Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
BP slightly elevated 132/78
Pulse being over dramatic with me this morning 53

@Eternal422 some lovely pictures. Quite atmospheric. I used to be into photography a lot with some nice cameras (Nikon D4). Got my FRPS in creative photography. Used to lecture in photography and Photoshop. I don't think Photoshop is any more complex than dealing with diabetes 🙂

Here's a couple of my picures one pleasant, one sad, one horrifying

Giraffes... (a pleasannt scene of giraffes eating at dusk)
Night 4 B.jpg

I gave up everything for you (so sad, war and loss)

Too late for us (nuclear strike- horrifying)
HDR Final 910Too Late For Us B exp.jpg

I took yesterday off from decorating and I am glad that I did. I was way over tired. I feel a lot better today after the rest. Lots of tidying to do today. Getting an alarm system fitted tomorrow.

Today, church, walk, tidying, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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could sleep so decided to get up, 7.3 today. I’ll be going for a walk later. Will also tune in to watch some of the marathon, one of the guys from our running group is doing it.

have a good Sunday everyone
@Eternal422 some lovely pictures. Quite atmospheric. I used to be into photography a lot with some nice cameras (Nikon D4). Got my FRPS in creative photography. Used to lecture in photography and Photoshop. I don't think Photoshop is any more complex than dealing with diabetes 🙂
Thank you! After years of just taking basic pictures I’m starting to see what can be achieved creatively. Love your pictures, it shows just how much can be done with photography.
Can’t believe this, a first for me, two days in a row!

Very strange day yesterday, did way more than I thought we would - ordered the carpets for the two bedrooms we are going to decorate, my wife bought herself a laptop for her photography so that we don’t have to fight over who uses my PC :rofl:. Set that up for her in the evening and she now has downloaded her pictures from the Lake District course onto it ready to look at in more detail.

Also visited my parents in the afternoon. Mum‘s first words when we arrived were that she didn’t want to be here any more and that she goes to bed each night hoping not to wake the next morning. I really think both of them have had enough which is so sad to see. Helping Dad with a PC problem I was able to talk about their wills, finances, etc., but what I thought would be hard to talk about wasn’t. Dad actually was grateful and wanted me to know everything so that when they both go, I will at least know where to look for things. Of course I felt unsettled and sad afterwards as it just brought harsh reality to me.

Sorry for the sad post of my bittersweet time yesterday, just felt that I needed to share and you guys are the best!

Enjoy your day today, whatever you are doing!
A nice round 5.0 for me.
Now I must find my Metformin, as I have lost it!
Good morning 7.9 today
update on our bungalow renovations

This weekend my wife & I are very busy painting
today I’ve a flat pack kitchen unit to put together, this isn’t going in the kitchen, it’s for the garage
we’re having the washing machine and a sink in the garage,
flooring contractor is also coming pack this morning to see how the floors he poured a few days ago have settle, they look fine to me (other than the level in the bathroom slightly low in relation to my walk in shower)

need to move in a few weeks time
and have already given notice to letting agency.

have a great day everybody
5.8 for me this morning, and a straight line all night! Usual BG bedtime dramas, deliberately underdid my teatime insulin thinking I'd be moving around a little more than I actually ended up doing after eating - went high then rage corrected it (must stop doing that o_O) and then had the low alarm go off about 6 times in the space of 90 minutes.

Off out today for a Sunday roast with friends, they are usually kind to my sugars initially and then cause a rise later on.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

@Eternal422 congratulations on your HS but sending (hugs) with regard to the part of the post about your parents.
Morning all. 4.7 for me this morning.

I had a little bit of culture yesterday - went to see the new Flower Fairies exhibition at the Lady Lever Art Gallery in Port Sunlight with my new man, and my youngest (who met him properly for the first time). I think they liked each other so far but youngest hasn't commented about him. The exhibition was lovely, some of Cicely Mary Barker's original artworks including a sketch book and a painting from when she was a child, and a few miniature costumes created from her art by a costume designer. No photographs allowed at all in the exhibition though so I can't show you all (you'll have to visit for yourselves!)

