconsiderate of me not to suggest it, when I look back at it now and since I was driving and needed to make a detour to the chippy, I should have offered, so my diabetes affected both of us and I guess the pie and crisps was probably a reasonable compromise on both our parts.
I am really pleased you mentioned it as it has given me a different perspective on it and one I need to be more conscious of rather than just being frustrated at the sacrifice I had to make myself. I am quite sure he would have enjoyed fish and chips more than a pie and crisps from the garage. 🙄 I will apologize to him later.
Bitterness and joy. I love the house pictures, eggyg's nature jaunts, and Colin's brillliant culture notes - they bring me joy when I read everyone's messages. A sourer mood strikes when pictures of newly made cake hit the screen. We poor old Type 2s have only 2 options when faced with temptation: 1) ignore rumbling tum and with gritted teeth emulate a fasting Saint 2) give in and face massively increaded BG. Never have been a candidate for a halo. May I suggest that such evidence of fine baking skills be sent only as a file which one has to click on rather than an embeded picture? At least it will stop me drooling into my keyboard...
Bitterness and joy. I love the house pictures, eggyg's nature jaunts, and Colin's brillliant culture notes - they bring me joy when I read everyone's messages. A sourer mood strikes when pictures of newly made cake hit the screen. We poor old Type 2s have only 2 options when faced with temptation: 1) ignore rumbling tum and with gritted teeth emulate a fasting Saint 2) give in and face massively increaded BG. Never have been a candidate for a halo. May I suggest that such evidence of fine baking skills be sent only as a file which one has to click on rather than an embeded picture? At least it will stop me drooling into my keyboard...
Did I somehow miss a photo of a sumptuous cake? I may need to look at it so that I can then polish my halo! 😉 😎... The dark glasses are so that you are not blinded by my halo once I have it gleaming... rather than it being cool! I think it is probably cool to rebel and eat the cake. Definitely not cool to drool on keyboard! 🙄
That said, my halo is in serious need of a good polish as I have eaten rather too many packets of pork scratchings just recently 🙄. I can forgo cake as long as I have something else naughty to eat.
Evening all. No bg as I don't take my 'equipment' with me when I stay over with family. Will next week, make more of an effort. I've been so good today. Have decided to be a good example. I was proper miffed at myself as I forgot to take a pic of lunch for the relevant thread. It doesn't bother me what other peoples are eating, but I don't hanker after cake and stuff anyways just don't anybody post any pictures of chips or you're dead. 😡:rofl:
Yes, a bit I suppose, which is why I mentioned it. It isn't his fault though, just another aspect to the mental strain of diabetes and in some respects he could just as easily resent me for calling off our fish and chip supper. Of course he could still have had fish and chips and thinking about it, I am not sure I even gave him that choice, which is really inconsiderate of me not to suggest it, when I look back at it now and since I was driving and needed to make a detour to the chippy, I should have offered, so my diabetes affected both of us and I guess the pie and crisps was probably a reasonable compromise on both our parts.
I am really pleased you mentioned it as it has given me a different perspective on it and one I need to be more conscious of rather than just being frustrated at the sacrifice I had to make myself. I am quite sure he would have enjoyed fish and chips more than a pie and crisps from the garage. 🙄 I will apologize to him later.
When I read your previous post, I thought, a bit inconsiderate of Ian eating in front of you. But then looking from his side, why should he go hungry because your BG is misbehaving? I understand is frustrating for both and is really no one's fault in my opinion. You both could talk about possible solutions for next time.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4

No painting today !!!! A rest. Oh, a few things to move about though.

Meeting up at the church early this morning for a mens breakfast. Bacon and eggs. Hmmm

A walk this afternoon too.

A good day ahead.

The house does look and feel better for the redecoration efforts. Oh, I just remembered, there is one small room I need to paint a top coat. Oh well, at least it IS a small room.
Morning all, I was 6.2 at 5.20am, when I properly woke just under 2 hours later I was 7.4 - cheers DP! :rofl:

Had a rise last night to around 12, thought I had corrected it and was on the way down when I went to bed, only to wake up a couple of hours later and find it had in fact gone back up, so more correction was needed. Ended up giving 3 injections of 1u each, as when I rage corrected earlier in the week and had 3 in one go I ended up hypo 🙄 I think the rise happened because I had a slightly more carby meal than usual for tea (Chinese, yum!), but I was a bit annoyed at my Libre high alarm - it used to go off repeatedly when high until I was back in range ... Now it just goes off once? So last night I was high for 2 hours longer than I really need to be as because it went off to tell me things had gone up in the first place and I went to bed still over the limit for my high alarm (10.5) it didn't alarm again. Oh well, onwards and upwards, at least it is the weekend! Have a good one all 🙂
Morning all. 6.9 on the start of our second week in the Highlands. And it’s sunny, again. This is the last of the good weather, back to winter tomorrow. I, for one, am glad. You don’t know where you are with this weather, one minute you’re roasting and getting sunburnt, the next there’s a chilly wind blowing through your tee shirt. At least when it’s cold you put your woolly hat, scarf and gloves on, a thermal vest and at least three layers on top of that. Much better conditions for walking. I didn’t come to Scotland to have to slather suncream on everyday, although I didn’t put it on the right place yesterday during our beach day. Although the sun was shining brightly and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky I was frozen sitting on the beach with my cropped walking leggings on and my hoodie wrapped tightly around me. Now got red shins! 🙄

Anyhoo, today we’re actually getting in the car and driving more than the four miles down to the village shop and ferry pier. We’re off hunting white tailed eagles, although we did see the third one of the holiday yesterday. We’re going to the spot we saw a nest last year, with the bird sitting on it, and hoping it’s in use again this year. It’s back down the single track road, only 20 miles or so but it’ll take an hour and a half! 😱

I’m popping on some random photos as I feel I’ve been neglecting you all.:rofl:

Have a super, sunny Saturday.


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With all the talk of chips I have to post this…

Well look who came back, an old friend whom I thought had become lost in the forest somewhere, taken the path less travelled. But no! Here they are!

New sensor from yesterday evening as well - hopefully this sensor will remain so good!

@eggyg - thanks for sharing the photos! It looks amazing up there! I love the Scottish highland beaches, you have the place to yourselves which must feel so special. All you have to do is imagine warmth and it’s perfect!

Lazy morning, hopefully including looking at our Lake District photos, then a visit to my parents. We have to give them a day and time we are visiting over the weekend on a Friday now so that they can ensure they have an easy / quick lunch on the day and can get everything put away before we get there (they like everywhere to be neat and tidy whenever they have visitors, even though we are family and wouldn’t think twice) I think Mum is really struggling now and they both take a long time to do even the smallest thing.

@Gwynn - we will be following you with decorating shortly. The “office” (spare bedroom) and second bedroom to be done. Ordering new carpet for both tomorrow which will give us a deadline to complete the decorating. Looking forward to sorting out the office, replacing a large chest of drawers and desk with a new desk and smaller drawers to make more room and make it less cramped.

Have a great day everyone, whatever you are doing.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Good job my levels are stable and I've no particular concerns at the moment, I had a letter from the hospital postponing my appointment from mid July to…. February 2024!
To be honest, I couldn’t see much point in trekking all the way to the other side of Oxford anyway, I‘d been discharged back to my surgery until a couple of years ago, and I asked for a referral again so I could get the Libre, and I was a bit surprised they hadn’t chucked me back to the GP by now. I was happy to keep a foot in the door at the hospital, because it was such a faff getting re-referred, but if they’re that short of appointments, I'm really not that much of a priority.