Group 7-day waking average?

There must have been something in the water last night @rebrascora & @Pattidevans ... my sugars cracked off too!

Had an earlyish tea (6pm, chicken,chips and beans as wanted something easy) - well I had a hypo after (think it was because I then had a shower and dashed round doing a couple of chores) but didn't overtreat. All done and dusted and back up to 5.0 by 7.45pm. Come 9pm, it was going up as usual to about 10/11, so I had 2 units and went off to read my book. Before bed at 10.30pm it was still hovering around the 12 mark on Libre 😱 finger pricked and it actually said 13, I was so concerned that I tested for ketones but was thankfully 0.2 Had another correction and trotted off to bed, woke at 1 to find I was still 11.7. Had another correction and actually managed to wake up a 6.0 - but that was 6 units of insulin later. I have been so busy in the school holidays that I am so concerned about getting ill (ironic when I am probably more likely to get ill from school) but everytime there's an unexplained high sugar I am convinced it is a pre-cursor to it, but I am a hormonal mess at the moment, so wondering if it's that. Got up when my partner got up for work and had a productive morning getting round food shops etc before they got too busy. Out again this afternoon/evening as we are going to see Johannes from Strictly on his tour, with a bit of shopping and dinner first. No idea, which way the sugars will go - eek! o_O
Was torn between responding with a "star" for how well you managed the low and then high (and interpreted what might be causing them).... or a "care" for having to deal with turbulent BG..... but settled on a "love" because it sort of incorporates both, plus I love that you are going to see Johannes. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Not sure if it will be the show we saw last year or the new one that we have tickets to see this year but I am sure it will be spectacular! If it is the new one, I will be interested to hear what you thought?
Was torn between responding with a "star" for how well you managed the low and then high (and interpreted what might be causing them).... or a "care" for having to deal with turbulent BG..... but settled on a "love" because it sort of incorporates both, plus I love that you are going to see Johannes. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Not sure if it will be the show we saw last year or the new one that we have tickets to see this year but I am sure it will be spectacular! If it is the new one, I will be interested to hear what you thought?
Thank you for the love! Turbulent BG is very frustrating isn't it - but I guess like everything else, with diabetes there are good and bad days/periods!

The one we are going to this evening is called "Freedom Unleashed" - I bought my friend the tickets for her birthday back in January, so hoping she enjoys it too - we are both Strictly fans, so should be good, will report back. Did you see he has a book coming out in the autumn too? (Not sure if that's something you're interested in but thought I'd drop it in there!)
Thank you for the love! Turbulent BG is very frustrating isn't it - but I guess like everything else, with diabetes there are good and bad days/periods!

The one we are going to this evening is called "Freedom Unleashed" - I bought my friend the tickets for her birthday back in January, so hoping she enjoys it too - we are both Strictly fans, so should be good, will report back. Did you see he has a book coming out in the autumn too? (Not sure if that's something you're interested in but thought I'd drop it in there!)
That will be the new show I think. Really hope you have a great time.
Not interested i the book thanks as I rarely get time to sit down and read and when I climb into bed, I am asleep in minutes.... sorry if that makes people jealous... I love sleeping.... so no inclination to read in bed.
Good afternoon/evening everyone (not sure what you say this time?). 5'7 this morning.

