Group 7-day waking average?

So yesterday I was awake at stupid o’clock even by my standards so thought I’d treat myself to breakfast out somewhere before therapy.

Took myself off to Bill’s which is a chain with one branch right next door the therapy rooms.

All of the traditional breakfasts sounded delicious but way way too carby to justify so opted for their Mediterranean Plate. Two poached eggs, some lightly pickled veg, spinach salad (which was just spinach) a smear of labnah and two small pieces of flat bread.
A bit of an odd combo for breakfast but it was tasty and went down a treat. Unfortunately it didn’t stay down.

After therapy I was making my way to the folks and had an urgent belly rumbling… dashed off the almost empty tube and on to the luckily empty platform before projectile vomiting in the perfect place to prove the fluid dynamics of regurgitated breakfast vs wall does result in quite significant splash back.

Platform staff were there in a flash with water for me and to wash it all down but I wasn’t finished yet by a long way no sir! For now the rumbling moved lower to signal intent to expel breakfast via a different route.
There are no toilets at Stratford tube station though so I had to dash as fast as possible through the station to Westfield and into the first available cubical.
That was more of an adventure than I thought possible as the first door I opened revealed two gentlemen, both of whom were likely to be of the homosexualist persuasion, getting to know each other. They looked shocked and embarrassed and I just turned and scarpered as my need to find a vacant cubicle far outweighed my desire to see if they wanted a third! Especially a third with vomit residue on his otherwise impeccably put together outfit of course.

So I walked as fast as possible whilst holding my arse cheeks clamped tight to the next set of loos to find all of those out of order. Onwards to the third set I went whilst weighing up whether, if needed, I could justify hopping into a plant pot as a medical emergency.

Dashed into the third set of loos to find a cleaner’s cart blocking the cubicals and a cleaner doing their thing. Moved the cart out of the way to the annoyance of the cleaner who just said “Zees arr all clozed” “It’s an emergency!” says I. Adding, “I’ve got a disability and need to go NOW!” and darted into the only open cubicle I could see and shutting the door in the face of the stunned cleaner.

Reader you will be pleased to know that I made it by the skin of my teeth and avoided a major incident which would have necessitated the likely evacuation of Westfield!

Didn’t think it wise to travel to the folks afterwards and wanted to clean up. Got the Javelin from Stratford to KXStP as it’s usually empty and walked home. Stripped off in the kitchen and shoved everything I was wearing into the washing machine before having a shower.

Spent the rest of the day very near the loo and was sick twice more during the night.

I’m a lot better now. I’m starving hungry of course. I’m also out of Imodium so I’ll no t to Boots and buy some before risking any food I think.

I’m not going to bother checking BG levels today. They are what they are and they can be there doing their thing quite happily until my digestive system is once more an image of calm tranquility and I have a less crappy day. Literally!

Therapy was great though and I still managed to help mum and dad with something in the afternoon so all was not lost!
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Good morning - 7.3
Well done @Eternal422 on the 5.2. 🙂
4.5 for me this rainy Saturday morning. 🙂

Well look who came back, an old friend whom I thought had become lost in the forest somewhere, taken the path less travelled. But no! Here they are!

View attachment 25494
New sensor from yesterday evening as well - hopefully this sensor will remain so good!

@eggyg - thanks for sharing the photos! It looks amazing up there! I love the Scottish highland beaches, you have the place to yourselves which must feel so special. All you have to do is imagine warmth and it’s perfect!

Lazy morning, hopefully including looking at our Lake District photos, then a visit to my parents. We have to give them a day and time we are visiting over the weekend on a Friday now so that they can ensure they have an easy / quick lunch on the day and can get everything put away before we get there (they like everywhere to be neat and tidy whenever they have visitors, even though we are family and wouldn’t think twice) I think Mum is really struggling now and they both take a long time to do even the smallest thing.

