Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. Back in the fives with a 5.7. And a unicorn day. This new sensor has taken five days to sort itself out.

Got an exciting day ahead, for a change. Firstly we’re going into town for a late lunch, 2ish, then Mr Eggy needs some new walking boots and I may purchase some books. 6pm we’re heading to a small venue in the city centre to be an audience member for a recording of Radio 4s The Kitchen Cabinet. :confused:Me neither! It’s a culinary panel show led by Jay Raynor, who I do know, and expert guests. It’s supposed to be quite funny and it’s audience participation. The panel answer our questions about foody things. I’ve never heard it and can’t find a podcast so it will be a surprise, and the best bit is, it’s free! So even if it’s rubbish it’s cost us nothing. Something different anyways.

A very big Happy Birthday to @Michael12421 80 years old. What a fabulous achievement. I hope you have a wonderful day and here’s to many more birthdays. 🙂 PS all the best people are born in April.😉

Have a great day all and I hope you haven’t suffered any damage from last night’s storm. It was wild up here, a slate off the roof and a bird feeder down. Electricity has been off as cooker clock flashing, but it could have been much worse. 🙂
5.2 for me today, almost worth the waking early (6.15am) for no apparent reason (though my youngest who is an early riser but usually sleeps until nearer 6.30 tells me they woke at the same time so maybe a noise outside that woke us both but stopped before we were conscious enough to realise?)

Happy birthday @Michael12421 I hope you have something nice planned to celebrate!
Congratulations on your House Special. Very well done.
6.4 for me today and actually tested in bed before getting up.

nipping into ALDIs and who knows what else is on the cards for today.

Hope you all have a good day
Morning all, 8.5 here and rising, guess who didn't take their basal last night. It was a bit of an experiment, because I’ve been dipping into the red a lot at night this week, and last night I was in the 4s at bedtime, so I just wanted to see what happened, as I'd already cut it to 2 units at bedtime. I think I proved I need them.
Mr Eggy is a very keen photographer, landscapes, he likes the dark clouds ( moody skies he calls them), not blaring sun but maybe just a glimpse. I’ve spent many an hour on the top of a fell, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the sun to just hit a particular summit/tree/climber. I’m a photography widow! Enjoy it whatever the weather. I used to work in Keswick and it’s somewhere I’ve visited more times than I care to remember.
I’ll be spending the next fortnight twiddling my thumbs standing around/up lochs/Bens/the coast waiting for the correct lightening. 😉
Enjoy Scotland! You’ll have to take up photography too! Luckily my wife has just started so she is more than happy to spend time with the camera. I have concentrated on landscapes but more recently done wildlife which was fantastic in Yellowstone. This is my favourite shot of a black mother bear with one of her cubs (there were another two nearby)!

Morning all. 🙂 6.5 here.

It got very wild at one point last night - Bloden’s ears were as upright as they could go, but she got bored with being scared and went back to sleep again. This dog sleeps A LOT. Maybe she thinks she’s a cat. 🙂
Did anyone guess this morning’s reading for me? Amazingly down to a bit more reasonable 6! Bit of an embarrassing high before bed last night. I really must do better today!


Congratulations @42istheanswer on your HS!

A very happy birthday @Michael12421 !

Hope everyone has a good day!
Enjoy Scotland! You’ll have to take up photography too! Luckily my wife has just started so she is more than happy to spend time with the camera. I have concentrated on landscapes but more recently done wildlife which was fantastic in Yellowstone. This is my favourite shot of a black mother bear with one of her cubs (there were another two nearby)!

View attachment 25303
How close were you?
Enjoy Scotland! You’ll have to take up photography too! Luckily my wife has just started so she is more than happy to spend time with the camera. I have concentrated on landscapes but more recently done wildlife which was fantastic in Yellowstone. This is my favourite shot of a black mother bear with one of her cubs (there were another two nearby)!