I made a "student meal" with very cheap noodles, 2 eggs and a handful of frozen peas. At least something filling and comforting, I hadn't cook a hot meal in days. It is a beautiful stay home with a blanket and a cup of tea, looking at the rain. Instead I have to go back to work. Brrr! Where is this rich husband my supervisor always says I can find? Some days I think pride and dignity may not be so worth it...(joking)
Just been down to chemist to collect prescription. Jeez - even the ducks are looking about for galoshes. Chemist or Dr has erred on the prescription, halving what they should have doubled, so shall have to face tomorrow's weather which is forecast to be worse. Deluge + 49 knot wind. Bottom road already beginning to flood.
Have no intention of measuring BG until tomorrow a.m. as I ate a Mars Bar to cheer myself up and to fuel the fight with the barn doors to get in to feed the GGs. Wolf emerged from his kennel with a "You are joking" expression, swallowed an early dinner with the speed of one of his namesake emptying a Troika, and shot back under cover. Ah the joys of living at 213m AOD.
Afternoon all. Decided we needed a quick visit to Lidl - the local one is on the sea front and completely unprotected from rain and winds. Hubby, being gallant as he is, said "you go in, I'll get the trolley", so ran to the doorway, tripped on an uneven cobble and sprawled undignifiedly on the floor. The staff were lovely - interestingly the manager who was documenting the accident let slip that I was not the first to trip over the same uneven bit. Anyhoo, insisted on doing the shopping nonetheless and realised towards the end that in fact I'd done more damage than I'd first thought... ended up at A&E with suspected broken rib and badly bruised hand. That's the second time I've gone flying in less than 4 days. Doc has given me painkillers with warning "do not drink alcohol" personally would rather have the alcohol!!!! Every cloud has a silver lining though.... as I had a chest Xray I can cancel the one scheduled for next Weds at crack of dawn! BG now 12.4!

@rebrascora - you do autopsies on hens? I wouldn't have a clue!

@TinaD and @Elenka_HM , you deserve the carbs. I think I may just attack another bar of Terry's chocolate orange with mini-eggs.

@pawprint91 enjoy the show!
Afternoon all. Decided we needed a quick visit to Lidl - the local one is on the sea front and completely unprotected from rain and winds. Hubby, being gallant as he is, said "you go in, I'll get the trolley", so ran to the doorway, tripped on an uneven cobble and sprawled undignifiedly on the floor. The staff were lovely - interestingly the manager who was documenting the accident let slip that I was not the first to trip over the same uneven bit. Anyhoo, insisted on doing the shopping nonetheless and realised towards the end that in fact I'd done more damage than I'd first thought... ended up at A&E with suspected broken rib and badly bruised hand. That's the second time I've gone flying in less than 4 days. Doc has given me painkillers with warning "do not drink alcohol" personally would rather have the alcohol!!!! Every cloud has a silver lining though.... as I had a chest Xray I can cancel the one scheduled for next Weds at crack of dawn! BG now 12.4!

@rebrascora - you do autopsies on hens? I wouldn't have a clue!

@TinaD and @Elenka_HM , you deserve the carbs. I think I may just attack another bar of Terry's chocolate orange with mini-eggs.

@pawprint91 enjoy the show!

Oh Gosh! Patti!
So very sorry to hear you have hit the deck again and really hurt yourself this time. A good hot soak in the bath might not be a bad decision before an early night but I am afraid you are going to be really sore for weeks. I know when Rebel broke my ribs, every breath and cough or heaven help you if there was a sneeze coming 😱 or laugh or getting dressed or turning over in bed was a painful challenge. Did they give you deep breathing exercises to do twice a day to keep your lungs from stagnating and prevent the risk of pleurisy or pneumonia or whatever taking hold. I know it wasn't fun doing those exercises but probably worthwhile.

On a happy note, I decided to act as midwife and help that final chick out as it was still alive and cheeping today but not making any progress breaking the shell and it was going to be too far behind the others if I didn't get it hatched today. It is always a risk as if they haven't got to the right stage where they are stopping the blood supply to the outer membrane as they can bleed to death once you break the shell and tear the membrane. There was a bit of blood but not too much. At first, I just chipped a bit of the shell away and put it back in with her but she started pecking at it and drawing blood (I think she was agitated at me for interfering and was just having a go at my hand and what came out of it. Anyway, I snatched it back out, let her settle down in the dark, worked on removing the top half of the shell and then quietly put it back under her when she was more settled and it is now fully hatched and still alive, if a bit limp but they are all a bit like that at first when they hatch, so hopefully it will pick up. The others are on their feet and wobbling about a bit but not too far ahead of this one so hopefully it will catch up overnight a bit and be mobile enough tomorrow to hold it's own and keep up.
I need to renovate my little hutch which needs a new roof.... and put them out on the lawn in that in a day or two, then hopefully I can get some photos for you. Still not supposed to let them out yet due to bird flu restrictions, but at least the coop on the lawn will give them some fresh grass/ground to play on and I know that people walking past will love to see them.
Afternoon all. Decided we needed a quick visit to Lidl - the local one is on the sea front and completely unprotected from rain and winds. Hubby, being gallant as he is, said "you go in, I'll get the trolley", so ran to the doorway, tripped on an uneven cobble and sprawled undignifiedly on the floor. The staff were lovely - interestingly the manager who was documenting the accident let slip that I was not the first to trip over the same uneven bit. Anyhoo, insisted on doing the shopping nonetheless and realised towards the end that in fact I'd done more damage than I'd first thought... ended up at A&E with suspected broken rib and badly bruised hand. That's the second time I've gone flying in less than 4 days. Doc has given me painkillers with warning "do not drink alcohol" personally would rather have the alcohol!!!! Every cloud has a silver lining though.... as I had a chest Xray I can cancel the one scheduled for next Weds at crack of dawn! BG now 12.4!

