Group 7-day waking average?

Somehow managed to get 5.4 this morning after scanning in the night around 1am and seeing a 4.7 with downward sloping arrow. Decided to see how it played out and the graph shows it did in fact steady out and stay flat for the rest of the night - phew!

More or less back to normal this week, although a nice trip to the Lakes on Friday and the coming weekend for a photography course - looking forward to that, although not sure what the weather will be like !😱

Congratulations on the HS @Robin and to @Carlos for yesterday‘s HS!

Back to work for 3 days now, have a great day everyone!
Well done @Robin on that HS. 4.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 6.4
And on this bright and sunny morning it’s a 5.7 for me, just a pity rain is forecast for later.

Now for my porridge and then I’m off with my daughter car shopping.
More or less back to normal this week, although a nice trip to the Lakes on Friday and the coming weekend for a photography course - looking forward to that, although not sure what the weather will be like !😱
You’re arriving in my home county just as I leave for Scotland! Where’s your photography course taking place? Is it wildlife?
Re the weather. It’ll be wet! 😛 But that’s why the Lake District is so beautiful. Enjoy.
Good morning. I see many with some distance from their prize house today. I shall happily join in - 6.4.

Garden looking a lot tidier after visiting gardener. Is coming again on Thursday to finish the flower beds. First shoots of asparagus poking through in the veggie garden which I have managed to weed free except for the strawberry bed. Much worry about how to cut back bullrushes in pond - its a bit too small for a boat and too big for just stretching or wading or lying a plank across. Ho hum, another of life's imponderables.

Grey and gloomy morning after rain and wind over night.

Hope everyone doing well.
7.6 but had been up to the bathroom before i got to check. My bladder doesn't understand it needs to wait. I may have also accidently "fell" onto the kettle switch and made a coffee too pre test :D

Hope you all have a good day!

A whopping 13.3 which is worse than when I had the chest infection, so have an irritated throat, but not actually sore.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS.
Morning all, despite my misgivings yesterday turned out beautiful - well nice to look out the window at sunshine, but a searing wind. Today is just the opposite, it is pouring down from a relentlessly grey sky. First thing I got an email from a friend saying "hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather!" - HA!

10.4 this morning, due to a long hypo (1am to approx 2.45am) that wouldn't submit to Dextrose, ginger cookies nor anything else until hubby went and got me a cuppa with sugar. I confess I did sleep through some of it but the alarm was going off and keeping hubby awake spasmodically. That's ruined my TIR as I had no time in hypo in the last 7 days.

Not much on today, visit to Lidl for a few bits. No need to cook dinner as we have leftovers from Sunday's roast lamb. Yesterday I needed to use up some smoked salmon that was out of date, so made gnocchi with a smoked salmon, creme fraiche and lemon sauce. Surprisingly not too bad carb-wise, 50g for my portion, keeping me under 100g for the full day. Hence hypo I expect!

Congratulations to @Robin @khskel and @Carlos for your HSs. Nice houses, 2nd one a bit remote for me though!

@TinaD glad you have finally found a gardner (and a cleaner) my cleaner has left. House is very dusty as she didn't come last time she should have, so I had better get my duster out (yack!). She had a p/t temp clerical job in the Dr's surgry. She's now been made permanent and f/t. Better find another one! Ha ha... it only took a year last time!

Have a good day all!
Morning all, despite my misgivings yesterday turned out beautiful - well nice to look out the window at sunshine, but a searing wind. Today is just the opposite, it is pouring down from a relentlessly grey sky. First thing I got an email from a friend saying "hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather!" - HA!

10.4 this morning, due to a long hypo (1am to approx 2.45am) that wouldn't submit to Dextrose, ginger cookies nor anything else until hubby went and got me a cuppa with sugar. I confess I did sleep through some of it but the alarm was going off and keeping hubby awake spasmodically. That's ruined my TIR as I had no time in hypo in the last 7 days.

Not much on today, visit to Lidl for a few bits. No need to cook dinner as we have leftovers from Sunday's roast lamb. Yesterday I needed to use up some smoked salmon that was out of date, so made gnocchi with a smoked salmon, creme fraiche and lemon sauce. Surprisingly not too bad carb-wise, 50g for my portion, keeping me under 100g for the full day. Hence hypo I expect!

