Group 7-day waking average?

How close were you?
Maybe a few hundred yards away, they were on a hillside and we were on the road at the foot of the hill. I took the picture with a 400mm lens, so it let me zoom right in! The park rangers were there making sure people didn’t get any closer!
What a fabulous photo.
I do have a camera, just a compact as my poor shoulders can’t cope with a huge one. I’ve a Panosonic LUMIX with a 30x zoom. It’s pretty decent for what I need, I like to photograph birds mostly. I’m very new to it having received the camera for my 60th birthday, I’m ashamed to say I’m still on auto! I have a bird thread on off the subject, there’s some half decent photos, but I’m no Simon King!
Ooo, i’ll have to look at that thread! I have a Canon DLSR with a few different lenses, still learning but mainly choose to shoot on aperture priority.
my spell of diabetic smooth sailing has come to an end.... for now.
I feel your pain! I even checked the expiry date on the NR this evening! I’ve never had it go this far out before! Very tiny bit of sore throat so maybe an infection is not helping? Or maybe I have the wrong coloured socks on? Grrrr.

Mine was 6.4 today , today I tested before getting up for the loo ,, is there any right or wrong way, I’m new to this and been having a wee washing hands then testing ?
Being consistent in the routine is a good idea so if that is what suits you then stick with that each time then you are comparing like with like. You are looking for trends from day to day, week to week etc.
Good morning everyone

It sounds a bit stormy out there. Very dark.

However, BG 5.2 yesss. I found it hard to get any blood this morning. No idea why. I'd like a place to live in space please (not necessarily on a planet).
BP elevated
Pulse severe low 54 seems ok for me

Today lots more painting. What gets me is that you always have to do at least 2 coats. Grrrr.

Hopefully a walk later on

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Hope you enjoyed KC, @eggyg - one of my favourite Radio 4 programmes. Annoyingly only available on Sounds for 30 days, not the "over a year" of many of their programmes. Over a month since the end of the last series, so nothing available at the moment.
We did enjoy it thank you. It was very funny whilst being informative. Interesting to see how it worked, they had to stop on occasion to say things again but didn’t go over the hour promised. It will go out on 28th April apparently, you won’t hear me! I got a text yesterday morning asking me to think of some questions regarding the cooking of sausages, and fruit tarts. I couldn’t think of any. Forms were handed out pre show and a few were chosen and the questioners brought to the front and they were asked their questions throughout the show. It’s all well rehearsed, I had, naively, thought we’d shout questions out and it would be all off the cuff. I didn’t know any of the panel, three chefs ( Rachel, Tiss?, she looked about 12, and maybe Rob somebody, and a food historian, Dr Annie Grey she was quite interesting. Glad we got tickets, also met a few friends there which was nice. We all like our food.
Ooo, i’ll have to look at that thread! I have a Canon DLSR with a few different lenses, still learning but mainly choose to shoot on aperture priority.
Mr Eggy is a Nikon man through and through. I can’t remember the numbers on his model D7 something, semi professional apparently! Loads of lenses, tripod, filters blah blah blah. He’s very serious about it all. He’s had a camera ever since I’ve known him, and that’s since we were 15! (47 years). 😱
Morning all. 6.6 today. Been awake since 4.30, up since 5.20am. Mind whirring.

Had a lovely day yesterday, albeit wet, cold and windy, Mr Eggy got his new walking boots, nice late lunch, and an enjoyable evening watching The Kitchen Cabinet being recorded. Today is Operation Holiday Preparation. Lamb Madras, a ragu and a chilli to be made and taken with us. Got one loaf on so far but need another three. Two white ( for me) and two granary for Mr Eggy. Also a little bit of ironing to do, we’re packed apart from one or two things. Tomorrow, cheese and onion pasties, hummus, gingerbread and some short crust pastry so I can make more pasties whilst away. They’re easier to handle whilst we’re on our walks. Taking them all fresh and will freeze them when we get there. Then I’ll Hoover myself out of the door on Saturday morning! :rofl:

Have a great day, it’s still wet, cold and windy here, and well done @Gwynn on your HS. 🙂
5.4 this morning. Tired because I woke early and couldn't get back to sleep. Work today so I'll go in early
@Gwynn will this do? It’s the view from the lounge. No pool unfortunately.

@ColinUK yes that's great. No idea why I like all things to do with space, but I always have and always wanted to be an astronaut. Not to be though.
8.6, still struggling to get these levels down. It’s risen from 7.2 in an hour and a half - thanks Dawn! Going to hit this with some NR now and not have breakfast until I see it coming down into the mid 5s! This has to get itself sorted!

Last day at work this week before our Lake District weekend from tomorrow, so I expect I will be working flat out all day (I was working until 7pm last night from 8am without any breaks just to try and get stuff sorted).

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here...who knows?

It’s not raining! And it’s sunny. Having a day out today cos I’ve been stuck in the house for two days avoiding the rain - I’ve cleaned everything I can be bothered cleaning, now for some ME time. 🙂