Group 7-day waking average?

@freesia How could you not enjoy The Commitments! The music is just sooo good. Pleased you had a great time.
I might look to see if it is coming somewhere local here.
Good morning everyone

Very dark this early. BG 5.3
Pulse 53
BP again elevated. Why? Old age?

Today church, painting undercoat in 3 rooms, exercise

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Happy Easter all! :D Gonna try and get to church today. I have social anxiety I think they call it now so it'll be a nightmare but I'll feel so accomplished and holy if I can manage it. :rofl: I've stuck my poster in the window, tad late 'this is Holy Week' but I only just found it, better late than never I say. Have a lovely day all. No bg for me today, I spilt all my water inside my bedside drawer, what a mess is my excuse.
Oh yes, I forgot to say, happy easter everyone.
We've just come out of the theatre. What a show! We went to see The Commitments. So good. I can't begin to do a review anything like @ColinUK ,s CCC but suffice to say we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Don’t sell yourself short, of course you can! Where’s your commitment eh?!
Morning all. 8.3 on this blasted sensor. It’s all lies! By the time I went to the loo, washed my hands, put dressing gown and slippers on and walked down the stairs and Dawn visited, my meter still only showed 7.

Lamb in oven, studded with garlic and rosemary. Cheesecake already made and chilling. Hot cross bread and butter pudding to make ( made a loaf shaped one this time), and veg to prep. We’re having eight over for lunch, the farmers are lambing, ironically. We never eat our main meal at lunchtime so this is very unusual, but middle daughter and eldest granddaughter are going to some famous DJ thing tonight. I can’t imagine we’ll need anything else to eat for the rest of the day. But a nap may be in order once the hordes leave! Better getting peeling the tatties!

Happy Easter to those that celebrate it. Have a good day, sunny again here, I’m getting quite used to it now. 🙂

And need to get my bum to the desk to write up CCC from last night.
What I wouldn’t give for a flat line at night guys like most of you and wake up at lower levels than I do! And I could dream of eating breakfast straight away :(
I’m not sure “most of you” is an accurate assessment @MichelleF78! 🙂 My BG has a mind of its own! I hardly ever have a unicorn day and DP/FOTF is now a permanent feature for me, so I never compare myself to anyone else. You’re newly diagnosed, so you’re in that steep learning curve period that we’ve all been thru. (((Hugs))). You’re doing really well. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here. Off to Swansea for a family Easter lunch. The sun’s shining but the sky is an ominous dark grey. Uh oh! 🙂
Morning all, 4.9 here. i think my Libre is telling porkies too, it had me hovering just in the red most of the night, and I think it was just that ai was a bit dehydrated.
Grey and gloomy here, but the sun is forecast to make an appearance. It better had, both kids are coming for lunch (not an @eggyg special, just smoked salmon sandwiches) and we'd planned a walk afterwards.
5.7 for me this morning. 🙂 Not bad after last night's attack by Lindt chocolate.

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it.

Happy Easter to all!
Just been to a lovely 'Sunrise' service at our local park.
It was great to see so many make it.
'He has Risen'!
Enjoy your day, whatever shape it takes.

A 6.2 this morning 🙂
Good morning - 5.0
6.0 this morning. Youngest woke me before my alarm, angling for their chocolate... I eventually dragged myself out of bed and distributed it :rofl: .

Now to have breakfast, which I don't usually do on Sundays, but I will be having lunch later than usual and I do still have a hot cross bun to eat
Good morning everyone. Happy Easter. Missed a HS by a whisker with a 5.3. I don't know what's happened to me since i finished for the holidays but things seem to have settled a bit. Do you think my body is telling me i shouldn't go back to work 😉? I wish!

Have a lovely day whatever you do.

@eggyg lunch sounds fab, i wish you weren't so far away, i think you might have a few more around your table.