Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.4, another big fat fib from my sensor. 6.9 on my meter when I got downstairs. It’s a nuisance but I believe Abbott won’t replace unless there’s a difference of 3. It’s messing up my TIR. Ah well, first world problems.😉

Had a nice afternoon with the family yesterday. Meal went down well, and the three puddings! I ended up picking some rhubarb and making a rhubarb and ginger crumble as well. Unfortunately, there’s some left, along with half a cheesecake. I’m not bothered about the bread and butter pudding, not my thing at all. Need to step away from the fridge! The girls gave me my birthday presents in advance as I’m away for the day itself and I’m unlikely to see them before we go away . I got a new waterproof walking coat, I’ll definitely need that in the Highlands, three books, perfume and a window bird feeder. I’m very happy.

No plans to leave the house today, weather forecast damp. Will just pootle, do a bit housework, read my book, may have a nice soak in the bath.

Have a nice Easter Monday and I hope the rain stays away for you. 🙂
Good morning everyone

A good sleep and feel refreshed this morning...ready for some more house painting. My wife painted the undercoat in the utility room yesterday and did a grand job. This was a huge milestone. Later she chatted to me about getting a dog. Another huge milestone. She was relaxed and happy another huge milestone. It was like someone had pressed a switch/button. All in all a great day. My friend has bern invited to tea tonight ...another huge milestone...

BG this morning 5.5 fine I can do without another house to decorate today!!! 🙂

Today paint paint paint. Cook cook cook. Enjoy enjoy enjoy

(One of my Christmas images. Almost the right season...ahh add some more pepper...)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 6.6. Must have been yesterday evening's excellent curry or, more likely, the accompanying rice. Worth it.

Outside dreary, grey, wet. Forecast heavy rain and gales. Lovely! Nothing planned except avoiding weather by scooting round the animals like a turbo charged gerbil and getting back next to the woodburner.

Hope everyone doing well.
And it’s a 4.7 for me this wet morning, well we did have two days of glorious sunshine what more can you expect. Now where’s my porridge.
5.6 for me today. 🙂 And it's raining here too.

Good morning - 6.7
3.7 for me, but I had woken half an hour earlier on 4.1 and with no evening Levemir in my system and being about to get up, I fully expected that level to rise sharply when my feet hit the floor, so I jabbed my morning insulin and got up and pottered on getting coffee and breakfast..... but FOTF inexplicably deserted me this morning 🙄, so I now have a patch of red on my graph.😡 I was sure my coffee would bring me up a bit as it usually does, but no, still in the red. Then I remembered that I pinged my sports bra strap off my LIbre last night and wasn't wearing my Libre arm strap to protect it, so I thought I must have dislodged the filament a bit and that was why it was reading low. Got my BG meter out, warmed up the batteries because it insists on some tlc before it will work and that gave me a 4.0, so in the end I had to give in and eat a JB before my breakfast. I will no doubt go high now, so better get out and swing my legs.

@eggyg I think it just has to be more than 2mmols out, rather than 3. Worth ringing and reporting it in my opinion.
5.0 and raining fairly heavily here too. If it doesn't stop then I might pay to park near the cafe where I'm meeting people today, rather than parking where it's free and walking from there which was my plan
Morning all. 7.2. Graph showed that i had a sharp spike around 5am before suddenly dropping. No idea what that was about.

Nothing much planned today apart from getting some bits ready for a few days away. Enjoy the Bank Holiday whatever you are doing.
Yay 10!

Listening to the rain. Awake at 4am from a huge belter of a nightmare where my skin was being peeled off by another version of me.
I’m thinking it’s to do with me forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone or something.

Anyway, got a text from a friend saying “I’ve got news” so I replied “you’re going to be a dad!”
And then got the ultrasound pic through!
Called and chatted for a good half an hour and can’t stop smiling!
They got married in October and she’s four months now so they didn’t hang about!
He’s someone I’ve known for years after being in panto together and I’ve always said he’s going to make an awesome dad!