@rebrascora - you do autopsies on hens? I wouldn't have a clue!

@TinaD and @Elenka_HM , you deserve the carbs. I think I may just attack another bar of Terry's chocolate orange with mini-eggs.

@pawprint91 enjoy the show!
Sorry to hear of your trip, pity it wasn't to somewhere nicer than A & E. It's amazing how attentive the staff can be when something like that happens. I slipped on a wet patch on the floor in B&Q and the manager rang me the next day to check if I was OK, luckily I was fine.
You’re arriving in my home county just as I leave for Scotland! Where’s your photography course taking place? Is it wildlife?
Re the weather. It’ll be wet! 😛 But that’s why the Lake District is so beautiful. Enjoy.
I know! We could have met up! It’s somewhere close to Keswick, location to be decided tomorrow by the course tutor depending on weather. We’re staying in Swinside Farmhouse just down from Keswick on the west of Derwent Water. It is a landscape photography course, so hopefully a few breaks in the pouring rain will be helpful!
@Pattidevans - sorry to hear about you trip, I hope you’re not too sore?

@rebrascora - I need some exercise tonight so perhaps I could help feed your horses? Sat here waiting to see if my correction will pull this stupid high down into range as I absolutely refuse to go to sleep with it this high 😡 Anyone want to guess my tomorrow morning reading?

I think I read somewhere that Rupert Murdoch has just broken his recent engagement...
I had to Google this gentleman because I had no idea who he is. I'm sure he fits the "rich" requirement but even if you expect an older man in this kind of situation, I think the age gap would be way too much for me ... :D
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 nice
BP 118/70 nice
Pulse 59 nice
Painting: continues. Not so nice but the results are good

Today, yes more painting and then shifting things around to make space for, yes you guessed it....

Later, a meeting with our churchs' pastor and then a walk on the beach. Could be interesting today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I know! We could have met up! It’s somewhere close to Keswick, location to be decided tomorrow by the course tutor depending on weather. We’re staying in Swinside Farmhouse just down from Keswick on the west of Derwent Water. It is a landscape photography course, so hopefully a few breaks in the pouring rain will be helpful!
Mr Eggy is a very keen photographer, landscapes, he likes the dark clouds ( moody skies he calls them), not blaring sun but maybe just a glimpse. I’ve spent many an hour on the top of a fell, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the sun to just hit a particular summit/tree/climber. I’m a photography widow! Enjoy it whatever the weather. I used to work in Keswick and it’s somewhere I’ve visited more times than I care to remember.
I’ll be spending the next fortnight twiddling my thumbs standing around/up lochs/Bens/the coast waiting for the correct lightening. 😉
I had to Google this gentleman because I had no idea who he is. I'm sure he fits the "rich" requirement but even if you expect an older man in this kind of situation, I think the age gap would be way too much for me ... :D
You’re right about the age gap. You’re probably a bit older than he would like. 😉
5.2 for me today, almost worth the waking early (6.15am) for no apparent reason (though my youngest who is an early riser but usually sleeps until nearer 6.30 tells me they woke at the same time so maybe a noise outside that woke us both but stopped before we were conscious enough to realise?)

Happy birthday @Michael12421 I hope you have something nice planned to celebrate!