Group 7-day waking average?

It's the algorithm used to try to cut down the time lag between blood and interstitial glucose which causes it and I don't mind at all that it does it because it means less red on my graph and if I hadn't reacted to that Libre low, by eating JBs and stopping the drop, I certainly would have been in the red. I just wish it reduced my occasional highs too, but it never seems to work like that above range.

I use Fiasp rather than NR, not that it is much quicker for me as both are sluggish but what I like about Fiasp is that it is gone in 3 hours for me, often less whereas NR would take the full 5 hours to work. What I dislike is that once my levels get into double figures, it seems to turn to water, so I have to stack corrections to make it effective. This works fine for me and I just ensure that I have a couple of JBs at the ready just in case I need to steady the drop if I get to close to the bottom end of my range when the corrections eventually kick in, but it took months for me to gain the confidence (more like reach a point of significant frustration) to just keep jabbing one correction after another until levels stop going upwards and eventually turn downwards. I am not recommending others do this but it is what works for me. I need more Fiasp than I did NR to do the same job but that shorter activity time is a real bonus for me and I only need 45mins prebolus time at breakfast as oppose to 75 mins with NR, which was just impractical. 45mins is manageable. I would not recommend Fiasp to anyone as it can be frustrating and tricky in my experience, but that slight benefit over NR of it just being active for 3 hours for me just tips the balance.
I feel the same as you - if it makes the graph look better by intercepting the lows (and the occasional high) then for me, it's worth it. I'm glad it happens to others, too.

I only asked re: the insulin as you mentioned it taking ages to kick in and then dropping like a stone which is what can sometimes happen to me on NR (it certainly did yesterday), but sometimes I stack corrections in a desperate bid to stop a climb, which I do know is a bit of a no-no. On none working days, I have the same problem re: NR for breakfast, can take ages to kick in and you have to eat at that sweet spot otherwise I find myself dropping!

I was 6.6 this morning, more preferable to yesterday's 7.6 - I gave extra evening basal which I think helped, but then had one of my random climbs before bed, so dropped in a unit of novorapid when I noticed it was creeping above 9 at a steady rate - that obviously dropped me to 6. something and I had a fairly steady line all night from then on according to the graph until my usual rise at about 6. However, I think I should have upped my morning basal too as I sit to write this my high alarm is going off ... but got a more active day tomorrow so will just live with it for today I suppose!
Good morning! A 5'4 for me today.

In my region of Spain is tradition to eat Easter "mona" this Monday. Is a sort of cake with a hard boiled egg on top, there is a drier, crumby version and a soft one similar to a brioche. Nowadays they have monas with a chocolate egg instead, appealing to children, but in my house we like the traditional egg ones. For many people is typical to go out with the family, often to the countryside, and eat the mona there.

As I like this food related traditions I'll eat a "deconstructed" mona later. I have some ring shaped cakes similar to the drier variety, without the egg, which are sold all year round and keep forever in the pantry. And I'll have it with a regular boiled egg I have ready in the fridge for the occasion 😉

There's a pic of a typical mona my auntie was having for breakfast, so you get an idea. Usually they have 2 strips of dough over the egg forming a cross.

Happy Easter all. 7.4 @ 5.48am 🙂

I luvs food related traditions too, it's all about the food. :D That looks inviting.
9.9 today, but forgot my meds yesterday in m rush to go meet my friend for a walk, and forgot I was diabetic with what I ate yesterday. Anyway back to being good today, not done much, might try and get out for a walk later as there Might be a dry spell.
So here is my "deconstructed" Mona de Pascua. Made the rest of the meal as low carb as possible as I bet the cake has enough!

Morning all. A more normal, for me, 6.7. Sensor is finally behaving itself.

It’s looking bright at the moment but Cumbria has had warnings for gusty winds. It was howling through the house last night accompanied by very heavy rain. It looks like nothing happened this morning. Another pootling day today, it’s my last one of the week, all systems go tomorrow and onwards, prepping for holiday.

Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Today more and more and more painting. Not keen but it must be done.

Not one of mine. From the interthing....(it's a bit how I feel house painting sometimes)


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.9 today. Not bad.

I like that painting. Due to 'autism' thing I at first saw it as The Scream before it settled before my eyes and I saw it properly. Interesting. When I first came online back in the day a picture was going round which I interpreted as four monsters playing instruments. They had cute furry bodies so I knew that couldn't be right plus all saying how funny and nice a picture it was. I had to wait weeks for all to come clear. Turned out to be kittens! Have a good day all.
4.6 this morning. I enjoyed my group meet up in the café yesterday, though they didn't have anything low carb so I had a high carb lunch. So even with being careful with carbs the other two meals I went a little over my self imposed limit (and that's on guesstimate as food apps obviously don't have meals for smaller cafés in them!). I shall probably dial it back today. Though I am meeting with a separate group this evening where meetings often involve cake so not sure if anyone will bring any. I may be very careful with meals so that I can have a piece if someone does.

Up earlier than expected/planned despite having struggled to get to sleep last night. Thanks insomnia, I was hoping you might decide to revisit me 🙄
Morning all, 5.2 here, yay!
Going out for tea with my son this afternoon, for a belated Mother’s day treat. (He is still hanging around cluttering up the place because his office works Good Friday and then closes Easter Monday and Tuesday.) Only to the local garden centre, but the treat bit is that he pays, and I make him hang around while I look at stuff. (cue for him to say 'do you have to look at every single plant?)
Morning all. 7.2 for me today.

Easter weekend was quite busy, and didn't get around to post in here. I had a 5.2 yesterday, which I think is my first since I started following this thread.

Beautifully bright spring morning here, but I don't think it will last.

Enjoy your day everyone.
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