I’m now looking at ridiculously priced baby stuff of course and reminding myself that with three older brothers and two older sisters who’ve all had kids between them they’re not really going to need much stuff but it’s fun window shopping for baby gear and I’ve just found a lovely company making handmade rocking horses…

I so should have been a dad but it just wasn’t my path I guess.
Hi , I’m a newby , 4 weeks in ,I’m pre -D not seen a GP confirmed by text from GP , so I’m literally following this forum for as much help as I can get, started monitoring 3 days ago after waking, was told initially I was 9,, day 1 8.4 day 2 7.6 and today 6.2 , I’ve totally changed my diet cut out all the goodies and exercise 3 times a week , any more advise would be welcome, thanks .
Hi , I’m a newby , 4 weeks in ,I’m pre -D not seen a GP confirmed by text from GP , so I’m literally following this forum for as much help as I can get, started monitoring 3 days ago after waking, was told initially I was 9,, day 1 8.4 day 2 7.6 and today 6.2 , I’ve totally changed my diet cut out all the goodies and exercise 3 times a week , any more advise would be welcome, thanks .
Looks to me like the changes you are making are having the desired effect if those waking readings are anything to go by. Congratulations on making such positive progress in a very short time and just keep doing what you are doing providing it is sustainable and I am sure you will have pushed your levels back into the normal range by the time you get your next HbA1c test done.
Morning all - weather definitely undecided, but a brisk wind with some blue and some grey cloud.

4.4 this morning, relatively flat line.

@rebrascora - re lows not showing on your graph. In order to for 1% low to show on your 7 day chart you would have to have been low for a total of 100.8 minutes over the week or 14.40 minutes per day.

Have a good day all.
An embarrassing 7.8 for me this morning - but the half a Lindt Easter Egg last night was worth it!

Lovely day with my daughter’s family and her husband’s parents yesterday, including a very tasty bbq (where it’s easy to just have the meat and very little carbs). I volunteered to drive us back home and so wasn’t drinking, nearly got stuck around the Coventry ring road which hates me and the Sat Nav (which tells you to exit just as you pass the slip road!). I think we ended up doing a slingshot around the city before eventually finding the A46 heading back to us :rofl:

New meter arrived yesterday morning and works with my existing test strips, so all good! So I was able to check this sensor which was a lovely 0.5 lower than the the BG reading, so very pleased with that!

Rain today, but as it was forecast, not really bothered and already had indoor plans for some sorting stuff out in preparation for decorating and new carpets for the spare bedroom and “office” to be done sometime next month. My wife has to work 2pm to 9pm today, so I’ll save that task until then!

Hope everyone has a good day and that the rain doesn’t stop you from enjoying the day.
3.7 for me, but I had woken half an hour earlier on 4.1 and with no evening Levemir in my system and being about to get up, I fully expected that level to rise sharply when my feet hit the floor, so I jabbed my morning insulin and got up and pottered on getting coffee and breakfast..... but FOTF inexplicably deserted me this morning 🙄, so I now have a patch of red on my graph.😡 I was sure my coffee would bring me up a bit as it usually does, but no, still in the red. Then I remembered that I pinged my sports bra strap off my LIbre last night and wasn't wearing my Libre arm strap to protect it, so I thought I must have dislodged the filament a bit and that was why it was reading low. Got my BG meter out, warmed up the batteries because it insists on some tlc before it will work and that gave me a 4.0, so in the end I had to give in and eat a JB before my breakfast. I will no doubt go high now, so better get out and swing my legs.

@eggyg I think it just has to be more than 2mmols out, rather than 3. Worth ringing and reporting it in my opinion.

Sounds like I should ring about my +25% sensor as recently running near top of range (TOR) my TIR is <`50%! :(
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Basal requirements dropping and I'm going to have to look at my bolus ratios too. Half a packet of dextrose tablets consumed after tea last night.

Sunny and bright here, the threatened rain hasn't arrived yet.

Have a good day everyone.