Congratulations on the HS @Eternal422 and hugs for the difficult conversations with your parents
5.4 for me today. 🙂

Good morning. 5.8.

Spent most of yesterday on the great polytunnel set up. If algae were gold I should be treating us all to a 5*holiday of our dreams. Need to go out and buy some watercress salad - it is the cheapest and easiest way to propagate it- emerse end in water and roots emerge lie magic. Had planned on starting this years crop yesterday but on opening and sorting through a bag of watercress and rocket salad from the Co-op I discovered only 1 leaf of water cress!! Chiselling barstewards...

@goodybags Painting? Sounds as if good progress on the bungalow - well done!
@Eternal422 - well done on the HS after such an emotionally trying afternoon - I know everyone on here sympathises with you on the difficulties of elderly parental care. I am sure your Dad feels happier knowing you are fully primed on his arrangements.

Back to my algae - have a lovely Sunday all.
Morning all. 6.9 after a sort of lie in, was awake from 3.15 when I woke up for the loo, until goodness knows when, I just couldn’t sleep, obviously did dose off and woke at 7.45. Another loo visit and back to bed but haven’t managed to sleep anymore. Never mind, a hike over the hills on this dull, and quite windy day should wake me.

Our trip to find the white tailed eagle’s nest was in vain, the nest was there but no birds, either they’re not using it this year or it’s too early. Whilst in the area we popped to the store we used last year, better stocked than our local. Got some bits and bobs but mostly those holiday staples, chocolate, wine, beer and Diet Coke! :rofl:

@Eternal422 congratulations on another HS. Glad you had the chat with your dad, hopefully it’s put your parents’ mind at rest knowing that you now know their arrangements for their future.

@ColinUK @Gwynn and @Eternal422 Mr Eggy subscribes to Lightroom, £10 a month, he swears by it. I download my photos from my camera directly to my iPad and I can edit them from there. I crop and straighten and use saturation the most, although Mr Eggy is trying to teach me about the other tools ie vignettes, contrast, brightness, shadows etc.

@goodybags so glad the house move is at last in sight, it’s been a long haul for you.

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂
Good morning - 5.5
Morning all. 6.3 when i woke which dropped to 4.6 in 5 minutes without ne moving out of bed. Now waiting for it to go back up a bit before breakfast. Not too much planned on this grey, dull day. Calling in to see mum, do a bit of ironing, reading, cooking.

@Eternal422 congrats on the HS. Big hugs to you also. Its so hard to see your parents getting older and more frail.

@goodybags its lovely to hear you can finally move into the bungalow soon.

@42istheanswer i hope things went well between your new man and your youngest.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Good morning. 5.8.

Spent most of yesterday on the great polytunnel set up. If algae were gold I should be treating us all to a 5*holiday of our dreams. Need to go out and buy some watercress salad - it is the cheapest and easiest way to propagate it- emerse end in water and roots emerge lie magic. Had planned on starting this years crop yesterday but on opening and sorting through a bag of watercress and rocket salad from the Co-op I discovered only 1 leaf of water cress!! Chiselling barstewards...

@goodybags Painting? Sounds as if good progress on the bungalow - well done!
@Eternal422 - well done on the HS after such an emotionally trying afternoon - I know everyone on here sympathises with you on the difficulties of elderly parental care. I am sure your Dad feels happier knowing you are fully primed on his arrangements.

Back to my algae - have a lovely Sunday all.
I remember as a kid we used to buy bunches of watercress from a market stall which also sold mustard and cress loose so you could have whatever mixture you wanted.
I never realised you could propagate it in the way, you sound as if you have a large scale set up.
I grow land cress which tastes fairly similar.

I know what you mean about the elderly, we had the news that my OH's mum passed away yesterday morning, she was 98 and had no quality of life, no sight, no hearing, bedridden since breaking her hip 9 months ago, continuous UTI's so antibiotics just not working and was on end of life care with morphine for the last week so although very sad it was the best thing she just slipped away. My other half says it is less upsetting that seeing her how she was and what she wanted.