Group 7-day waking average?


A more respectable 7.8 today, not feeling great, just tired and weak. it is my Wedding anniversary today so off to see Only Fools and Horses tonight, the high winds are due to hit here about lunchtime so I hope it doesn’t affect the trains too much.

@Pattidevans - sorry to read about your trip yesterday,

@Michael12421 - Happy 80th birthday

@42istheanswer and @MrPixels on your HS.
And it’s a 5.6 for me this morning, sun trying to break through the clouds and a bit breezy.

Car hunting went well yesterday, only called at four garages before she found the one she wanted, picking it up Saturday.

Happy birthday @Michael12421 just a few days and I’ll be at my 79th. Have a great day.
Good morning all. 🙂 Have a lovely day. Proper nippy round here this morning.
Morning all. 6.2. The graph shows i've been hypo a good chunk overnight and i have a hypo headache to prove it. The alarm woke me up twice in half an hour and i had 4 JBs to try and stop a low but it wasn't to be.

Happy Birthday to @Michael12421 and congrats on the HS to @42istheanswer and @MrPixels
6.4 for me today and actually tested in bed before getting up.

nipping into ALDIs and who knows what else is on the cards for today.

Hope you all have a good day
Mine was 6.4 today , today I tested before getting up for the loo ,, is there any right or wrong way, I’m new to this and been having a wee washing hands then testing ?
Morning all and 5.6 for me and for the last 4 hours of the night a flat line you could use as a ruler. Shame about the hypo after tea. Another two units off the morning basal it is then.

Have a good day everyone.
Would anybody mind when putting your readings on mentioning if you are Pre-D and no medication that could potentially affect numbers, even just for the next few days , I’d just be interested, I’m a newby , 4 weeks in, this site is invaluable to me ,,
Would anybody mind when putting your readings on mentioning if you are Pre-D and no medication that could potentially affect numbers, even just for the next few days , I’d just be interested, I’m a newby , 4 weeks in, this site is invaluable to me ,,
It says in your profile box what your relationship to diabetes is, so if you look to the left of each post it will show if people are Type 1, Type 2, Type 3c, LADA, MODY or "At risk of Diabetes" as your profile shows, so you just have to look to see what each person is. People "at risk of diabetes" should all be dietary controlled because medication should not be prescribed at that level.
As regards your question about when you should test, there is no right or wrong answer, test when you like, but testing as soon as you wake up and before you get out of bed will usually give you a lower readings than 5-10 mins later when you have got up, been to the loo and washed your hands and most of us like the look of a lower reading rather than a higher one. It also takes a bit of the variability out of it because some mornings your liver may throw out more glucose than others after you get up.
Would anybody mind when putting your readings on mentioning if you are Pre-D and no medication that could potentially affect numbers, even just for the next few days , I’d just be interested, I’m a newby , 4 weeks in, this site is invaluable to me ,,
You can check each person's diabetes "status" if they have set it. On the computer it shows beside each post, on mobile you can click the name to see profile then "about"
I usually test downstairs after going to the toilet and washing my hands, as over a couple of checks from bed then after the above, I found it wasn't making a significant difference. (I'm type 2 but got my HbA1c down without medication by reducing carbs and losing weight)
Morning all... high winds and wet. Hubby has been outside and says it's
parky. I am still snug in my PJs and fluffy dressing gown.

4.4 and going down @ 9 am. A biccie and a cuppa with sugar fixed that eventually. Surprising really, I expected to be high. However I slept like a baby, no doubt due to the Co-Dydramol pain killers that have codeine in them.

This morning my hand is quite swollen and I couldn't get my rings back on, but that's minor in the circs. Rib seems much less painful, so perhaps it isn't actually broken, just bruised. The Dr seemed unsure despite the Xray. @TinaD I think the store managers are trained to try to avoid people suing, but to be honest I do think they ought to do something about the uneven cobbles - I may write to HO, but I don't want the Mgr to get into trouble as he seemed a really nice chap and shouldn't have let slip (oh that's appropriate) about other people tripping there. However hubby says I kept on saying "don't worry, I'm always falling over". Sigh, I can be an idiot sometimes.

Happy Birthday @Michael12421 hope you have a lovely day. 80 is the new 60!

Congratulations @42istheanswer and @MrPixels on your HSs.

@eggyg "The Kitchen Cabinet" sounds like fun! Jay Raynlor seems like a nice bloke, seen him on the jury in Masterchef a few times + he wrote a very good article in "Good Food" mag once. He doesn't seem "up himself" like some of the other food critics. You must tell me how it was.

@Grannylorraine Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Hope you enjoy the show.
It says in your profile box what your relationship to diabetes is, so if you look to the left of each post it will show if people are Type 1, Type 2, Type 3c, LADA, MODY or "At risk of Diabetes" as your profile shows, so you just have to look to see what each person is. People "at risk of diabetes" should all be dietary controlled because medication should not be prescribed at that level.
As regards your question about when you should test, there is no right or wrong answer, test when you like, but testing as soon as you wake up and before you get out of bed will usually give you a lower readings than 5-10 mins later when you have got up, been to the loo and washed your hands and most of us like the look of a lower reading rather than a higher one. It also takes a bit of the variability out of it because some mornings your liver may throw out more glucose than others after you get up.
Thank you ,
I usually test downstairs after going to the toilet and washing my hands, as over a couple of checks from bed then after the above, I found it wasn't making a significant difference. (I'm type 2 but got my HbA1c down without medication by reducing carbs and losing weight)
That’s my aim, my numbers are dropping so hopefully I’m making the right changes.

Meeting is off. Walk is off. Rain and storm stopped play.

At least I got todays painting done at 6am

Ran out of paint. Delivery due soon
Hope you enjoyed KC, @eggyg - one of my favourite Radio 4 programmes. Annoyingly only available on Sounds for 30 days, not the "over a year" of many of their programmes. Over a month since the end of the last series, so nothing available at the moment.