Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.8 for me this gloriously sunny morning, I hope it stays that way as I want to finish cutting my privet hedges I started yesterday.
Morning all. 7.8 and still from the Scottish Highlands.

Thanks all for your lovely birthday wishes yesterday. I truly had an amazing day on the boat trip, although choppy, I felt absolutely fine. Very sunny but my goodness it was cold on that boat at times. We went to Staffa first and visited Fingal’s Cave, wow! A mini version of the Giant’s Causeway I was told by a fellow passenger. It was really incredible. Then off to Lunga for the piece de lá resistance. The puffins. As yesterday was one of only four days in the year where the tide is very, very low, new moon apparently today, we had a slippery, quite treacherous trek over rocks to get onto the island. Then a short hike up a cliff, and there they were. A handful at first, then more and more came out of their burrows. They like humans as we protect them from the sea eagles ( of which we spotted two) and other predators. Comical little things they are. We got our selves on a grassy knoll and ate our picnic and just watched them for almost two hours. It was bliss. What an experience it was.

Happy HS day to @pawprint91 and @Robin I’ve never had a sniff of a five anything for weeks it seems.

Have a lovely day. It’s sunny, again, here. Oh we managed to buy some sunscreen in the local shop. Factor 10! I’ll put three layers on and that’ll make it factor 30 won’t it? 😉

Look away now if you don’t want to see dozens of photos of cute little seabirds. And giant rock formations.


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A very disappointing 11.0 for me this morning and despite hitting it with a massive 10 units of Fiasp and 24 of Levemir it has gone up instead of down and I am now sitting at 12.1. 😡 Guess I need to swing my legs to give it some incentive to work before I rage bolus some more. I think breakfast will be brunch today! 🙄 I have a very rumbly tummy this morning (not hunger--- gassy o_O) so I am guessing that there is some digestive upset/inflammation which is inflating my BG. I guess I will be using the stairs for exercise because I don't want to stray too far from the bathroom just in case.

Many congratulations to @pawprint91 and @Robin on your House Specials this morning.

@goodybags Good to see you back and pleased to hear things are progressing with the bungalow, even if the roof and boiler leak are proving challenging and very best of luck with your pre op. Fingers crossed no setbacks and surgery goes smoothly and is successful.

@eggyg Just WOW! Fingal's Cave is like a natural cathedral. It is amazing and absolutely love your fabulous puffin photos. So pleased you had a really wonderful day.
Morning all, brr. 7.4 @ 7.59am

Fabulous photographs, you'd swear that was Ireland not that I've ever been. My sisters went without me. It still rankles after all this time! Good grief let it go... :rofl: Puffins is a perfect name for those cuties, they look all puffed up.
Morning all. In diorect contrast to yesterday it is a beautiful sunny day today.

8.0 at 8 am for no reason I can think of, except that I didn't take any painkillers at bedtime and my ribs are very sore this morning as a result.

Our houseguests arrive this afternoon. Getting quite excited about the lovely weekend we have planned, with lots of meals in great restaurants.

Congratulations to @pawprint91 and @Robin on your HSs

@eggyg fabulous photos. That is one birthday you will never forget! So happy for you!

@goodybags I bet you can't wait to move into the bungalow. Good luck with your pre-op.

Have a good day all
13.2. A bit out of nowhere so assuming dawn (was about 8 going to bed).
Was feeling a bit smug because my D was behaving for a couple of days there :rofl:

I booked a trip yesterday to go back to the The Isle of Man for end of next month for 6 nights. Haven't set foot there since we buried Gran about 15+ years ago.
I'm traveling solo. Daughter's (22) anxiety has gotten the better of her and she doesn't want to come so my Son (20) is staying home too to look after her. Have other family close by too that can be phoned if there are issues.
Anyway looking forward to the trip but also a little anxious about leaving my Daughter in her medical state.
My Brother recently moved back from Australia and I have 2 nieces I haven't met yet thanks to a pandemic getting in the way of travel for a good portion of their lives so will be amazing to finally meet them.

Better move my backside and do something to help this correction out. Have plenty of housework to be getting on with :D

Hope you all have a great day.
Morning all and 6.8 for me.

Bright and sunny here, got washing out on the line.

Got down to the studio yesterday, signed 100 prints, programmed keyboard for the weekend's gigs and packed all my gear up ready to load.

For all of you in God's Own County if you get the Yorkshire Post have a look at page 17, a nice photo and article about my band 🙂

Got a phone call from the hospital this morning. Hernia repair booked in for a week on Friday. Should be all healed up and ready to rock and roll in Germany at the end of May.

Have a good day everyone.

Busy morning, after getting up late, then had routine mammogram, so first chance to get on here. Anyway 7.7 this morning, got out for a run last night with the group didn’t quite manage 5k but it was hills, so a good starting point to work up from.

@eggyg pleased you had a good birthday,

congratulations to @Robin and @pawprint91 on your HS today
Very pleased to say levels camw down by mid morning. No idea what that was all about last night! I hope everyone is having a good day in the sunshine
Been a bit quiet in here this week. Hope everyone’s ok xx
Good afternoon! 4 something this morning again. Maybe this sensor reads a bit lower or might be the warmer weather.

Talking about the weather, it is so nice and sunny today! I went to Iceland looking for eggs cause Tesco and coop didn't have, they have lots of premade cocktails and summery stuff and made me dream for a moment of being in the beach with a mojito. I am in a seaside town and tomorrow is my day off so might soon be a dream come true 😎 (wish all of them were so easy!). For a refreshing drink today I have 2 options of sparkling water: peach from Coop or mint& cucumber from Sainsbury's. First time I buy any of them, I like variety in the little things.

I asked my friend today if he wanted to come for tea, he said he "would come a different day but thanks for the invitation". He did seem normal in the rest of the chat. Phew!
Very pleased to say levels camw down by mid morning. No idea what that was all about last night
Spoke too soon! They were 6 by lunchtime, rose slightly after lunch before dropping to mid 4s then rebounding in a sharp spike to 11s again. Very fed up now with no idea why they are doing this.
We went to Staffa first and visited Fingal’s Cave, wow! A mini version of the Giant’s Causeway I was told by a fellow passenger. It was really incredible.
It’s really incredible isn’t it! Did you sing into the cave?
Woke early and didn't want to try to get back to sleep as woke in the middle of a weird dream (not completely sure what the dream was, but it didn't feel like one that I wanted to return to) so got up to try to quietly sort through some paperwork to find something I need to complete.

Test solution arrived yesterday so have finally reset time on my meter (I keep my new boxes of test strips in the original meter box with the instructions!).

4.8 this morning. Annoyed with Samsung Health. It is refusing to let me in saying my Samsung log in has expired, but Samsung log in is just spinning whether I try to log in with Google or via password and doing nothing.