@Gwynn - we will be following you with decorating shortly. The “office” (spare bedroom) and second bedroom to be done. Ordering new carpet for both tomorrow which will give us a deadline to complete the decorating. Looking forward to sorting out the office, replacing a large chest of drawers and desk with a new desk and smaller drawers to make more room and make it less cramped.

Have a great day everyone, whatever you are doing.
Congratulations on your HS. Hope you get your photos sorted today, can’t wait to see them. I’ve just put some bird/wildlife ones on my bird thread on off the subject. Mr Eggy managed to catch a white tailed eagle in flight, I’ll steal it off him to post on there when I can. We went out at daft o’clock last night on a Northern Lights hunt. First they said it was possible in the north of Scotland to see by eye or camera, of course when we went out we couldn’t get 3/4G and whilst out we got one to say we wouldn’t be able to see it by camera or eye which of course we didn’t see until we got back to the land of wifi! It was a lovely clear night and so many stars so Mr Eggy got some photos of those instead, and we literally bumped into two red deer in the middle of the road. Don’t know who got the biggest fright!
So yesterday I was awake at stupid o’clock even by my standards so thought I’d treat myself to breakfast out somewhere before therapy.

Took myself off to Bill’s which is a chain with one branch right next door the therapy rooms.

All of the traditional breakfasts sounded delicious but way way too carby to justify so opted for their Mediterranean Plate. Two poached eggs, some lightly pickled veg, spinach salad (which was just spinach) a smear of labnah and two small pieces of flat bread.
A bit of an odd combo for breakfast but it was tasty and went down a treat. Unfortunately it didn’t stay down.

After therapy I was making my way to the folks and had an urgent belly rumbling… dashed off the almost empty tube and on to the luckily empty platform before projectile vomiting in the perfect place to prove the fluid dynamics of regurgitated breakfast vs wall does result in quite significant splash back.

Platform staff were there in a flash with water for me and to wash it all down but I wasn’t finished yet by a long way no sir! For now the rumbling moved lower to signal intent to expel breakfast via a different route.
There are no toilets at Stratford tube station though so I had to dash as fast as possible through the station to Westfield and into the first available cubical.
That was more of an adventure than I thought possible as the first door I opened revealed two gentlemen, both of whom were likely to be of the homosexualist persuasion, getting to know each other. They looked shocked and embarrassed and I just turned and scarpered as my need to find a vacant cubicle far outweighed my desire to see if they wanted a third! Especially a third with vomit residue on his otherwise impeccably put together outfit of course.

So I walked as fast as possible whilst holding my arse cheeks clamped tight to the next set of loos to find all of those out of order. Onwards to the third set I went whilst weighing up whether, if needed, I could justify hopping into a plant pot as a medical emergency.

Dashed into the third set of loos to find a cleaner’s cart blocking the cubicals and a cleaner doing their thing. Moved the cart out of the way to the annoyance of the cleaner who just said “Zees arr all clozed” “It’s an emergency!” says I. Adding, “I’ve got a disability and need to go NOW!” and darted into the only open cubicle I could see and shutting the door in the face of the stunned cleaner.

Reader you will be pleased to know that I made it by the skin of my teeth and avoided a major incident which would have necessitated the likely evacuation of Westfield!

Didn’t think it wise to travel to the folks afterwards and wanted to clean up. Got the Javelin from Stratford to KXStP as it’s usually empty and walked home. Stripped off in the kitchen and shoved everything I was wearing into the washing machine before having a shower.

Spent the rest of the day very near the loo and was sick twice more during the night.

I’m a lot better now. I’m starving hungry of course. I’m also out of Imodium so I’ll no t to Boots and buy some before risking any food I think.

I’m not going to bother checking BG levels today. They are what they are and they can be there doing their thing quite happily until my digestive system is once more an image of calm tranquility and I have a less crappy day. Literally!