View attachment 25303
What a fabulous photo.
I do have a camera, just a compact as my poor shoulders can’t cope with a huge one. I’ve a Panosonic LUMIX with a 30x zoom. It’s pretty decent for what I need, I like to photograph birds mostly. I’m very new to it having received the camera for my 60th birthday, I’m ashamed to say I’m still on auto! I have a bird thread on off the subject, there’s some half decent photos, but I’m no Simon King!
5.4 for me today, had a hypo before bed (late bedtime due to Johannes show at about 1am) and no rise, the sugars enjoyed the show :D and then a pretty flat line at 5 all night. Still rising in the day a bit (particularly in the pm) so have upped my basal, hopefully we won't see any resulting lows!

@Pattidevans I'm so sorry to hear about your fall, hope you are okay (or as okay as you can be with your injured parts!) and are being well looked after.

@rebrascora Johannes was absolutely fantastic, so much fun and energy, had a fab time. My friend enjoyed it too. (And I ate a chicken burger before hand and didn't go above 10, by the time we'd walked to and from the car pre/post show any random rises seemed to have sorted themselves out!)

@Michael12421 A huge Happy Birthday to you!
Afternoon all. Decided we needed a quick visit to Lidl - the local one is on the sea front and completely unprotected from rain and winds. Hubby, being gallant as he is, said "you go in, I'll get the trolley", so ran to the doorway, tripped on an uneven cobble and sprawled undignifiedly on the floor. The staff were lovely - interestingly the manager who was documenting the accident let slip that I was not the first to trip over the same uneven bit. Anyhoo, insisted on doing the shopping nonetheless and realised towards the end that in fact I'd done more damage than I'd first thought... ended up at A&E with suspected broken rib and badly bruised hand. That's the second time I've gone flying in less than 4 days. Doc has given me painkillers with warning "do not drink alcohol" personally would rather have the alcohol!!!! Every cloud has a silver lining though.... as I had a chest Xray I can cancel the one scheduled for next Weds at crack of dawn! BG now 12.4!

@rebrascora - you do autopsies on hens? I wouldn't have a clue!

@TinaD and @Elenka_HM , you deserve the carbs. I think I may just attack another bar of Terry's chocolate orange with mini-eggs.

@pawprint91 enjoy the show!
If accidents had occurred on premises before might be worth a claim for damages. If not excessive likely the stores insurer will settle without a fight.
Good morning.
Hope everyone survived the night. Wind building up again here. BG 6.2. Haven't checked for damage yet but no leaks so hopefully all the slates are on. BBC and Met forecasting 17 to 19 degrees on Tuesday 17th but nasty until then.
Must get more bird fat balls when out. We used to recite when young "The spring has sprung, the grass is riz. I wonder where them birdies is. The little birds is on the wing, but that's absurd, the little wings is on the birds." The poor little beasts will be flying backwards in this.
Hope everyone has a good day.
7.8 for me this morning and my spell of diabetic smooth sailing has come to an end.... for now.

I increased my evening Levemir by another unit last night to 3units. Went to bed on 5.5. I vaguely remember my high alarm waking me up and my Libre log says it was 1.09am when I hit 9.1 but I was too sleepy to be bothered to inject a correction. Levels continued to rise until I woke from very restless sleep at 3.34 am to a 12.4 and I had been above target for over 2 hours. Jabbed 3.5 units which I thought was generous and went back to sleep and woke to 7.8 and the graph showing levels were rising again so I hit it with 7.5 units plus my 22 units of Levemir and got up but the high alarm still went off at 9.1 so I jabbed another 1.5 because I am simply not prepared to pussy foot around with it. If I gave it too much insulin I will get to eat a couple of JBs which is far better than the frustration of battling persistent highs.
Going to meet one of my close friends for lunch today. I don't see her very often these days as she works down country in residential care, so looking forward to it. I also very rarely get to eat out. Just a shame my diabetes is on a less cooperative day. I forecast large spikes on my graph this afternoon again 🙄 BG roller coaster here we come!

Many Congratulations to @Michael12421 on your 80th birthday. Wishing you a very enjoyable day. I am guessing you will have something nice organized for your tea tonight?

Well done to @42istheanswer and @MrPixels on achieving House Specials this morning.