Congratulations to @Robin and @Carlos for your HSs. Nice houses, 2nd one a bit remote for me though!

@TinaD glad you have finally found a gardner (and a cleaner) my cleaner has left. House is very dusty as she didn't come last time she should have, so I had better get my duster out (yack!). She had a p/t temp clerical job in the Dr's surgry. She's now been made permanent and f/t. Better find another one! Ha ha... it only took a year last time!

Have a good day all!
Sorry to hear about the dust (she says smugly). I found plenty of applicants by advertising in local group on face book - may be worth a try?
That's it! I cannot physically do any more painting today. Shattered. But things are already looking better.

Why do they always say 'apply 2 coats'? It gets mighty hot wearing 2 coats whilst painting. I'm a shadow of my former self now...


Some might think it's not going so least it will keep my blood glucose levels down (even though my blood is a boiling rage)... I think the improvements are going well..


Lovely weather here. Looking good for a walk this afternoon.


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Well it is a big fat 8 for me this morning and that despite a 2 unit Levemir increase last night and going to bed with stacked corrections. Thought I had managed my turkey dinner followed by cheese and a few slices of apple and then a sliver of cheese cake with cream very well yesterday afternoon/early evening and didn't go much above 6 but then my levels started to rise as I was leaving my sister's to drive home at 11pm, so I jabbed a correction but needed another one when I got home. Got changed and fed GGs (well after midnight by then) and hypoed just as I got home again which I over treated for once. Ended up sitting up till 3am waiting for levels to stabilize before heading to bed but own silly fault for being too impatient, stacking corrections and then heading out to do exercise in the early hours. 🙄 Mostly it works but sometimes it doesn't. Had an absolutely lovely day though. My sister's neighbours had also been invited as well as myself, my brother and cousin and I don't think there was 10 mins when we weren't laughing out loud about something. It was a really great atmosphere and the food was fabulous.

Oh, and I forgot to mention 4 of the 5 eggs I set with the broody hatched, despite the original broody dying less than a week before hatch was due. It looked like she had some sort of fit judging by how the nest and eggs were scattered, but then hens do flap a lot when they die, so who knows and I didn't have time to do a post mortem. Anyway, I left the eggs and amazingly her daughter, who was just a pullet from last year and was just coming into lay for the first time (@TinaD she had just laid a tiny wind egg that day) decided to take over the nest and continue the incubation and miraculously has finished the job. Hoping that the last one might hatch but one of the shells from the hatched chicks had enveloped the unhatched one making it impossible for that chick to break out, so I removed that and gave the shell a little crack to help it, but it might have already struggled too long and died of exhaustion.... we will see. Anyway, 4 little lavender bantam pekin chicks but can't get a photo yet as broody needs to sit tight on remaining egg to give it a chance.

Many congratulations to @Robin and @khskel for your House Specials today and @Carlos for your first one yesterday. Well done guys!
There must have been something in the water last night @rebrascora & @Pattidevans ... my sugars cracked off too!

Had an earlyish tea (6pm, chicken,chips and beans as wanted something easy) - well I had a hypo after (think it was because I then had a shower and dashed round doing a couple of chores) but didn't overtreat. All done and dusted and back up to 5.0 by 7.45pm. Come 9pm, it was going up as usual to about 10/11, so I had 2 units and went off to read my book. Before bed at 10.30pm it was still hovering around the 12 mark on Libre 😱 finger pricked and it actually said 13, I was so concerned that I tested for ketones but was thankfully 0.2. Had another correction and trotted off to bed, woke at 1 to find I was still 11.7. Had another correction and actually managed to wake up a 6.0 - but that was 6 units of insulin later. I have been so busy in the school holidays that I am so concerned about getting ill (ironic when I am probably more likely to get ill from school) but everytime there's an unexplained high sugar I am convinced it is a pre-cursor to it, but I am a hormonal mess at the moment, so wondering if it's that. Got up when my partner got up for work and had a productive morning getting round food shops etc before they got too busy. Out again this afternoon/evening as we are going to see Johannes from Strictly on his tour, with a bit of shopping and dinner first. No idea which way the sugars will go - eek! o_O
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