Therapy was great though and I still managed to help mum and dad with something in the afternoon so all was not lost!
Oh dear Colin, as someone with an almost daily dodgy tummy, I sympathise with the hunt for loos. I couldn’t have waited that long I’m afraid. It sounds like your eggs were maybe undercooked, eggs upset my stomach unless I cook them just right. Hope it settles down today, there’s nothing worse than a case of S&D. BRAT diet today for you young man. .Banana, rice (plain white) apple (sauce) toast ( dry). Stay away from the Imodium unless you have to leave the house. You want it out, not in! Take care, big hugs.

8.9 today, hope that is not a forerunner of another lurgy. Today will mainly consist of knitting, reading making starting the soaking of the dried fruit ready for a fruit cake for a community bake in honour of the Coronation celebrations for elderly and isolated people which is being organised by a church one of my friends goes to. Cake won’t have the normal feeding time but it will still be good.

I suppose being the weekend I also need to do some boring housework.

@Eternal422 congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - sounds horrendous,
Morning all. 7.4 for me. Very good salad day yesterday so I put 2lbs on, what the heck?! 😡

With all the talk of chips I have to post this…
That took me back! When Chips was the only thing on telly at that time of the day so forced to have it on, I like background telly as it's cheerful. 🙂 Don't think today's younger end could even be bothered to sit through the long intro. We had more attention span then.
Morning all. 7.4 for me. Very good salad day yesterday so I put 2lbs on, what the heck?! 😡

That took me back! When Chips was the only thing on telly at that time of the day so forced to have it on, I like background telly as it's cheerful. 🙂 Don't think today's younger end could even be bothered to sit through the long intro. We had more attention span then.
@Ditto - I think you and I should team up for weight loss as we see, to be treading very similar paths.
@Ditto - I think you and I should team up for weight loss as we see, to be treading very similar paths.
I'm fed-up with it! At the minute I'm reading Overcoming Binge Eating but I don't think there's any hope for me especially as I first typed "I'm eating... " and had to go back and correct it. Good grief.
6.1 for me this morning and very happy with that as my overnight graph is just a nice slightly loose washing line.
Dark, wet and miserable here today but I managed to get a photo yesterday of my Easter chicks to brighten things up a bit... although I am a bit embarrassed to post my snap when others are posting such fabulous photos.
Amazed to see they are starting to feather in so quickly.

Sorry to hear you suffered such an ordeal @ColinUK. Can't believe you can describe the episode so entertainingly. You definitely have a gift for writing. Hope things settle down soon.

Congrats to @Eternal422 on your House Special today.
Congrats on your HS @Eternal422 !

Hope you recover quickly @ColinUK !

4.3 for me today. Hoping I don't have any episodes like Colin as I had some sugar free 7up with Passionfruit gin at my friend's last night (after we'd drunk the bottle of wine that I took). I don't usually have sweeteners because they can impact my IBS but that was all she had and we were still talking so wanted another drink
Oh dear Colin, as someone with an almost daily dodgy tummy, I sympathise with the hunt for loos. I couldn’t have waited that long I’m afraid. It sounds like your eggs were maybe undercooked, eggs upset my stomach unless I cook them just right. Hope it settles down today, there’s nothing worse than a case of S&D. BRAT diet today for you young man. .Banana, rice (plain white) apple (sauce) toast ( dry). Stay away from the Imodium unless you have to leave the house. You want it out, not in! Take care, big hugs.
I won’t take the Imodium but I want the comfort of having it in stock. Obviously that means having to go out to get some.

Does chocolate feature anywhere on the BRAT diet? Or ice cream? How about slightly flat full fat Coke? Asking for a friend :rofl:
I won’t take the Imodium but I want the comfort of having it in stock. Obviously that means having to go out to get some.

Does chocolate feature anywhere on the BRAT diet? Or ice cream? How about slightly flat full fat Coke? Asking for a friend :rofl:
Slightly flat full fat coke features as a rehydration drink 😉
And it’s a 5.4 for me this overcast morning after going to bed on a 12.4 last night, I think that’s only the second time I’ve been over the limit in the past year.

Mmm, did someone mention chips.