Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Woke up late to a 4.2. Need to get breakfast quick!

The sun is shining, the sky is blue. What a lovely day.
6.3 for me. I was going to go for one of my early morning rides, but had a hypo in the middle of the night, so ended up having a lie in.

Baking rosca today, as it is Easter. Rosca is a sweet egg bread, baked as a ring shape, a bit like pain de roi. It is usually given by god parents to their god children on Easter Sunday.

Enjoy your holiday everyone.
Good morning 5.7. Slept in after a night of waking every hour or so for a wee. Hoped for a nice low blood pressure this morning but still 40 points over my usual. GP seems happy enough with it and I am pleased the headache has departed.

Weather lovely this morning - brilliant blue sky. Must take camera out before it changes.

Put in more good work on Wolf's coat yesterday. We are both getting sick of the job and I made a serious mistake in replacing Pedigree Chum gravy bones with Jacks. From his expression the flavour is no recompense for all that brushing. We are now approaching "ground zero" which may necessitate slices of fresh chicken...The way my back feels after each session I think I would like somebody passing me a stream of well buttered hot cross buns. Think I will be wicked and buy a pack so anticipate stratospheric BG tomorrow.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Good morning 5.7. Slept in after a night of waking every hour or so for a wee. Hoped for a nice low blood pressure this morning but still 40 points over my usual. GP seems happy enough with it and I am pleased the headache has departed.

Weather lovely this morning - brilliant blue sky. Must take camera out before it changes.

Put in more good work on Wolf's coat yesterday. We are both getting sick of the job and I made a serious mistake in replacing Pedigree Chum gravy bones with Jacks. From his expression the flavour is no recompense for all that brushing. We are now approaching "ground zero" which may necessitate slices of fresh chicken...The way my back feels after each session I think I would like somebody passing me a stream of well buttered hot cross buns. Think I will be wicked and buy a pack so anticipate stratospheric BG tomorrow.

Have a lovely day everyone.

I have a mini Hot X Bun to have with my breakfast coffee. Only had three cups of tea and a glass of water to flush BG down the drain!
8.2 for me.
Been out to ALDIs and nipped into chemist and they don't have my insulin in until later on. Need to check pens and math to see if i can leave it until after the holiday weekend. Still on industrial doses to keep sorta in check so running out sooner than expected, I'm normally pretty organised in that department.
Did get stuff to make soup :D
Bit knackered after that quick trip (bus/walking) but feel better for going 🙂
6.7 for me this morning and like others have mentioned we too have blue sky and sunshine here which is a treat. Would be nice if it is set for the weekend. Still maintaining the 100% TIR although I had the teeny tiniest dip into the red yesterday, so not quite a unicorn, but clearly not long enough to register 1% over the 7 days. I didn't double check it with a finger prick but I had a bit of a tingly lip, so was probably just around the mid 3s to low 4s. Definitely not a heart pounder one!
Must get myself out there to start loading my trailer with manure. I have gardeners waiting and it looks to be a good gardening day.
Later we will be driving Arthur round the "block" which consists of very rural roads around fields, farms and woodland where we will do about 8 miles on tarmac and if we are unlucky we will perhaps see a max of 4 or 5 cars and all of them with polite drivers. We are so very lucky to have such wonderful back roads for driving horses. Short of being on a private estate, I doubt there is anywhere better in the country.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
And it’s a happy 5.3 for me on this gloriously sunny morning without a hint of a breeze,

Such a good day for power washing the decking in preparation for painting later, might even get in a bike ride later if the weather holds on.

I had a call from my dn on Wednesday with the results of my blood test, my A1c is now 42 which she is happy with so that makes two of us.
5.4. excellent given that I had just a few more carbs than usual at church agape (buffet) supper. When I put estimated amounts (since I don't know the recipes for the things I didn't make) into my app it said that I had my full day's calorie and carb aims for dinner, and I had eaten before. Maybe it was the wine (mostly after I came home, only had half a small glass there as I was driving since it would have been difficult to take two hot dishes by foot... Plus I had a banana box full of leftover bread from Olio to take). Anyway, I am glad Dawn seems to have moved on from my house!

Since it's Good Friday I will be eating one of the hot cross buns I bought on Wednesday for breakfast. But with peanut butter to slow absorption of carbs a bit (and because I like that kind of sweet bread with peanut butter)
Morning all and a lovely day here too!

6.1 on waking. A shocking TIR of 65% over the last 7 days. Still, I have a lot of other things going on healthwise so perhaps it will settle back down when I get sorted.

Might get a walk in. No cooking to do as we will be eating left-over boeuf bourguignonne and some dauphinoise pots I did quite successfully in the air fryer in less than half the time they take in the oven. I do have a pair of jeans to shorten that I bought back in September and haven't worn yet. Meeting friends in the local early evening.

Congratulations to @MrPixels on your HS. I notice you announced it very low key!

@Barrowman you can power wash? Despite what seems like never ending rain we still have a hosepipe ban down here!

Looking forward to @ColinUK posting his CCC.

Whatever you are doing have a happy Good Friday all!
Congrats on your HS @MrPixels !
thanks... Not sure how it came about, poor food choices yesterday as I had to go to London and eat what was available as I had little time to make better choices, not convinced Leon are particularly diabetic aware, but needs must and it was palatable. A long day to, up at 6am, up to London mid afternoon and not back home until 2:30am. Awake again at 6am...
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Jungle Book - Akram Khan Company
Sadlers Wells 6/4/23

Let’s start at the beginning though. No live orchestra.

Curtain up. Empty stage with a skrim hanging right at the front. Projections hit the skrim and

I thought I’d made a mistake of reading reviews before seeing this and therefore going in with preconceived notions of what I’d be watching. That wasn’t the mistake. The mistake was not leaving in the interval.

Let’s start at the beginning though. No live orchestra.
Curtain up. Empty stage with a skrim hanging right at the front. Projections hit the skrim and explain what’s going on.

There’s a boat full of climate change refugees seeking a new start somewhere safe and above the rising water level.
One refugee is thrown from the storm tossed boat into three ocean.

Rescued by whales (don’t ask) she’s then adopted by a wolf pack. They can’t keep her safe and she’s stolen from their camp by a bunch of ex-laboratory monkeys.

The monkeys have designs on usurping mankind’s position in the hierarchy and want the child to teach them how to made fire.

She doesn’t teach them anything and is rescued by a freed Russian dancing bear, Balloo. Then along comes a hunter who just shoots the main animals and that’s it.

Dancing was intense with a highly developed sense of how each animal would move. The issues were the skrim separating the audience and cast and putting in place a barrier to making a true connection.

Plot is muddled and overly complicated.
Stylistically it’s ok but it’s reliant in so many projections and a constant narrative voice over that it doesn’t have enough time given to any character development. It’s even difficult to pick Mowgli out of the cast at times because they’re all similarly costumed.

Not one of my favourites. But it’s nice to be reminded that sometimes we can sit in an audience and wonder what it is that everyone else was watching when you just find it pedestrian at best.